On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 09:47:20PM +0200, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> On Fri 2019-07-05 (21:39), Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> > Is there a command/script/whatever to remove subvolume which contains
> > (somewhere) other subvolumes?
> Is there a command/script/whatever to snapshot (copy) a subvolume which
> contains (somewhere) other subvolumes?
> Example:
> root@xerus:/test# btrfs_subvolume_list /test/ | grep /tmp
> /test/tmp
> /test/tmp/xx/ss1
> /test/tmp/xx/ss2
> /test/tmp/xx/ss3
> I want to have (with one command):
> /test/tmp --> /test/tmp2
> /test/tmp/xx/ss1 --> /test/tmp2/xx/ss1
> /test/tmp/xx/ss2 --> /test/tmp2/xx/ss2
> /test/tmp/xx/ss3 --> /test/tmp2/xx/ss3

   Remember that this isn't quite so useful, because you can't make
read-only snapshots in that structure.

   Generally, I'd recommend not having nested subvols at all, but to
put every subvol independently, and mount them into the places you
want them to be. That avoids a lot of the issues of nested subvols,
such as the ones you're trying to deal with here.


Hugo Mills             | "You know, the British have always been nice to mad
hugo@... carfax.org.uk | people."
http://carfax.org.uk/  |
PGP: E2AB1DE4          |                         Laura Jesson, Brief Encounter

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