As I indicated in the first message, we need to obtain a list of
suitable tasks for the higher-level sysadmins.  For this, we first need to 
define some organisation of content.
  For the first JTA, we came up with a theoretical structure of 14 topic
areas, each sub-divided into several sub-topics.  Distinctions were not
always clear however, and we should not impose too much structure
beforehand on the jobs we are trying to analyze.  Is our initial division
into 14 topic areas still relevant for the higher-level JTA?  The areas are:

 1) Hardware & Architecture
 2) Installation & Package Management
 3) GNU & Unix commands
 4) Devices, Filesystems, FHS
 5) Kernel
 6) Runlevels (boot, init, shutdown)
 7) Text Editing, Processing, Printing
 8) Documentation
 9) Shells, Scripting, Programming, Compiling
10) X
11) Administrative Tasks
12) Networking Fundamentals
13) Networking Services
14) Security

  All distribution-specific issues, mainly about installation, and
(interactive) maintenance tools, supposedly are covered in the T2x exams
of level 1.  So do we still need Area 2) for the higher levels?  Creating
packages from a programs source code may be a task suited for high-level
Linux sysadmins, but maybe only for level 3 .
  The areas 7, 9, and 14 have not yet been fully covered in level 1 (in
overall content, not to mention depth).  For the higher levels the focus
will probably be on areas 12, 13, 14 .

  To give some ideas, let me outline an alternative, more fine-grained
division into areas that I started using for teaching Linux.  It was
designed more towards teaching different concepts, rather than to
categorize tasks (which usually require combined skills and knowledge);
hence it may be less suitable for our effort.

  1) Hardware
[ 2) Install preparation]
[ 3) Installation]
[ 4) Package Management]
  5) Disk & Filesystem Management
  6) Process Management
  7) File Management
  8) User & Group Management
  9) X
 10) Kernel
 11) Runlevels
 12) Logging
 13) Archiving & Backup
 14) Networking Fundamentals
 15) Name Resolution
 16) Networking Services:
 17) Security
{18) Documentation}
{19) Editing}
 20) Printing
{21) Shell Skills}
 22) Regular Expressions & Filters
 23) Scripting & Programming

  Topics between brackets deal with installation, and that should
essentially have been covered in level 1; topics between braces mainly
deal with user-level issues that are implicit in level 1 too.

  Please tell us about your ideas on all this.


        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    +31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    +31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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