sunny.s.zhang posted on Tue, 18 Sep 2018 08:28:14 +0800 as excerpted:

> My OS(4.1.12) panic in kmem_cache_alloc, which is called by
> btrfs_get_or_create_delayed_node.
> I found that the freelist of the slub is wrong.

[Not a dev, just a btrfs list regular and user, myself.  But here's a 
general btrfs list recommendations reply...]

You appear to mean kernel 4.1.12 -- confirmed by the version reported in 
the posted dump:  4.1.12-112.14.13.el6uek.x86_64

OK, so from the perspective of this forward-development-focused list, 
kernel 4.1 is pretty ancient history, but you do have a number of options.

First let's consider the general situation.  Most people choose an 
enterprise distro for supported stability, and that's certainly a valid 
thing to want.  However, btrfs, while now reaching early maturity for the 
basics (single device in single or dup mode, and multi-device in single/
raid0/1/10 modes, note that raid56 mode is newer and less mature), 
remains under quite heavy development, and keeping reasonably current is 
recommended for that reason.

So you you chose an enterprise distro presumably to lock in supported 
stability for several years, but you chose a filesystem, btrfs, that's 
still under heavy development, with reasonably current kernels and 
userspace recommended as tending to have the known bugs fixed.  There's a 
bit of a conflict there, and the /general/ recommendation would thus be 
to consider whether one or the other of those choices are inappropriate 
for your use-case, because it's really quite likely that if you really 
want the stability of an enterprise distro and kernel, that btrfs isn't 
as stable a filesystem as you're likely to want to match with it.  
Alternatively, if you want something newer to match the still under heavy 
development btrfs, you very likely want a distro that's not focused on 
years-old stability just for the sake of it.  One or the other is likely 
to be a poor match for your needs, and choosing something else that's a 
better match is likely to be a much better experience for you.

But perhaps you do have reason to want to run the newer and not quite to 
traditional enterprise-distro level stability btrfs, on an otherwise 
older and very stable enterprise distro.  That's fine, provided you know 
what you're getting yourself into, and are prepared to deal with it.

In that case, for best support from the list, we'd recommend running one 
of the latest two kernels in either the current or mainline LTS tracks. 

For current track, With 4.18 being the latest kernel, that'd be 4.18 or 
4.17, as available on (tho 4.17 is already EOL, no further 
releases, at 4.17.19).

For mainline-LTS track, 4.14 and 4.9 are the latest two LTS series 
kernels, tho IIRC 4.19 is scheduled to be this year's LTS (or was it 4.18 
and it's just not out of normal stable range yet so not yet marked LTS?), 
so it'll be coming up soon and 4.9 will then be dropping to third LTS 
series and thus out of our best recommended range.  4.4 was the previous 
LTS and while still in LTS support, is outside the two newest LTS series 
that this list recommends.

And of course 4.1 is older than 4.4, so as I said, in btrfs development 
terms, it's quite ancient indeed... quite out of practical support range 
here, tho of course we'll still try, but in many cases the first question 
when any problem's reported is going to be whether it's reproducible on 
something closer to current.

But... you ARE on an enterprise kernel, likely on an enterprise distro, 
and very possibly actually paying /them/ for support.  So you're not 
without options if you prefer to stay with your supported enterprise 
kernel.  If you're paying them for support, you might as well use it, and 
of course of the very many fixes since 4.1, they know what they've 
backported and what they haven't, so they're far better placed to provide 
that support in any case.

Or, given what you posted, you appear to be reasonably able to do at 
least limited kernel-dev-level analysis yourself.  Given that, you're 
already reasonably well placed to simply decide to stick with what you 
have and take the support you can get, diving into things yourself if 

So those are your kernel options.  What about userspace btrfs-progs?

Generally speaking, while the filesystem's running, it's the kernel code 
doing most of the work.  If you have old userspace, it simply means you 
can't take advantage of some of the newer features as the old userspace 
doesn't know how to call for them.

But the situation changes as soon as you have problems and can't mount, 
because it's userspace code that runs to try to fix that sort of problem, 
or failing that, it's userspace code that btrfs restore runs to try to 
grab what files can be grabbed off of the unmountable filesystem.

So for routine operation, it's no big deal if userspace is a bit old, at 
least as long as it's new enough to have all the newer command formats, 
etc, that you need, and for comparing against others when posted.  But 
once things go bad on you, you really want the newest btrfs-progs in 
ordered to give you the best chance at either fixing things, or worst-
case, at least retrieving the files off the dead filesystem.  So using 
the older distro btrfs-progs for routine running should be fine, but 
unless your backups are complete and frequent enough that if something 
goes wrong it's easiest to simply blow the bad version away with a fresh 
mkfs and start over, you'll probably want at least a reasonably current 
btrfs-progs on your rescue media at least.  Since the userspace version 
numbers are synced to the kernel cycle, a good rule of thumb is keep your 
btrfs-progs version to at least that of the oldest recommended LTS kernel 
version, as well, so you'd want at least btrfs-progs 4.9 on your rescue 
media, for now, and 4.14, coming up, since when the new kernel goes LTS 
that'll displace 4.9 and 4.14 will then be the second-back LTS.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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