Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
On 2018-03-09 11:02, Paul Richards wrote:
Hello there,

I have a 3 disk btrfs RAID 1 filesystem, with a single failed drive.
Before I attempt any recovery I’d like to ask what is the recommended
approach?  (The wiki docs suggest consulting here before attempting

The system is powered down currently and a replacement drive is being
delivered soon.

Should I use “replace”, or “add” and “delete”?

Once replaced should I rebalance and/or scrub?

I believe that the recovery may involve mounting in degraded mode.  If
I do this, how do I later get out of degraded mode, or if it’s
automatic how do i determine when I’m out of degraded mode?

It won't automatically mount degraded, you either have to explicitly ask it to, or you have to have an option to do so in your default mount options for the volume in /etc/fstab (which is dangerous for multiple reasons).

Now, as to what the best way to go about this is, there are three things to consider:

1. Is the failed disk still usable enough that you can get good data off of it in a reasonable amount of time?  If you're replacing the disk because of a lot of failed sectors, you can still probably get data off of it, while something like a head crash isn't worth trying to get data back. 2. Do you have enough room in the system itself to add another disk without removing one?
3. Is the replacement disk at least as big as the failed disk?

If the answer to all three is yes, then just put in the new disk, mount the volume normally (you don't need to mount it degraded if the failed disk is working this well), and use `btrfs replace` to move the data. This is the most efficient option in terms of both time and is also generally the safest (and I personally always over-spec drive-bays in systems we build where I work specifically so that this approach can be used).

If the answer to the third question is no, put in the new disk (removing the failed one first if the answer to the second question is no), mount the volume (mount it degraded if one of the first two questions is no, normally otherwise), then add the new disk to the volume with `btrfs device add` and remove the old one with `btrfs device delete` (using the 'missing' option if you had to remove the failed disk).  This is needed because the replace operation requires the new device to be at least as big as the old one.

If the answer to either one or two is no but the answer to three is yes, pull out the failed disk, put in a new one, mount the volume degraded, and use `btrfs replace` as well (you will need to specify the device ID for the now missing failed disk, which you can find by calling `btrfs filesystem show` on the volume).  In the event that the replace operation refuses to run in this case, instead add the new disk to the volume with `btrfs device add` and then run `btrfs device delete missing` on the volume.

If you follow any of the above procedures, you don't need to balance (the replace operation is equivalent to a block level copy and will result in data being distributed exactly the same as it was before, while the delete operation is a special type of balance), and you generally don't need to scrub the volume either (though it may still be a good idea).  As far as getting back from degraded mode, you can just remount the volume to do so, though I would generally suggest rebooting.

Note that there are three other possible approaches to consider as well:

1. If you can't immediately get a new disk _and_ all the data will fit on the other two disks, use `btrfs device delete` to remove the failed disk anyway, and run with just the two until you can get a new disk. This is exponentially safer than running the volume degraded until you get a new disk, and is the only case you realistically should delete a device before adding the new one.  Make sure to balance the volume after adding the new device. 2. Depending on the situation, it may be faster to just recreate the whole volume from scratch using a backup than it is to try to repair it.  This is actually the absolute safest method of handling this situation, as it makes sure that nothing from the old volume with the failed disk causes problems in the future. 3. If you don't have a backup, but have some temporary storage space that will fit all the data from the volume, you could also use `btrfs restore` to extract files from the old volume to temporary storage, recreate the volume, and copy the data back in from the temporary storage.
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I did a quick scan of the wiki just to see, but I did not find any good info about how to recover a "RAID" like set if degraded. Information about how to recover, and what profiles can be recovered from would be good to have (with examples) in a separate "how-to" on the Wiki.
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