

I was planning on monitoring the status of a service from clustat (run clustat, 
grab the output). 

And as i am running a x86_64 system i can not seem to load the correct lib for 
snmpd to be able to read any data from it:

nmpd[30150]: dlopen failed: /usr/lib64/cluster-snmp/libClusterMonitorSnmp.so: 
undefined symbol: _ZN17ClusterMonitoring7Cluster15runningServicesEv


How do you monitor your cluster with Nagios/Other open source solutions ? (What 
scripts do you use etc).


Kær kveðja / Best Regards,

Finnur Örn Guðmundsson
Network Engineer - Network Operations

TM Software
Urðarhvarf 6, IS-203 Kópavogur, Iceland
Tel: +354 545 3000 - fax +354 545 3610
www.tm-software.is <http://www.tm-software.is/> 

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