
I got a raid1 setup of btrfs on a HDD array of 2 disks. The fstab has
the following mount settings:
  # cat /etc/fstab | grep raid1
  UUID=c9db91e6-0ba8-4ae6-b471-8fd4ff7ee72d /media/raid1 btrfs 
rw,relatime,compress=lzo,space_cache 0 0

When I try to mount the array it's consistent about 5 seconds+
  # time umount /media/raid1
  real    0m0.358s
  user    0m0.010s
  sys     0m0.010s
  # time mount /media/raid1
  real    0m5.605s
  user    0m0.504s
  sys     0m0.071s

I have this setup for sometime now and from the time I made it the mount
time went up (I notice that on boot). When I first build that was
almost instant. In terms of maintenance I regularly run a scrub and
rebalance every now and then.

Running kernel 4.11.12 (with -ck patchs)

Is there something I can do to speed it up (apart buying 2 SSDs :D ). I
feel like I'm missing something as the usage of the raid is not really
frequent - just backup mainly.

Thanks for your time.

Leonidas Spyropoulos

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