On Thu, 2017-11-02 at 19:16 +0300, Marat Khalili wrote:
> > Could somebody among developers please elaborate on this issue - is
> checking quota going always to be done by root? If so - btrfs might be
> a no-go for our use case...
> Not a developer, but sysadmin here: what prevents you from either
> creating suid executable for this or configuring sudoers to let users
> call specific commands they need?

1. If designers have decided to limit access to that info only to root -
they must have their reasons to do so, and letting everybody do that is
probably contrary to those reasons.

2. I want to limit access to sftp, so there will be no custom commands
to execute...

3. sftp clients (especially those for windows) can determine quota - and
they do it probably in some standard way - which doesn't seem to be
compatible with btrfs...

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