On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Barbet Alain <alian123sol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I experienced disk out of space issue:
> alian:~ # df -h
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> devtmpfs        7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
> tmpfs           7.8G   47M  7.8G   1% /dev/shm
> tmpfs           7.8G   18M  7.8G   1% /run
> tmpfs           7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /var
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /root
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /srv
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /opt
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /boot/grub2/i386-pc
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /usr/local
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /tmp
> /dev/sda6        41G   35G  5.1G  88% /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi
> /dev/sda7       424G  200G  225G  48% /home
> It say I use 35Go / 41. But I have only 5,8Go of data:
> alian:~ # btrfs fi du -s /
>      Total   Exclusive  Set shared  Filename
>    5.84GiB     5.84GiB       0.00B  /
> alian:/ # du -h --exclude ./home --max-depth=0
> 6.2G    .

I suspect there are snapshots taking up space that are no located in
the search path starting at /

What do you get for:

$ sudo btrfs sub list -ta /

Is this an openSUSE system? If snapper is enabled, you'll need to ask
it to delete some of the snapshots to free up space rather than doing
it with btrfs user space tools.

> alian:/ # btrfs fi df /
> Data, single: total=35.00GiB, used=34.18GiB
> System, DUP: total=32.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
> Metadata, DUP: total=384.00MiB, used=216.75MiB
> GlobalReserve, single: total=22.05MiB, used=0.00B
> I try to run btrfs balance multiple time with various parameters but
> it doesn't change anything nor trying btrf check in single user mode.
> Where is my 30 Go missing ?

Chris Murphy

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