Sebastian Ochmann posted on Sun, 21 Jan 2018 16:27:55 +0100 as excerpted:

> On 21.01.2018 11:04, Qu Wenruo wrote:
>> On 2018年01月20日 18:47, Sebastian Ochmann wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to describe a real-world use case where btrfs does not
>>> perform well for me. I'm recording 60 fps, larger-than-1080p video
>>> using OBS Studio [1] where it is important that the video stream is
>>> encoded and written out to disk in real-time for a prolonged period of
>>> time (2-5 hours). The result is a H264 video encoded on the GPU with a
>>> data rate ranging from approximately 10-50 MB/s.
>>> The hardware used is powerful enough to handle this task. When I use a
>>> XFS volume for recording, no matter whether it's a SSD or HDD, the
>>> recording is smooth and no frame drops are reported (OBS has a nice
>>> Stats window where it shows the number of frames dropped due to
>>> encoding lag which seemingly also includes writing the data out to
>>> disk).
>>> However, when using a btrfs volume I quickly observe severe, periodic
>>> frame drops. It's not single frames but larger chunks of frames that a
>>> dropped at a time. I tried mounting the volume with nobarrier but to
>>> no avail.
>> What's the drop internal? Something near 30s?
>> If so, try mount option commit=300 to see if it helps.
> Thank you for your reply. I observed the interval more closely and it
> shows that the first, quite small drop occurs about 10 seconds after
> starting the recording (some initial metadata being written?). After
> that, the interval is indeed about 30 seconds with large drops each
> time.
> Thus I tried setting the commit option to different values. I confirmed
> that the setting was activated by looking at the options "mount" shows
> (see below). However, no matter whether I set the commit interval to
> 300, 60 or 10 seconds, the results were always similar. About every 30
> seconds the drive shows activity for a few seconds and the drop occurs
> shortly thereafter. It almost seems like the commit setting doesn't have
> any effect. By the way, the machine I'm currently testing on has 64 GB
> of RAM so it should have plenty of room for caching.

64 GB RAM...

Do you know about the /proc/sys/vm/dirty_* files and how to use/tweak 
them?  If not, read $KERNDIR/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt, focusing on 
these files.

These tunables control the amount of writeback cache that is allowed to 
accumulate before the system starts flushing it.  The problem is that the 
defaults for these tunables were selected back when system memory 
normally measured in the MiB, not the GiB of today, so the default ratios 
allow too much dirty data to accumulate before attempting to flush it to 
storage, resulting in flush storms that hog the available IO and starve 
other tasks that might be trying to use it.

The fix is to tweak these settings to try to smooth things out, starting 
background flush earlier, so with a bit of luck the system never hits 
high priority foreground flush mode, or if it does there's not so much to 
be written as much of it has already been done in the background.

There are five files, two pairs of files, one pair controlling foreground 
sizes, the other background, and one file setting the time limit.  The 
sizes can be set by either ratio, percentage of RAM, or bytes, with the 
other appearing as zero when read.

To set these temporarily you write to the appropriate file.  Once you 
have a setting that works well for you, write it to your distro's sysctl 
configuration (/etc/sysctl.conf or /etc/sysctrl.d/*.conf, usually), and 
it should be automatically applied at boot for you.

Here's the settings in my /etc/sysctl.conf, complete with notes about the 
defaults and the values I've chosen for my 16G of RAM.  Note that while I 
have fast ssds now, I set these values back when I had spinning rust.  I 
was happy with them then, and while I shouldn't really need the settings 
on my ssds, I've seen no reason to change them.

At 16G, 1% ~ 160M.  At 64G, it'd be four times larger, 640M, likely too 
chunky a granularity to be useful, so you'll probably want to set the 
bytes value instead of ratio.

# write-cache, foreground/background flushing
# vm.dirty_ratio = 10 (% of RAM)
# make it 3% of 16G ~ half a gig
vm.dirty_ratio = 3
# vm.dirty_bytes = 0

# vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5 (% of RAM)
# make it 1% of 16G ~ 160 M
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 1
# vm.dirty_background_bytes = 0

# vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 2999 (30 sec)
# vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 499 (5 sec)
# make it 10 sec
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 1000

Now the other factor in the picture is how fast your actual hardware can 
write.  hdparm's -t parameter tests sequential write speed and can give 
you some idea.  You'll need to run it as root:

hdparm -t /dev/sda

 Timing buffered disk reads: 1578 MB in  3.00 seconds = 525.73 MB/sec

... Like I said, fast ssd...  I believe fast modern spinning rust should 
be 100 MB/sec or so, tho slower devices may only do 30 MB/sec, likely too 
slow for your reported 10-50 MB/sec stream, tho you say yours should be 
fast enough as it's fine with xfs.

Now here's the problem.  As Qu mentions elsewhere on-thread, 30 seconds 
of your 10-50 MB/sec stream is 300-1500 MiB.  Say your available device 
IO bandwidth is 100 MiB/sec.  That should be fine.  But the default 
dirty_* settings allow 5% of RAM in dirty writeback cache before even 
starting low priority background flush, while it won't kick to high 
priority until 10% of RAM or 30 seconds, whichever comes first.

