On 2017-10-31 08:40, Lentes, Bernd wrote:

----- Am 26. Okt 2017 um 15:32 schrieb Austin S. Hemmelgarn 

As previously mentioned on the list, I've written up a script to back up
BTRFS subvolume structures in regular file-based backups.  As of right
now, it's still a bit rough around the edges, but it's cleaned up enough
that I consider it of at least beta quality, and therefore fit for more
general testing (and possibly usage).   Aside from the issues and
limitations listed below in the README, error checking is still somewhat
lacking, and I plan to remedy that in the near future.

The script itself can be found here:

Here's the official README, as that already covers pretty much
everything else I would put in this e-mail:

# btrfs-subv-backup v0.1b
btrfs-subv-backup is a tool for recording the layout of subvolumes on
a mounted BTRFS filesystem in a way that can be stored in a regular
file-based backup (for example, using tar).  It originated out of a lack
of such existing tools, and is intended to be as portable as reasonably
possible.  As a result, it depends on nothing beyond a working
installation of Python version 3.4 or higher.

btrfs-subv-backup is licensed under a BSD-style license, check the
LICENSE file or the docstring for more information.

### Usage
Usage is extremely simple.  To generate a backup of a given mount
point, run:

`btrfs-subv-backup.py /path`

This will create a file called `.btrfs-subv-backup.json` in the root of
the mount point, make sure that gets included in any backups you run of
the mount point.

To restore the subvolumes in a filesystem after you've extracted a backup
of the mount point, run:

`btrfs-subv-backup.py --restore /path`

This will recreate the subvolume structure.

If you need to manually recreate the subvolumes, you can find a list
of them in the aforementioned JSON file under the 'subvolumes' key (the
other keys store info about the filesystem itself to make it easier to
figure out what it was).

### Limitations and Known Issues
* We don't store information about reflinks.  This means in particular
that snapshot relationships __ARE NOT__ saved.  There is currently no
way to store this data reliably short of a block-level backup, which
has it's own special issues.
* Subvolumes with spaces in their name are not supported.
* There is currently no indication of progress.
* The restoration process may take a long time, and may use a very large
amount of disk space.  Ideally this should be fixed, but I'm not sure
of any way to do so while keeping things on-line.
* The current restoration process is all-or-nothing, things are not
correctly handled if some of the subvolumes have already been restored
(although btrfs-subv-backup will clean up the temporary subvolumes it
creates during the restore if the restore fails).  This should be pretty
easy to fix, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
* btrfs-subv-backup won't cross actual mount points, which means it
won't recurse into explicitly mounted subvolumes.  This makes usage a
bit more complicated on some distributions (such as SLES and OpenSUSE),
but greatly simplifies the code.

Hi Austin,

thanks for your effort. What are the minimum prerequesties for kernel and 
btrfsprogs for that script ?
Do you think it will run on my old SLES 11 SP4 ?
Dependency-wise, it needs:

kernel: Should work with any kernel version that has BTRFS support, untested on kernels before 4.10, but I'm fairly confident that it should work on just about anything. If there's going to be a failure due to kernel version, it should happen when saving the subvolume information, so you should be safe checking this (especially since the script doesn't write anything when saving the info until the very end, and doesn't use any write capable ioctls when fetching the info).

btrfs-progs: Only uses the subvolume list, create, and delete commands, and the only one which may have changed significantly in the past few years is the list command. I've only tested it with btrfs-progs 4.10.2 and newer, but I expect it should work with any of them at least since the change to matching kernel versions. You can quickly check this by making sure the output of `btrfs subvolume list` looks like this:

    ID 257 gen 769304 top level 5 path root

What matters there is the number of words between each number, as the parsing code is pretty naive.

util-linux: We use blkid to get the filesystem label and UUID so that it's more evident in the file what filesystem it's for (in case you decide to stroe them separately), but as far as I know the relevant command-line options haven't changed in at least half a decade, so any reasonably recent version should work fine (tested with util-linux 2.31). As the script is currently, this will cause it to throw an exception if it doesn't work, but that will happen before it does almost anything else, so it should still fail safe.

Python: btrfs-subv-backup requires Python 3. I've only tested it on 3.4 and 3.6, but I'm pretty sure it should work on most versions back to at least 3.2. Of the dependencies, this is the one I'd expect to be the most likely possible issue on older distros, but you likely have a new enough version already given the kernel build date shown below. If this doesn't work, you will get syntax errors (specifically around the error handlers).

I've been slowly updating things to improve the script too, I'll make sure to get this info into the README before I post the most recent version.

ha-idg-1:~ # rpm -qa|grep -i btrfs

ha-idg-1:~ # uname -a
Linux ha-idg-1 3.0.101-100-default #1 SMP Tue Apr 18 22:46:01 UTC 2017 
(ce95309) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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