On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 11:13 AM Goffredo Baroncelli <kreij...@inwind.it> wrote:
> On 2/9/21 1:42 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> > Perhaps. Attach strace to journald before --rotate, and then --rotate
> >
> > https://pastebin.com/UGihfCG9
> I looked to this strace.
> in line 115: it is called a ioctl(<BTRFS-DEFRAG>)
> in line 123: it is called a ioctl(<BTRFS-DEFRAG>)
> However the two descriptors for which the defrag is invoked are never sync-ed 
> before.
> I was expecting is to see a sync (flush the data on the platters) and then a
> ioctl(<BTRFS-defrag>. This doesn't seems to be looking from the strace.
> I wrote a script (see below) which basically:
> - create a fragmented file
> - run filefrag on it
> - optionally sync the file             <-----
> - run btrfs fi defrag on it
> - run filefrag on it
> If I don't perform the sync, the defrag is ineffective. But if I sync the
> file BEFORE doing the defrag, I got only one extent.
> Now my hypothesis is: the journal log files are bad de-fragmented because 
> these
> are not sync-ed before.
> This could be tested quite easily putting an fsync() before the
> ioctl(<BTRFS_DEFRAG>).
> Any thought ?

No idea. If it's a full sync then it could be expensive on either
slower devices or heavier workloads. On the one hand, there's no point
of doing an ineffective defrag so maybe the defrag ioctl should  just
do the sync first? On the other hand, this would effectively make the
defrag ioctl a full file system sync which might be unexpected. It's a
set of tradeoffs and I don't know what the expectation is.

What about fdatasync() on the journal file rather than a full sync?

Chris Murphy

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