And at 64 GiB RAM, 1% is as I said, about 640 MiB, so 10% is 6.4 GB dirty 
before it kicks to high priority, and 3.2 GB is the 5% accumulation 
before it even starts low priority background writing.  That's assuming 
the 30 second timeout hasn't expired yet, of course.

But as we established above the write stream maxes out at ~1.5 GiB in 30 
seconds, and that's well below the ~3.2 GiB @ 64 GiB RAM that would kick 
in even low priority background writeback!

So at the defaults, the background writeback never kicks in at all, until 
the 30 second timeout expires, forcing immediate high priority foreground 

Meanwhile, the way the kernel handles /background/ writeback flushing is 
that it will take the opportunity to writeback what it can while the 
device is idle.  But as we've just established, background never kicks in.

So then the timeout expires and the kernel kicks in high priority 
foreground writeback.

And the kernel handles foreground writeback *MUCH* differently!  
Basically, it stops anything attempting to dirty more writeback cache 
until it can write the dirty cache out.  And it charges the time it 
spends doing just that to the thread it stopped in ordered to do that 
high priority writeback! 

Now as designed this should work well, and it does when the dirty_* 
values are set correctly, because any process that's trying to dirty the 
writeback cache faster than it can be written out, thus kicking in 
foreground mode, gets stopped until the data can be written out, thus 
preventing it from dirtying even MORE cache faster than the system can 
handle it, which in /theory/ is what kicked it into high priority 
foreground mode in the /first/ place.

But as I said, the default ratios were selected when memory was far 
smaller.  With half a gig of RAM, the default 5% to kick in background 
mode would be only ~25 MiB, easily writable within a second on modern 
devices and back then, still writable within say 5-10 seconds.  And if it 
ever reached foreground mode, that would still be only 50 MiB worth, and 
it would still complete in well under the 30 seconds before the next 

But with modern RAM levels, my 16 GiB to some extent and your 64 GiB is 
even worse, as we've seen, even our max ~1500 MiB doesn't kick in 
background writeback mode, so the stuff just sits there until it expires 
and then it get slammed into high priority foreground mode, stopping your 
streaming until it has a chance to write some of that dirty data out.

And at our assumed 100 MiB/sec IO bandwidth, that 300-1500 MiB is going 
to take 3-15 seconds to write out, well within the 30 seconds before the 
next expiry, but for a time-critical streaming app, stopping it even the 
minimal 3 seconds is very likely to drop frames!

So try setting something a bit more reasonable and see if it helps.  That 
1% ratio at 16 GiB RAM for ~160 MB was fine for me, but I'm not doing 
critical streaming, and at 64 GiB you're looking at ~640 MB per 1%, as I 
said, too chunky.  For streaming, I'd suggest something approaching the 
value of your per-second IO bandwidth, we're assuming 100 MB/sec here so 
100 MiB but let's round that up to a nice binary 128 MiB, for the 
background value, perhaps half a GiB or 5 seconds worth of writeback time 
for foreground, 4 times the background value.  So:

vm.dirty_background_bytes = 134217728   # 128*1024*1024, 128 MiB
vm.dirty_bytes = 536870912              # 512*1024*1024, 512 MiB

As mentioned, try writing those values directly into /proc/sys/vm/
dirty_background_bytes and dirty_bytes , first, to see if it helps.  If 
my guess is correct, that should vastly improve the situation for you.  
If it does but not quite enough or you just want to try tweaking some 
more, you can tweak it from there, but those are reasonable starting 
values and really should work far better than the default 5% and 10% of 
RAM with 64 GiB of it!

Other things to try tweaking include the IO scheduler -- the default is 
the venerable CFQ but deadline may well be better for a streaming use-
case, and now there's the new multi-queue stuff and the multi-queue kyber 
and bfq schedulers, as well -- and setting IO priority -- probably by 
increasing the IO priority of the streaming app.  The tool to use for the 
latter is called ionice.  Do note, however, that not all schedulers 
implement IO priorities.  CFQ does, but while I think deadline should 
work better for the streaming use-case, it's simpler code and I don't 
believe it implements IO priority.  Similarly for multi-queue, I'd guess 
the low-code-designed-for-fast-direct-PCIE-connected-SSD kyber doesn't 
implement IO priorities, while the more complex and general purpose 
suitable-for-spinning-rust bfq /might/ implement IO priorities.

But I know less about that stuff and it's googlable, should you decide to 
try playing with it too.  I know what the dirty_* stuff does from 
personal experience. =:^)

And to tie up a loose end, xfs has somewhat different design principles 
and may well not be particularly sensitive to the dirty_* settings, while 
btrfs, due to COW and other design choices, is likely more sensitive to 
them than the widely used ext* and reiserfs (my old choice and the basis 
of my own settings, above).

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