On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 11:51 AM Anders Halman <anders.hal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to backup my laptop over an unreliable slow internet connection to
> a even slower Raspberry Pi.
> To bootstrap the backup I used the following:
> # local
> btrfs send root.send.ro | pigz | split --verbose -d -b 1G
> rsync -aHAXxv --numeric-ids --partial --progress -e "ssh -T -o
> Compression=no -x" x* remote-host:/mnt/backup/btrfs-backup/
> # remote
> cat x* > split.gz
> pigz -d split.gz
> btrfs receive -f split
> worked nicely. But I don't understand why the "received uuid" on the
> remote site in blank.
> I tried it locally with smaller volumes and it worked.

I suggest using -v or -vv on the receive side to dig into why the
receive is failing. Setting the received uuid is one of the last
things performed on receive, so if it's not set it suggests the
receive isn't finished.

Chris Murphy

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