On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 6:51 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This brings to mind another 'feature' of BTRFS that I came across recently,
> namely that subvolumes that aren't explicitly mounted still show up as mount
> points according to how most CLI tools differentiate what's a mount point.
> In particular, the st_dev field in stat() results for the subvolume differs
> from the containing directory, and the f_fsid field in statvfs() results for
> the subvolume differs from the containing directory (a side effect of the
> differing st_dev field, which is part of what's used to calculate f_fsid on
> Linux), which means the only way to know if something actually is a mount
> point is to make this check, and then verify it in /proc/mounts or
> /proc/self/mountinfo.
> That particular 'feature' means that GNU find, xargs, and du will never
> cross subvolume boundaries if you tell them to stay on one filesystem, and
> some other tools may misidentify where things are mounted.

Elsewhere I brought up that mountinfo gives bogus subvol= information
that conflicts with the subvolid= information, when doing bind mounts
of directories on Btrfs. Trivially reproduced in my home directory:

[chris@f26h ~]$ mkdir directory1
[chris@f26h ~]$ mkdir directory2
[chris@f26h ~]$ sudo mount -B directory2 directory1
[chris@f26h ~]$ mount:
/dev/nvme0n1p8 on /home type btrfs
/dev/nvme0n1p8 on /home/chris/directory1 type btrfs

The first mount item is correct, there is a subvolume home with
subvolume ID of 257, mounted at /home.
The second mount item considers directory2 a subvolume (wrong), with
subvolid 257 (kinda right, it's on subvolid 257, but kinda wrong, it
is not itself a subvolume).

Chris Murphy
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