----- Mensaje original ----- 

> De: "Marek Grac" <mg...@redhat.com>
> Para: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.giba...@btactic.com>
> Enviados: Lunes, 3 de Junio 2013 16:50:20
> Asunto: Re: [Linux-cluster] fence_ovh - Fence agent for OVH

> Hi Adrian,

> On 06/02/2013 11:12 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
> > As requested by digimer in linux-ha irc channel here there is
> > fence_ovh. It's not a priority that it's included by default in
> > official distribution of cluster software but if you guide me on
> > how to polish it I think I can improve it a lot more and make
> > tests in real machines (as long as my machines are still test
> > machines and not production ones).
> Inclusion in upstream package should not be a serious issue but I
> have
> some comments.


> > 4) How to use it
> >
> > 4.1) Make sure python-soappy package is installed (Debian/Ubuntu).
> Do you think it would be possible to use package 'python-suds' ? We
> already use it for fence_vmware_soap and I would rather use only one
> library for same thing. Do not bother with strange code in
> fence_vmware_soap, VMWare implementation was strange so some hacks
> were
> needed, it should not be needed for you and transformation to suds
> should be quite simple.
I think it's just a matter of trying it. Not sure when I will have the time.

> > 4.2) Save fence_ovh in /usr/sbin
> > 4.3) Run: ccs_update_schema so that new metadata is put into
> > cluster.rng
> > 4.4) If needed validate your configuration:
> > ccs_config_validate -v -f /etc/pve/cluster.conf.new
> > 4.5) Here's an example of how to use it in cluster.conf:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > <cluster name="ha-008-010" config_version="3">
> >
> > <cman keyfile="/var/lib/pve-cluster/corosync.authkey"
> > transport="udpu" two_node="1" expected_votes="1">
> > </cman>
> >
> > <fencedevices>
> > <fencedevice agent="fence_ovh" name="fence008"
> > email="ad...@domain.com" ipaddr="ns123456" login="ab12345-ovh"
> > passwd="MYSECRET" />
> > <fencedevice agent="fence_ovh" name="fence010"
> > email="ad...@domain.com" ipaddr="ns789012" login="ab12345-ovh"
> > passwd="MYSECRET" />
> > </fencedevices>
> >
> > <clusternodes>
> > <clusternode name="server008" nodeid="1" votes="1">
> > <fence>
> > <method name="1">
> > <device name="fence008" action="off"/>
> > </method>
> > </fence>
> > </clusternode>
> > <clusternode name="server010" nodeid="2" votes="1">
> > <fence>
> > <method name="1">
> > <device name="fence010" action="off"/>
> > </method>
> > </fence>
> > </clusternode>
> > </clusternodes>
> >
> >
> > </cluster>

> I like the idea of 'email', it is possible to do it on cluster level
> but
> as fence agents are used in different places that could help more
> people.

Well, I didn't find a default field for setting it and I added one of my own. I 
think that you can use OVH API without that email informed but I prefer myself 
to be informed about fencing. So, I think that rather than writing in a file 
somewhere in the filesystem, it would be more useful to write it in 

  I don't think if I understood what you meant. You were thinking that maybe 
email should be a cluster wide settings instead of a fence agent wide 
setting... but then you thought that the latter was better idea?

> > P.S.: It was not easy to develop a fence agent because there's no
> > documentation on it. I maybe arise another email in this same
> > mailing list about this subject.
> >
> There is a Fence Agent API document (a bit outdated), info about
> fence
> timing and the major document that you need is in my to-do list
> (should
> be completed before summer, but we had some more urgent deadlines).
Ok. I'll contribute back to it if I can when it's public.

Thank you!

> m,


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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