On 2017-12-18 17:01, Peter Grandi wrote:
The fact is, the only cases where this is really an issue is
if you've either got intermittently bad hardware, or are
dealing with external

Well, the RAID1+ is all about the failing hardware.

storage devices. For the majority of people who are using
multi-device setups, the common case is internally connected
fixed storage devices with properly working hardware, and for
that use case, it works perfectly fine.

If you're talking about "RAID"-0 or storage pools (volume
management) that is true. But if you imply, that RAID1+ "works
perfectly fine as long as hardware works fine" this is
fundamentally wrong.

I really agree with this, the argument about "properly working
hardware" is utterly ridiculous. I'll to this: apparently I am
not the first one to discover the "anomalies" in the "RAID"
profiles, but I may have been the first to document some of
them, e.g. the famous issues with the 'raid1' profile. How did I
discover them? Well, I had used Btrfs in single device mode for
a bit, and wanted to try multi-device, and the docs seemed
"strange", so I did tests before trying it out.

The tests were simply on a spare PC with a bunch of old disks to
create two block devices (partitions), put them in 'raid1' first
natively, then by adding a new member to an existing partition,
and then 'remove' one, or simply unplug it (actually 'echo 1 >
/sys/block/.../device/delete') initially. I wanted to check
exactly what happened, resync times, speed, behaviour and speed
when degraded, just ordinary operational tasks.

Well I found significant problems after less than one hour. I
can't imagine anyone with some experience of hw or sw RAID
(especially hw RAID, as hw RAID firmware is often fantastically
buggy especially as to RAID operations) that wouldn't have done
the same tests before operational use, and would not have found
the same issues too straight away. The only guess I could draw
is that whover designed the "RAID" profile had zero operational
system administration experience.
Or possibly that you didn't read the documentation thoroughly at all, which any reasonable system administrator would do before even starting to test something. Unless you were doing stupid stuff like running for extended periods of time with half an array or not trying at all to repair things after the device reappeared, then none of what you described should have caused any issues.

If the hardware needs to work properly for the RAID to work
properly, noone would need this RAID in the first place.

It is not just that, but some maintenance operations are needed
even if the hardware works properly: for example preventive
maintenance, replacing drives that are becoming too old,
expanding capacity, testing periodically hardware bits. Systems
engineers don't just say "it works, let's assume it continues to
work properly, why worry".
Really?  So replacing hard drives just doesn't work on BTRFS?


Then that means that all the testing I do regularly of reshaping arrays and replacing devices that is consistently working (except for raid5 and raid6, but those have other issues too right now) must be a complete fluke. I guess I have to go check my hardware and the QEMU sources to figure out how those are broken such that all of this is working successfully...

Seriously though, did you even _test_ replacing devices using the procedures described in the documentation, or did you just see that things didn't work in the couple of cases you thought were most important and assume nothing else worked?

My impression is that multi-device and "chunks" were designed in
one way by someone, and someone else did not understand the
intent, and confused them with "RAID", and based the 'raid'
profiles on that confusion. For example the 'raid10' profile
seems the least confused to me, and that's I think because the
"RAID" aspect is kept more distinct from the "multi-device"
aspect. But perhaps I am an optimist...
Then names were a stupid choice intended to convey the basic behavior in a way that idiots who have no business being sysadmins could understand (and yes, the raid1 profiles do behave as someone with a naive understanding of RAID1 as simple replication would expect). Unfortunately, we're stuck with them now, and there's no point in complaining beyond just acknowledging that the names were a poor choice.

To simplify a longer discussion to have "RAID" one needs an
explicit design concept of "stripe", which in Btrfs needs to be
quite different from that of "set of member devices" and
"chunks", so that for example adding/removing to a "stripe" is
not quite the same thing as adding/removing members to a volume,
plus to make a distinction between online and offline members,
not just added and removed ones, and well-defined state machine
transitions (e.g. in response to hardware problems) among all
those, like in MD RAID. But the importance of such distinctions
may not be apparent to everybody.
Or maybe people are sensible and don't care about such distinctions as long as things work within the defined parameters? It's only engineers and scientists that care about how and why (or stuffy bureaucrats who want control over things). Regular users, and even some developers don't care about the exact implementation provided it works how they need it to work.

[Obviously intentionally inflammatory comment removed]
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