In the message dated: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 11:04:27 EST,
The pithy ruminations from Bob Peterson on 
<Re: [Linux-cluster] Feature Request: gfs_fsck has a yes to all response.> were
=> ----- "Stewart Walters" <> wrote:
=> | Thanks Bob, but I was sort of hoping for an option of doing "yes to
=> | all" once

How about:

        yes | gfs_fsck

assuming that gfs_fsck reads from the STDIN filehandle, not just from
the tty.

=> | 
=> | Not to worry - Does anyone know what's going on with that weird 'Fix
=> | bitmap for
=> | block' number continually changing when you press the Enter key?

Just guessing here...probably because there are multiple bitmaps that need each on is fixed, the prompt shows the next one.

=> | I suppose this is a weird gfs_fsck display quirk when the response is
=> | not a 'y'
=> | or a 'n'.

Interesting... Given the importance of *fsck, I'd hope that any character that
is no "y" is taken as "n".

=> | 
=> | Regards,
=> | 
=> | Stewart
=> Hi Stewart,
=> An "a" (all) answer to the yes/no questions is certainly easy to do.
=> I've thought about doing it, too, but AFAIK, none of the other fscks
=> allow this response.  I'll ask around and see if anyone objects.

Huh? Under CentOS 5.3:

  man fsck
  Options to different filesystem-specific fsck's are not standardized.  If in 
  please consult the man pages of  the  filesystem-specific  checker.   
Although  not
  guaranteed, the following options are supported by most file system checkers:

  -a     Automatically  repair the file system without any questions (use this 


  -y    For some filesystem-specific checkers, the -y option will cause the  
        cific fsck to always attempt to fix any detected filesystem corruption 
        matically.  Sometimes an expert may be able to do better  driving  the  
        manually.   Note  that  not  all filesystem-specific checkers implement 
        option.  In particular fsck.minix(8) and fsck.cramfs(8) does not 
support the
        -y option as of this writing.


In fact, almost every fsck I've known & loved (SunOS, Solaris, HPUX, Linux)
supports "-y".


=> Regards,
=> Bob Peterson
=> Red Hat GFS

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