On 2018/10/7 下午4:28, evan d wrote:
>>>> # dd if=/dev/sdb bs=1M of=last_chance.raw count=128 skip=256M
>>>> # grep -obUaP "\x5F\x42\x48\x52\x66\x53\x5F\x4D" last_chance.raw
> grep returns no result on either drive
>>>>> If still no hit, you could try just run the grep command on the disk.
> like so?:
> grep -obUaP "\x5F\x42\x48\x52\x66\x53\x5F\x4D" /dev/sdc
Yes. And it will be very slow, since you're going to read out the whole

But I don't really think you would get some hit, according to current


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