On Fri, Sep 07, 2018 at 09:27:28AM +0530, Lakshmipathi.G wrote:
> > One question:
> > Why not ioctl_fideduperange?
> > i.e. you kill most of benefits from that ioctl - atomicity.
> > 
> I plan to add fideduperange as an option too. User can
> choose between fideduperange and ficlonerange call.
> If I'm not wrong, with fideduperange, kernel performs
> comparsion check before dedupe. And it will increase
> time to dedupe files.

You already read the files to md5sum them, so you have no speed gain.
You get nasty data-losing races, and risk collisions as well.  md5sum is
safe against random occurences (compared eg. to the chance of lightning
hitting you today), but is exploitable by a hostile user.  On the other
hand, full bit-to-bit comparison is faster and 100% safe.

You can't skip verification -- the checksums are only 32-bit.  They have a
1:4G chance to mismatch, which means you can expect one false positive with
64K extents, rising quadratically as the number of files grows.

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Collisions shmolisions, let's see them find a collision or second
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ preimage for double rot13!

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