 From: Kaloyan Kovachev <kkovac...@varna.net>
To: Zama Ques <quesz...@yahoo.in>; linux clustering <linux-cluster@redhat.com> 
Cc: Digimer <li...@alteeve.ca> 
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Linux-cluster] Creating two different cluster using same set of 

On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 22:54:49 +0800 (SGT), Zama Ques <quesz...@yahoo.in>
> =====
> Cluster Name: ClusterA 
> Node1: system1.example.com   Priority:1 in Failover Domain
> Node2: system2.example.com   Priority:2  in Failover Domain
> File System Resource : /data1 - An ext3 file system
> =====
> Cluster Name : ClusterB
> Node1: system1.example.com   Priority:2  in Failover Domain
> Node2: system2.example.com   Priority:1  in Failover Domain
> File System Resource : /data2 - An ext3 file system
> ========================================================

> Why not having ClusterA with two failover domains? You do not need two
> clusters - just two failover domains.

Tried as suggested by kaloyan by creating two failover domains instead of 
trying to create two clusters. One Node (e.g system1 ) has higher priority in 
one  failover domain and the other node (system2 ) has higher priority in the 
other failover domain. With this both the nodes are in active state which we 
are trying to achieve .

Thanks All for all the replies and suggestions. 

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