On 2017-09-14 22:26, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
On 14 September 2017 at 19:53, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
While it's not for BTRFS< a tool called e4rat might be of interest to you
regarding this.  It reorganizes files on an ext4 filesystem so that stuff
used by the boot loader is right at the beginning of the device, and I've
know people to get insane performance improvements (on the order of 20x in
some pathologicallyb ad cases) in the time taken from the BIOS handing
things off to GRUB to GRUB handing execution off to the kernel.

Do you know that what you've just wrote has nothing to do with fragmentation?
Intentionally or not you just trying to change the subject.
As hard as it may be to believe, this _is_ relevant to the part of your reply that I was responding to, namely:

> By how much it is possible to improve boot time?

Note that discussion of file ordering impacting boot times is almost always centered around the boot loader, and _not_ userspace (because as you choose to focus on in changing the subject for the rest of this message, it's trivially possible to improve performance in userspace with some really simple tweaks).

You wanted examples regarding reordering of data in a localized manner improving boot time, so I gave _the_ reference for this on Linux (e4rat is the only publicly available tool I know of that does this).

This shouldn't need examples.  It's trivial math combined with basic
knowledge of hardware behavior.  Every request to a device has a minimum
amount of overhead.  On traditional hard drives, this is usually dominated
by seek latency, but on SSD's, the request setup, dispatch, and completion
are the dominant factor.  Assumign you have a 2 micro-second overhead
per-request (not an exact number, just chosen for demonstration purposes
because it makes the math easy), and a 1GB file, the time difference between
reading ten 100MB extents and reading ten thousand 100kB extents is just
short of 0.02 seconds, or a factor of about one thousand (which, no surprise
here, is the factor of difference between the number of extents).

So to produce few seconds delay during boot you need to make few
hundreds thousands if not millions more IOs  and on reading everything
using ideal long sequential reads.
No, that isn't what I was talking about. Quit taking things out of context and assuming all of someone's reply is about only part of yours.

This was responding solely to this:

> That it may be an issue with using extents.
> Again: please show some results of some test unit which anyone will be
> able to reply and confirm or not that this effect really exist.

And has nothing to do with boot time.

Almost every package upgrade on rewrite some files in 100% will
produce by using COW fully continuous areas per file.
You know .. there is no so many files in typical distribution
installation to produce such measurable impact. > On my current laptop I have a 
lot of devel and debug stuff installed
and still I have only

$ rpm -qal | wc -l

files (from which only small fractions are ELF DSOs or executables)
installed by:

$ rpm -qa | wc -l


I can bet that during even very complicated boot process it will be
touched (by read IOs) only few hundreds files. None of those files
will be read sequentially because this is not how executable content
is usually loaded into the buffer cache. Simple change block device
read ahead may improve boot time enough without putting all blocks in
perfect order. All what you need is start enough early "blockdev
--setra N" where N is greater than default 256 blocks. All this can be
done without thinking about fragmentation.
As I mentioned above, the primary argument for reordering data for boot is largely related to the boot-loader, which doesn't have intelligent I/O scheduling and doesn't do read ahead, and is primarily about usage with traditional hard drives, where seek latency caused by lack of data locality actually does have a significant (and well documented) impact.

Seems you don't know that Linux by default is reading data from block
dev using at least 256 blocks (1KB each one) chunks because such IO
size is part of default RA settings, You can change those settings
just for boot time and you will have way lower number of IOs and sill
no significant improvement like few times shorter time. Fragmentation
will be in such case secondary factor.
All this could be done without bothering about fragmentation.
The block-level read-ahead done by the kernel has near zero impact on performance unless your data is already highly local (not necessarily ordered, but at least all in the same place), which will almost never be the case on BTRFS when dealing with an active data set because of its copy on write semantics.

In other words still you are talking about some institutionally
possible results which will be falsified if you will try at least one
time do some real tests and measurements.
Last time when I've been doing some boot time measurements it was
about using sequential start of all services vs. maximum
palatalization. And yes by this it was possible to improve boot time
by few times. All without bothering about fragmentation.

Current fedora systemd base services definition can be improved in
many places by add more dependencies and execute many small services
in parallel. All those corrections can be done without even thinking
about fragmentation. Because these base sett of systemd services comes
with systemd source code those improvements can be done for almost all
Linux systemd based distros.
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