Hi there,

My /mnt/raid1 suddenly became full somewhat expectedly, so I bought 2
new USB 4TB hard drives (one WD, one Seagate) to upgrade to.

After adding sde and sdd I started to see errors in dmesg [2].
[2] https://s.natalian.org/2017-10-07/btrfs-errors.txt

I assumed it had to perhaps with the USB bus on my NUC5CPYB being maxed
out, and to expedite the sync, I tried to remove one of the older 2TB
sdc1.  However the load went crazy and my system went completely
unstable. I shutdown the machine and after an hour I hard powered it
down since it seemed to hang (it's headless).

Sidenote: I've since learnt that removing a drive actually deletes the
contents of the drive? I don't want that. I was hoping to put that drive
into cold storage. How do I remove a drive without losing data from a
RAID1 configuration?

After a reboot it failed, namely because "nofail" wasn't in my fstab and
systemd is pedantic by default. After managing to get it booting into my
system without /mnt/raid1 I faced these "open ctree failed" issues. 
After running btrfs check on all the drives and getting nowhere, I
decided to unplug the new drives and I discovered that when I take out
the new 4TB WD drive, I could mount it with -o degraded.

dmesg errors with the WD include "My Passport" Wrong diagnostic page;
asked for 1 got 8 "Failed to get diagnostic page 0xffffffea" which
raised my suspicions. The model number btw is WDBYFT0040BYI-WESN

Anyway, I'm back up and running with 2x2TB  (one of them didn't finish
removing, I don't know which) & 1x4TB.

[1] https://s.natalian.org/2017-10-08/usb-btrfs.txt

I've decided to send the WD back for a refund. I've decided I want keep
the 2x2TB and RAID1 with the new 1x4TB disk. So 4TB total. btrfs
complains now of "Some devices missing" [1]. How do I fix this

Any tips how to name this individual disks? hdparm -I isn't a lot to go

[hendry@nuc ~]$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb1 | grep Model
        Model Number:       ST4000LM024-2AN17V
[hendry@nuc ~]$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdc1 | grep Model
        Model Number:       ST2000LM003 HN-M201RAD
[hendry@nuc ~]$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdd1 | grep Model
        Model Number:       ST2000LM005 HN-M201AAD

Ok, thanks. Hope you can guide me,
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