16.07.2017 02:03, Cerem Cem ASLAN пишет:
> A few days ago I tried to copy my backups to another machine by using
> my external hard drive. `btrfs send my-backup | btrfs receive
> /path/to/backup/dir` didn't go right since destination snapshot's
> "Received UUID" does not match with source's "UUID". Here are relevant
> stackoverflow question:
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/377914/how-to-test-if-two-btrfs-snapshots-are-identical
> Is it a bug?

Well, "btrfs send" will use received UUID instead of subvolume UUID if
one exists. I presume intention is to be able to replicate received
subvolume. So A -> B -> C has the same effect as A -> C, making C yet
another copy of A.
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