Am Wed, 20 Sep 2017 07:46:52 -0400
schrieb "Austin S. Hemmelgarn" <>:

> >      Fragmentation: Files with a lot of random writes can become
> > heavily fragmented (10000+ extents) causing excessive multi-second
> > spikes of CPU load on systems with an SSD or large amount a RAM. On
> > desktops this primarily affects application databases (including
> > Firefox). Workarounds include manually defragmenting your home
> > directory using btrfs fi defragment. Auto-defragment (mount option
> > autodefrag) should solve this problem.
> > 
> > Upon reading that I am wondering if fragmentation in the Firefox
> > profile is part of my issue. That's one thing I never tested
> > previously. (BTW, this system has 256 GB of RAM and 20 cores.)  
> Almost certainly.  Most modern web browsers are brain-dead and insist
> on using SQLite databases (or traditional DB files) for everything, 
> including the cache, and the usage for the cache in particular kills 
> performance when fragmentation is an issue.

At least in Chrome, you can turn on simple cache backend, which, I
think, is using many small instead of one huge file. This suit btrfs
much better:


And then I suggest also doing this (as your login user):

$ cd $HOME
$ mv .cache .cache.old
$ mkdir .cache
$ lsattr +C .cache
$ rsync -av .cache.old/ .cache/
$ rm -Rf .cache.old

This makes caches for most applications nocow. Chrome performance was
completely fixed for me by doing this.

I'm not sure where Firefox puts its cache, I only use it on very rare
occasions. But I think it's going to .cache/mozilla last time looked
at it.

You may want to close all apps before converting the cache directory.

Also, I don't see any downsides in making this nocow. That directory
could easily be also completely volatile. If something breaks due to no
longer protected by data csum, just clean it out.


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