On 11/15/2013 6:35 AM, Digimer wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I'm trying to use 'depend' in rgmanager on rhel 6.4 to delay the
> start-up of VM services until storage starts. The storage is managed as
> a separate service (drbd -> clvmd -> gfs2). The 'depend_mode' is 'soft'.
>   I got the start-up part working, but I have a problem now with
> stopping a node. If I live-migrate a VM off of the main node and then
> shut down it's storage, the VM shuts down immediately after with:

rgmanager doesn´t support inter-service dependencies other than for
start action.

Two options:
1) move to pacemaker ;)
2) you need a custom rgmanager init script that on stop it will
   either migrate the services out of the current node and then
   stop (if the other nodes are alive), or shutdown the services
   in the correct order


> ----
> Nov 14 23:59:31 an-c05n02 rgmanager[14414]: Stopping service
> vm:vm01-win2008: Dependency missing
> Nov 14 23:59:31 an-c05n02 rgmanager[14414]: Stopping service vm:vm01-win2008
> ----
> The relevant config is:
> ----
> <vm autostart="1" depend="service:storage_n01" depend_mode="soft"
> domain="primary_n01" exclusive="0" max_restarts="2" name="vm01-win2008"
> path="/shared/definitions/" recovery="restart" restart_expire_time="600">
>       <action name="stop" timeout="30m"/>
> </vm>
> ----
> According to vm.sh meta-data:
> ----
>         <parameter name="depend_mode">
>             <longdesc lang="en">
>               Service dependency mode.
>               hard - This service is stopped/started if its dependency
>                      is stopped/started
>               soft - This service only depends on the other service for
>                      initial startip.  If the other service stops, this
>                      service is not stopped.
>             </longdesc>
> ----
> I opened a rhbz for this, but was hoping I might get some help here,
> too. This has stopped my current project in it's tracks.
> Thanks!
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1030680

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