On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 02:16:06PM -0400, Noah Massey wrote:
> Silly question, but is 'mysnapshot' actually accessible at './mysnapshot' ?
> Because the output from btrfs send should immediately output
> 'At subvol mysnapshot'

Inded. This is not even the right command considering I only kept the
error when writing this email. It takes 5-10 minutes to run for 40GB of
data so I did not want to do it again.

> If 'btrfs send' is actually generating output, 'btrfs receive -vv' may
> help "parse" the send stream enough to figure out where it is
> terminating.

I tried it and I did not find anything related to the error. The output
is basically the list of files received and their chmod but nothing
more. Unless I can find which file is causing problem with that.

> ~ Noah
> ps - I was going to suggest 'btrfs send -v'. According the the
> manpage, that would "enable verbose output, print generated commands
> in a readable form". But it does not seem to be working for me, and
> after a quick glance at the code I'm not seeing how the ioctl call is
> setting up any kind of verbose feedback. So that may be out-of-date
> documentation.

I also tried it with 5 'v' and nothing happened.

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