>First of all, the ssd mount option does not have anything to do with
having single or DUP metadata.

Sorry about that, I agree with you. -nossd would not help in
increasing reliability in any way. One alternative would be to format
and force duplication of metadata during filesystem creation on SSD.
but again, as you described, there is the likelihood of consecutive
writes of original and copy of the metadata going to the same cell,
which may not end up giving us good reliability.

>Also, instead of physically damaging flash cells inside your SSD, you
are writing data to a perfectly working one. This is a different failure

By writing data to a working SSD, I am emulating byte and block
corruptions, which is valid failure scenario. In this case, read
operation on SSD would take place successfully (no EIO from device),
but internally, the blocks read would be corrupted. Here, btrfs
detects cksum failures, tries to correct them using scrubber, but
fails to do so for SSD.

For the scenario of physically damaged flash cells that you mentioned,
I am currently performing experiments where I inject -EIO at places
where btrfs tries reading or writing a block. this is to see how btrfs
handles a failed block access to a damaged cell. Would that cover the
failure scenario you described? If not, could you elaborate on other
alternatives to emulate physically damaged flash cells?

> In any case, using DUP instead of single obviously increases the chance
of recovery in case of failures that corrupt one copy of the data when
it's travelling between system memory and disk, while you're sending two
of them right after each other, so you're totally right that it's better
to enable

yes, DUP is better than single, however, as you pointed correctly, it
may not be the perfect solution to the problem.

On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 10:18 AM, Hans van Kranenburg
<hans.van.kranenb...@mendix.com> wrote:
> On 02/17/2018 05:34 AM, Shehbaz Jaffer wrote:
>>> It's hosted on an EBS volume; we don't use ephemeral storage at all. The 
>>> EBS volumes are all SSD
>> I have recently done some SSD corruption experiments on small set of
>> workloads, so I thought I would share my experience.
>> While creating btrfs using mkfs.btrfs command for SSDs, by default the
>> metadata duplication option is disabled. this renders btrfs-scrubbing
>> ineffective, as there are no redundant metadata to restore corrupted
>> metadata from.
>> So if there are any errors during read operation on SSD, unlike HDD
>> where the corruptions would be handled by btrfs scrub on the fly while
>> detecting checksum error, for SSD the read would fail as uncorrectable
>> error.
> First of all, the ssd mount option does not have anything to do with
> having single or DUP metadata.
> Well, both the things that happen by default (mkfs using single, mount
> enabling the ssd option) are happening because of the lookup result on
> the rotational flag, but that's all.
>> Could you confirm if metadata DUP is enabled for your system by
>> running the following cmd:
>> $btrfs fi df /mnt # mount is the mount point
>> Data, single: total=8.00MiB, used=64.00KiB
>> System, single: total=4.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
>> Metadata, single: total=168.00MiB, used=112.00KiB
>> GlobalReserve, single: total=16.00MiB, used=0.00B
>> If metadata is single in your case as well (and not DUP), that may be
>> the problem for btrfs-scrub not working effectively on the fly
>> (mid-stream bit-rot correction), causing reliability issues. A couple
>> of such bugs that are observed specifically for SSDs is reported here:
>> https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198463
>> https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198807
> Here you show that when you have 'single' metadata, there's no copy to
> recover from. This is expected.
> Also, instead of physically damaging flash cells inside your SSD, you
> are writing data to a perfectly working one. This is a different failure
> scenario.
> One of the reasons to turn off DUP for metadata by default on SSD is
> (from man mkfs.btrfs):
>     "The controllers may put data written in a short timespan into the
> same physical storage unit (cell, block etc). In case this unit dies,
> both copies are lost. BTRFS does not add any artificial delay between
> metadata writes." .. "The traditional rotational hard drives usually
> fail at the sector level."
> And, of course, in case of EBS, you don't have any idea at all where the
> data actually ends up, since it's talking to a black box service, and
> not an SSD.
> In any case, using DUP instead of single obviously increases the chance
> of recovery in case of failures that corrupt one copy of the data when
> it's travelling between system memory and disk, while you're sending two
> of them right after each other, so you're totally right that it's better
> to enable.
>> These do not occur for HDD, and I believe should not occur when
>> filesystem is mounted with nossd mode.
> So to reiterate, mounting nossd does not make your metadata writes DUP.
>> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:03 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
>>> Austin S. Hemmelgarn posted on Fri, 16 Feb 2018 14:44:07 -0500 as
>>> excerpted:
>>>> This will probably sound like an odd question, but does BTRFS think your
>>>> storage devices are SSD's or not?  Based on what you're saying, it
>>>> sounds like you're running into issues resulting from the
>>>> over-aggressive SSD 'optimizations' that were done by BTRFS until very
>>>> recently.
>>>> You can verify if this is what's causing your problems or not by either
>>>> upgrading to a recent mainline kernel version (I know the changes are in
>>>> 4.15, I don't remember for certain if they're in 4.14 or not, but I
>>>> think they are), or by adding 'nossd' to your mount options, and then
>>>> seeing if you still have the problems or not (I suspect this is only
>>>> part of it, and thus changing this will reduce the issues, but not
>>>> completely eliminate them).  Make sure and run a full balance after
>>>> changing either item, as the aforementioned 'optimizations' have an
>>>> impact on how data is organized on-disk (which is ultimately what causes
>>>> the issues), so they will have a lingering effect if you don't balance
>>>> everything.
>>> According to the wiki, 4.14 does indeed have the ssd changes.
>>> According to the bug, he's running 4.13.x on one server and 4.14.x on
>>> two.  So upgrading the one to 4.14.x should mean all will have that fix.
>>> However, without a full balance it /will/ take some time to settle down
>>> (again, assuming btrfs was using ssd mode), so the lingering effect could
>>> still be creating problems on the 4.14 kernel servers for the moment.
> --
> Hans van Kranenburg

Shehbaz Jaffer
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