On 2018-06-25 21:05, Sterling Windmill wrote:
I am running a single btrfs RAID10 volume of eight LUKS devices, each
using a 2TB SATA hard drive as a backing store. The SATA drives are a
mixture of Seagate and Western Digital drives, some with RPMs ranging
from 5400 to 7200. Each seems to individually performance test where I
would expect for drives of this caliber. They are all attached to an
LSI PCIe SAS controller and configured in JBOD.

I have a relatively beefy quad core Xeon CPU that supports AES-NI and
don't think LUKS is my bottleneck.

Here's some info from the resulting filesystem:

   btrfs fi df /storage
   Data, RAID10: total=6.30TiB, used=6.29TiB
   System, RAID10: total=8.00MiB, used=560.00KiB
   Metadata, RAID10: total=9.00GiB, used=7.64GiB
   GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B

In general I see good performance, especially read performance which
is enough to regularly saturate my gigabit network when copying files
from this host via samba. Reads are definitely taking advantage of the
multiple copies of data available and spreading the load among all

Writes aren't quite as rosy, however.

When writing files using dd like in this example:

   dd if=/dev/zero of=tempfile bs=1M count=10240 conv=fdatasync,notrun
c status=progress

And running a command like:

   iostat -m 1

to monitor disk I/O, writes seem to only focus on one of the eight
disks at a time, moving from one drive to the next. This results in a
sustained 55-90 MB/sec throughput depending on which disk is being
written to (remember, some have faster spindle speed than others).

Am I wrong to expect btrfs' RAID10 mode to write to multiple disks
simultaneously and to break larger writes into smaller stripes across
my four pairs of disks?

I had trouble identifying whether btrfs RAID10 is writing (64K?)
stripes or (1GB?) blocks to disk in this mode. The latter might make
more sense based upon what I'm seeing?

Anything else I should be trying to narrow down the bottleneck?
First, you're probably incorrect that the disk access is being parallelized. Given that BTRFS still doesn't parallelize writes in raid1 mode, I very much doubt it does so in raid10 mode. Parallelizing writes is a performance optimization that still hasn't really been tackled by anyone. Realistically, BTRFS writes to exactly one disk at a time. So, in a four disk raid10 array, it first writes to disk 1, waits for that to finish, then writes to disk 2, waits for that to finish, then 3, waits, and then four. Overall, this makes writes rather slow.

As far as striping across multiple disks, yes, that does happen. The specifics of this are a bit complicated though, and require explaining a bit about how BTRFS works in general.

BTRFS uses a two-stage allocator, first allocating 'large' regions of disk space to be used for a specific type of data called chunks, and then allocating blocks out of those regions to actually store the data. There are three chunk types, data (used for storing actual file contents), metadata (used for storing things like filenames, access times, directory structure, etc), and system (used to store the allocation information for all the other chunks in the filesystem). Data chunks are typically 1 GB in size, metadata are typically 256 MB in size, and system chunks are highly variable but don't really matter for this explanation. The chunk level is where the actual replication and striping happen, and the chunk size represents what is exposed to the block allocator (so every 1 GB data chunk exposes 1 GB of space to the block allocator).

Now, replicated (raid1 or dup profiles) chunks work just like you would expect, each of the two allocations for the chunk is 1 GB, and each byte is stored as-is in both. Striped (raid0 or raid10 profiles) are somewhat more complicated, and I actually don't know exactly how they end up allocated at the lower level. However, I do know how the striping works. In short, you can treat each striped set (either a full raid0 chunk, or half a raid10 chunk) as being functionally identical in operation to a conventional RAID0 array, striping occurs at a small block granularity (I think it's equal to the block size, which would be 4k in most cases), which unfortunately compounds the performance issues caused by BTRFS only writing to one disk at a time.

As far as improving the performance, I've got two suggestions for alternative storage arrangements:

* If you want to just stick with only BTRFS for storage, try just using raid1 mode. It will give you the same theoretical total capacity as raid10 does and will slow down reads somewhat, but should speed up writes significantly (because you're only writing to two devices, not striping across two sets of four).

* If you're willing to try something a bit different, convert your storage array to two LVM or MD RAID0 volumes composed of four devices each, and then run BTRFS in raid1 mode on top of those. This sounds stupid, but it actually gets significantly better write performance than running BTRFS in raid10 mode, and may get better read performance depending on your access patterns. It also is no more dangerous than using BTRFS in raid10 mode. The only significant disadvantage here is that it's somewhat more complicated to reshape the array.

Beyond that, there are some other things you can do that might improve performance to a limited degree with your existing arrangement:

* Turn off autodefrag if it's on. In my limited experience, autodefrag is is a serious performance killer when using BTRFS raid10, and you realistically shouldn't need it unless you're doing lots of in-place partial rewrites of files (not replace by rename like most sane UNIX apps do, but actual in-place rewrites).

* Look into using in-line compression in BTRFS. If you've got a new enough kernel and userspace, zstd is the preferred compression method as it gets significantly better ratios in most cases than zlib, and is not much slower than lzo. Otherwise, I would suggest lzo. Assuming your CPU and memory are really good compared to your storage devices, this can significantly reduce the time it takes to read and write data because you're reading and writing less data. Using `compress-force` instead of `compress` is also likely to help here (the names are unfortunate, but the first one just tells BTRFS to ignore hints it's stored in the inodes that say that a given file won't compress well). Note that this probably won't help if you've got nice NVMe storage devices, as they're fast enough that the difference in data transfer times will be negligible.
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