On 2018-08-30 13:13, Axel Burri wrote:
On 29/08/2018 21.02, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
On 2018-08-29 13:24, Axel Burri wrote:
This patch allows to build distinct binaries for specific btrfs
subcommands, e.g. "btrfs-subvolume-show" which would be identical to
"btrfs subvolume show".


While btrfs-progs offer the all-inclusive "btrfs" command, it gets
pretty cumbersome to restrict privileges to the subcommands [1].
Common approaches are to either setuid root for "/sbin/btrfs" (which
is not recommended at all), or to write sudo rules for each

Separating the subcommands into distinct binaries makes it easy to set
elevated privileges using capabilities(7) or setuid. A typical use
case where this is needed is when it comes to automated scripts,
e.g. btrbk [2] [3] creating snapshots and send/receive them via ssh.
Let me start by saying I think this is a great idea to have as an
option, and that the motivation is a particularly good one.

I've posted my opinions on your two open questions below, but there's
two other comments I'd like to make:

* Is there some particular reason that this only includes the commands
it does, and _hard codes_ which ones it works with?  if we just do
everything instead of only the stuff we think needs certain
capabilities, then we can auto-generate the list of commands to be
processed based on function names in the C files, and it will
automatically pick up any newly added commands.  At the very least, it
could still parse through the C files and look for tags in the comments
for the functions to indicate which ones need to be processed this way.
Either case will make it significantly easier to add new commands, and
would also better justify the overhead of shipping all the files
pre-generated (because there would be much more involved in
pre-generating them).

It includes the commands that are required by btrbk. It was quite
painful to figure out the required capabilities (reading kernel code and
some trial and error involved), and I did not get around to include
other commands yet.
Yeah, I can imagine that it was not an easy task. I've actually been thinking of writing a script to scan the kernel sources and assemble a summary of the permissions checks performed by each system call and ioctl so that stuff like this is a bit easier, but that's unfortunately way beyond my abilities right now (parsing C and building call graphs is not easy no matter what language you're doing it with).

I like your idea of adding some tags in the C files, I'll try to
implement this, and we'll see what it gets to.
Something embedded in the comments is likely to be the easiest option in terms of making sure it doesn't break the regular build. Just the tagging in general would be useful as documentation though.

It would be kind of neat to have the list of capabilities needed for each one auto-generated from what it calls, but that's getting into some particularly complex territory that would likely require call graphs to properly implement.

* While not essential, it would be really neat to have the `btrfs`
command detect if an associated binary exists for whatever command was
just invoked, and automatically exec that (possibly with some
verification) instead of calling the command directly so that desired
permissions are enforced.  This would mitigate the need for users to
remember different command names depending on execution context.

Hmm this sounds a bit too magic for me, and would probably be more
confusing than useful. It would mean than running "btrfs" as user would
work when splitted commands are available, and would not work if not.
It would also mean scripts would not have to add special handling for the case of running as a non-root user and seeing if the split commands actually exist or not (and, for that matter, would not have to directly depend on having the split commands at all), and that users would not need to worry about how to call BTRFS based on who they were running as. Realistically, I'd expect the same error to show if the binary isn't available as if it's not executable, so that it just becomes a case of 'if you see this error, re-run the same thing as root and it should work'.


Patch 1 adds a template as well as a generator shell script for the
splitted subcommands.

Patch 2 adds the generated subcommand source files.

Patch 3-5 adds a "install-splitcmd-setcap" make target, with different
approaches (either hardcoded in Makefile, or more generically by
including "Makefile.install_setcap" generated by "splitcmd-gen.sh").

Open Questions:

1. "make install-splitcmd-setcap" installs the binaries with hardcoded
group "btrfs". This needs to be configurable (how?). Another approach
would be to not set the group at all, and leave this to the user or
distro packaging script.
Leave it to the user or distro.  It's likely to end up standardized on
the name 'btrfs', but it should be agnostic of that.

2. Instead of the "install-splitcmd-setcap" make target, we could
introduce a "configure --enable-splitted-subcommands" option, which
would simply add all splitcmd binaries to the "all" and "install"
targets without special treatment, and leave the setcap stuff to the
user or distro packaging script (at least in gentoo, this needs to be
specified using the "fcaps" eclass anyways [5]).
A bit of a nitpick, but 'split' is the proper past tense of the word
'split', it's one of those exceptions that English has all over the
place.  Even aside from that though, I think `separate` sounds more
natural for the configure option, or better yet, just make it
`--enable-fscaps` like most other packages do.

That aside, I think having a configure option is the best way to do
this, it makes it very easy for distro build systems to handle it
because this is what they're used to doing anyway.  It also makes it a
bit easier on the user, because it just becomes `make` to build
whichever version you want installed.

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