On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 09:36:49PM +0300, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
> Yes. Your source has Received UUID. In this case btrfs send will
> transmit received UUID instead of subvolume UUID as reference to base
> snapshot. You need to either clear received UUID on source or set
> received UUID on destination to received UUID of source (not to
> subvolume UUID of source).

gargamel:/var/local/src/python-btrfs/examples# ./set_received_uuid.py 
0e220a4f-6426-4745-8399-0da0084f8b23 313
37 1234.5678 /mnt/btrfs_bigbackup/DS1/Video_ro.20180220_21:03:41                
Current subvolume information:                                                  
  subvol_id: 94887                                                              
  received_uuid: 2afc7a5e-107f-d54b-8929-197b80b70828                           
  stime: 1234.5678 (1970-01-01T00:20:34.567800)                                 
  stransid: 31337                                                               
  rtime: 1520488877.415709329 (2018-03-08T06:01:17.415709)                      
  rtransid: 255755                                                              
Setting received subvolume...                                                   
Resulting subvolume information:                                                
  subvol_id: 94887                                                              
  received_uuid: 0e220a4f-6426-4745-8399-0da0084f8b23                           
  stime: 1234.5678 (1970-01-01T00:20:34.567800)                                 
  stransid: 31337                                                               
  rtime: 1520537034.890253770 (2018-03-08T19:23:54.890254)                      
  rtransid: 256119                                                              
gargamel:/var/local/src/python-btrfs/examples# btrfs property set -ts 
20_21:03:41 ro true

This worked fine, thank you so much.
I now have an incremental send that is going on and will take a few dozen 
minutes instead
of days for 8TB+ :)

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