On 2017-09-08 16:54, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
On 8 September 2017 at 20:06, Austin S. Hemmelgarn <ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
If you don't like awk you can use jq, sed, perl, python, ruby or
whatever you have/like/want.

And which command is more readable?  Something like the above, or:
btrfs device stats --format=json /

How many people you know who are communicating in json or using comma
separated lines of text?
Directly between people? Probably none other than CS students and developers. JSON is one of the few reliably unambiguous ways of representing tables of data in a language agnostic manner while still having them be easily machine parseable (and in fact, many programming languages use a similar format for defining tables).

Indirectly between people? Tens of millions at least. At minimum, almost everyone who uses social media is using JSON.

When dealing with administering a computer? No idea, but at least as many people as use LVM and a number of widely used web application frameworks (and web applications built from them). There is quite a lot of software that uses JSON files for configuration because it's easy to parse and also pretty trivial for most people to understand (and allows for certain particularly useful things that the INI format doesn't).

Maybe it is not obvious but such interface is not for the humans.
But the code communicating using those formats _is_ for humans. One of the most basic rules of software development is to write code that is easily maintainable, which in turn means easily readable. My comment on readability was not about the output, but about the means of generating that output, which humans (more specifically, programmers) _do_ care about.

Put slightly differently, here's a comparison of getting info about device error counters in Python with and without JSON support in btrfs-progs:

Without JSON support (and without any error handling:
import subprocess

raw = subprocess.check_output([
raw = stats.splitlines()
stats = dict()
for i in range(0, len(raw)):
    line = raw[i].split()
    value = int(line[1])
    device = line[0].split('.')[0].lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
    counter = line[0].split('.')[1]
    if not device in stats.keys():
        stats[device] = dict()
    stats[device][counter] = value

With JSON support in btrfs-progs (and also without error handling):
import subprocess
import json

raw = subprocess.check_output([
stats = json.loads(raw)

Notice that the second form is exponentially easier to follow (assuming you already know that json.loads() parses a string as JSON, but if you're working with Python you probably already know that), and will probably run faster too.
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