OK this might be in the stupid questions category, but I'm not
understanding the purpose of computing hash collisions with -ss. Or
more correctly, why it's taking so much longer than -s.

It seems like what we'd want is every filename to have the same hash,
but for the file to go through a PBKDF so the hashes we get aren't
(easily) brute forced. So I totally understand that -ss should take
much longer than -s, but this is at least two orders magnitude longer
(so far). That's why I'm confused.

-s option on this file system took 5 minutes, start to finish.
-ss option is at 8 hours and counting.

The other part I'm not groking is that some filenames fail with:

WARNING: cannot find a hash collision for 'Tool', generating garbage,
it won't match indexes

So? That seems like an undesirable outcome. And if it were just being
pushed through a PBKDF function, it wouldn't fail. Every
file/directory "Tool" would get the same hash on *this* run of
btrs-image. If I run it again, or someone else runs it, they'd get
some other hash (same hashes for each instance of "Tool" on their

Chris Murphy
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