On 02/15/2018 02:42 AM, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> On 2018年02月15日 01:08, Nikolay Borisov wrote:
>> On 14.02.2018 18:00, Ellis H. Wilson III wrote:
>>> Hi again -- back with a few more questions:
>>> Frame-of-reference here: RAID0.  Around 70TB raw capacity.  No
>>> compression.  No quotas enabled.  Many (potentially tens to hundreds) of
>>> subvolumes, each with tens of snapshots.  No control over size or number
>>> of files, but directory tree (entries per dir and general tree depth)
>>> can be controlled in case that's helpful).
>>> 1. I've been reading up about the space cache, and it appears there is a
>>> v2 of it called the free space tree that is much friendlier to large
>>> filesystems such as the one I am designing for.  It is listed as OK/OK
>>> on the wiki status page, but there is a note that btrfs progs treats it
>>> as read only (i.e., btrfs check repair cannot help me without a full
>>> space cache rebuild is my biggest concern) and the last status update on
>>> this I can find was circa fall 2016.  Can anybody give me an updated
>>> status on this feature?  From what I read, v1 and tens of TB filesystems
>>> will not play well together, so I'm inclined to dig into this.
>> V1 for large filesystems is jut awful. Facebook have been experiencing
>> the pain hence they implemented v2. You can view the spacecache tree as
>> the complement version of the extent tree. v1 cache is implemented as a
>> hidden inode and even though writes (aka flushing of the freespace
>> cache) are metadata they are essentially treated as data. This could
>> potentially lead to priority inversions if cgroups io controller is
>> involved.
>> Furthermore, there is at least 1 known deadlock problem in freespace
>> cache v1. So yes, if you want to use btrfs ona multi-tb system v2 is
>> really the way to go.
>>> 2. There's another thread on-going about mount delays.  I've been
>>> completely blind to this specific problem until it caught my eye.  Does
>>> anyone have ballpark estimates for how long very large HDD-based
>>> filesystems will take to mount?  Yes, I know it will depend on the
>>> dataset.  I'm looking for O() worst-case approximations for
>>> enterprise-grade large drives (12/14TB), as I expect it should scale
>>> with multiple drives so approximating for a single drive should be good
>>> enough.
>>> 3. Do long mount delays relate to space_cache v1 vs v2 (I would guess
>>> no, unless it needed to be regenerated)?
>> No, the long mount times seems to be due to the fact that in order for a
>> btrfs filesystem to mount it needs to enumerate its block_groups items
>> and those are stored in the extent tree, which also holds all of the
>> information pertaining to allocated extents. So mixing those
>> data structures in the same tree and the fact that blockgroups are
>> iterated linearly during mount (check btrfs_read_block_groups) means on
>> spinning rust with shitty seek times this can take a while.
> And, space cache is not loaded at mount time.
> It's delayed until we determine to allocate extent from one block group.
> So space cache is completely unrelated to long mount time.
>> However, this will really depend on the amount of extents you have and
>> having taken a look at the thread you referred to it seems there is not
>> clear-cut reason why mounting is taking so long on that particular
>> occasion .
> Just as said by Nikolay, the biggest problem of slow mount is the size
> of extent tree (and HDD seek time)
> The easiest way to get a basic idea of how large your extent tree is
> using debug tree:
> # btrfs-debug-tree -r -t extent <device>
> You would get something like:
> btrfs-progs v4.15
> extent tree key (EXTENT_TREE ROOT_ITEM 0) 30539776 level 0  <<<
> total bytes 10737418240
> bytes used 393216
> uuid 651fcf0c-0ffd-4351-9721-84b1615f02e0
> That level is would give you some basic idea of the size of your extent
> tree.
> For level 0, it could contains about 400 items for average.
> For level 1, it could contains up to 197K items.
> ...
> For leven n, it could contains up to 400 * 493 ^ (n - 1) items.
> ( n <= 7 )

Another one to get that data:


Example, with amount of leaves on level 0 and nodes higher up:

-# ./show_metadata_tree_sizes.py /
ROOT_TREE         336.00KiB 0(    20) 1(     1)
EXTENT_TREE       123.52MiB 0(  7876) 1(    28) 2(     1)
CHUNK_TREE        112.00KiB 0(     6) 1(     1)
DEV_TREE           80.00KiB 0(     4) 1(     1)
FS_TREE          1016.34MiB 0( 64113) 1(   881) 2(    52)
CSUM_TREE         777.42MiB 0( 49571) 1(   183) 2(     1)
QUOTA_TREE            0.00B
UUID_TREE          16.00KiB 0(     1)
FREE_SPACE_TREE   336.00KiB 0(    20) 1(     1)
DATA_RELOC_TREE    16.00KiB 0(     1)

> Thanks,
> Qu
>>> Note that I'm not sensitive to multi-second mount delays.  I am
>>> sensitive to multi-minute mount delays, hence why I'm bringing this up.
>>> FWIW: I am currently populating a machine we have with 6TB drives in it
>>> with real-world home dir data to see if I can replicate the mount issue.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ellis
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