On 2018-08-12 03:04, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
12.08.2018 06:16, Chris Murphy пишет:
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 9:29 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
Chris Murphy posted on Fri, 10 Aug 2018 12:07:34 -0600 as excerpted:

But whether data is shared or exclusive seems potentially ephemeral, and
not something a sysadmin should even be able to anticipate let alone
individual users.

Define "user(s)".

The person who is saving their document on a network share, and
they've never heard of Btrfs.

Arguably, in the context of btrfs tool usage, "user" /is/ the admin,

I'm not talking about btrfs tools. I'm talking about rational,
predictable behavior of a shared folder.

If I try to drop a 1GiB file into my share and I'm denied, not enough
free space, and behind the scenes it's because of a quota limit, I
expect I can delete *any* file(s) amounting to create 1GiB free space
and then I'll be able to drop that file successfully without error.

But if I'm unwittingly deleting shared files, my quota usage won't go
down, and I still can't save my file. So now I somehow need a secret
incantation to discover only my exclusive files and delete enough of
them in order to save this 1GiB file. It's weird, it's unexpected, I
think it's a use case failure. Maybe Btrfs quotas isn't meant to work
with samba or NFS shares. *shrug*

That's how both NetApp and ZFS work as well. I doubt anyone can
seriously call NetApp "not meant to work with NFS or CIFS shares".

On NetApp space available to NFS/CIFS user is volume size minus space
frozen in snapshots. If file, captured in snapshot, is deleted in active
file system, it does not make a single byte available to external user.
That's what surprised most every first time NetApp users.

On ZFS snapshots are contained in dataset and you limit total dataset
space consumption including all snapshots. Thus end effect is the same -
deleting data that is itself captured in snapshot does not make a single
byte available. ZFS allows you to additionally restrict active file
system size ("referenced" quota in ZFS) - this more closely matches your
expectation - deleting file in active file system decreases its
"referenced" size thus allowing user to write more data (as long as user
does not exceed total dataset quota). This is different from btrfs
"exculsive" and "shared". This should not be hard to implement in btrfs,
as "referenced" simply means all data in current subvolume, be it
exclusive or shared.

IOW ZFS allows to place restriction on both how much data user can use
and how much data user is allowed additionally to protect (snapshot).
Except user created snapshots are kind of irrelevant here. If we're talking about NFS/CIFS/SMB, there is no way for the user to create a snapshot (at least, not in-band), so provided the admin is sensible and only uses the referenced quota for limiting space usage by users, things behave no differently on ZFS than they do on ext4 or XFS using user quotas.

Note also that a lot of storage appliances that use ZFS as the underlying storage don't expose any way for the admin to use anything other than the referenced quota (and usually space reservations). They do this because it makes the system behave as pretty much everyone intuitively expects, and it ensures that users don't have to go to an admin to remedy their free space issues.

"Regular users" as you use the term, that is the non-admins who just need
to know how close they are to running out of their allotted storage
resources, shouldn't really need to care about btrfs tool usage in the
first place, and btrfs commands in general, including btrfs quota related
commands, really aren't targeted at them, and aren't designed to report
the type of information they are likely to find useful.  Other tools will
be more appropriate.

I'm not talking about any btrfs commands or even the term quota for
regular users. I'm talking about saving a file, being denied, and how
does the user figure out how to free up space?

Users need to be educated. Same as with NetApp and ZFS. There is no
magic, redirect-on-write filesystems work differently than traditional
and users need to adapt.

Of course devil is in details, and usability of btrfs quota is far lower
than NetApp/ZFS. In those space consumption information is first class
citizen integrated into the very basic tools, not something bolted on
later and mostly incomprehensible to end user.
Except that this _CAN_ be made to work and behave just like classic quotas. Your example of ZFS above proves it (referenced quotas behave just like classic VFS quotas). Yes, we need to educate users regarding qgroups, but we need a _WORKING_ alternative so they can do things like they always have, and like most stuff that uses ZFS as part of a pre-built system (FreeNAS for example) does.

Anyway, it's a hypothetical scenario. While I have Samba running on a
Btrfs volume with various shares as subvolumes, I don't have quotas

Given all performance issues with quota reported on this list it is
probably just as good for you.

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