Looks good...

Jared Buckley wrote:

Well things appear to be settle on this particular topic, so without
further delay, "LAST CALL!"

If you've got questions, comments, or concerns...let's hear 'em now


LPI will not require certificate holders to renew or recertify.  LPI
will provide to third parties, at the certificate holder's request,
information pertaining to the history of certifcations(s) passed, the
date the certification(s) were passed, and the revision date/level(s) of
the completed certification(s).  In providing this information, LPI
reserves the right to indicate the current revision level of any or all
of the certification(s) passed by the certificate holder and to issue
public advisories concerning changes in the content or objectives of the


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              /<      Ken Lund (Goomba)

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