Hello Paras

did you solved the problem?


2013/11/25 emmanuel segura <emi2f...@gmail.com>

> Hello Paras
> Maybe i found the solution, in function validate_all we got
>        if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor" ] ||
>            [ "$OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor" = "auto" ]; then
>                 export OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor="`virsh version | grep
> \"Running hypervisor:\" | awk '{print $3}' | tr A-Z a-z`"
>                 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor" ]; then
>                         ocf_log err "Could not determine Hypervisor"
>                         return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
>                 fi
>                 echo Hypervisor: $OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor
>         fi
>         #
>         # Xen hypervisor only for when use_virsh = 0.
>         #
>         if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh" = "0" ]; then
>                 if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor" != "xen" ]; then
>                         ocf_log err "Cannot use $OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor
> hypervisor without using virsh"
>                         return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
>                 fi
> with this following enviroment variables, when i tested by hand the angent
> uses xm commands
> env | grep OCF
> OCF_RESKEY_hypervisor=xen
> OCF_RESKEY_path=/vms_c
> OCF_RESKEY_name=guest1
> OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh=0
> [root@client ~]# /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh status
> Management tool: xm
> <err>    Cannot find 'xm'; is it installed?
> [vm.sh] Cannot find 'xm'; is it installed?
> I don't have xen installed to test it
>                 if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_xmlfile" ]; then
>                         ocf_log err "Cannot use xmlfile if use_virsh is
> set to 0"
>                         return $OCF_ERR_ARGS
>                 fi
> 2013/11/25 emmanuel segura <emi2f...@gmail.com>
>> Hello paras
>> missing the export command in front of variables, the correct way is this
>> export OCF_RESKEY_name="guest1" ; export OCF_RESKEY_path="/vms_c" ;
>> export OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh=0
>> [root@client ~]# env | grep OCF
>> OCF_RESKEY_path=/vms_c
>> OCF_RESKEY_name=guest1
>> OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh=0
>> 2013/11/25 emmanuel segura <emi2f...@gmail.com>
>>> Hello Paras
>>> I have  a centos 6, i don't know if it is different on redhat 5, but i
>>> saw in the script vm.sh calls do_start function when start parameter is
>>> given
>>> do_start()
>>> {
>>>         if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh" = "1" ]; then
>>>                 do_virsh_start $*
>>>                 return $?
>>>         fi
>>>         do_xm_start $*
>>>         return $?
>>> }
>>> i don't know why because the vm.sh uses virsh when you launch the script
>>> by hand :(
>>> 2013/11/25 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>> Looks like use_virsh=0 has no effect.
>>>> --
>>>> [root@cvtst3 ~]# export OCF_RESKEY_name="guest1" ;
>>>> OCF_RESKEY_path="/vms_c" ; OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh=0
>>>> [root@cvtst3 ~]# set -x
>>>> ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root cvtst3 '~'
>>>> [root@cvtst3 ~]# /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>> + /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>> Hypervisor: xen
>>>> Management tool: virsh
>>>> Hypervisor URI: xen:///
>>>> Migration URI format: xenmigr://target_host/
>>>> Virtual machine guest1 is error: failed to get domain 'guest1'
>>>> error: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName
>>>> <debug>  virsh -c xen:/// start guest1
>>>> error: failed to get domain 'guest1'
>>>> error: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName
>>>> ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root cvtst3 '~'
>>>>  [root@cvtst3 ~]# set +x
>>>> + set +x
>>>> ---
>>>> -Paras.
>>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 5:22 PM, emmanuel segura <emi2f...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hellos Paras
>>>>> Stop the vm and retry to start the vm with following commands and if
>>>>> you got some error show it
>>>>> export OCF_RESKEY_name="guest1" ; OCF_RESKEY_path="/vms_c" ;
>>>>> OCF_RESKEY_use_virsh=0
>>>>> set -x
>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>>> set +x
>>>>> 2013/11/22 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> I found the workaround to my issue. What i did is:
>>>>>> run the vm using xm and then start using cluvscadm. This works for me
>>>>>> for the time being but I am not sure what is causing this. This is what I
>>>>>> did
>>>>>> xm create /vms_c/guest1
>>>>>> clusvcadm -e vm: guest1 ( This detects that guest1 is up and quickly
>>>>>> changes its status to success)
>>>>>> Although i used virt-install, it also create a xem format
>>>>>> configuration file and since use_virsh=0 it should be able to use this 
>>>>>> xen
>>>>>> format config file. This is my vm configuration:
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> name = "guest1"
>>>>>> maxmem = 2048
>>>>>> memory = 512
>>>>>> vcpus = 1
>>>>>> #cpus="1-2"
>>>>>> bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"
>>>>>> on_poweroff = "destroy"
>>>>>> on_reboot = "restart"
>>>>>> on_crash = "restart"
>>>>>> vfb = [  ]
>>>>>> disk = [ "tap:aio:/vms_c/guest1.img,xvda,w",
>>>>>> "tap:aio:/vms_c/guest1-disk.img,xvdb,w" ]
>>>>>> vif = [ "rate=10MB/s,mac=00:16:3e:6b:be:71,bridge=xenbr0" ]
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Thanks for you help Emmanuel ! Really appreciate it.
>>>>>> -Paras.
>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:10 AM, emmanuel segura <emi2f...@gmail.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> ok, but your vm doesn't start on others nodes, i think, for
>>>>>>> configuration problems
>>>>>>> ================================================================
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice> start on vm
>>>>>>> "guest1" returned 1 (generic error)
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <warning> #68: Failed to
>>>>>>> start vm:guest1; return value: 1
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice> Stopping service
>>>>>>> vm:guest1
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice> Service vm:guest1
>>>>>>> is recovering
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <warning> #71: Relocating
>>>>>>> failed service vm:guest1
>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice> Service vm:guest1
>>>>>>> is stopped
>>>>>>> ================================================================
>>>>>>> in few words, try in every cluster node
>>>>>>> export OCF_RESKEY_name="guest1" ; OCF_RESKEY_path="/vms_c"
>>>>>>> set -x
>>>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh stop
>>>>>>> after you check if your vm can start and stop on every cluster node,
>>>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh migrate name_of_a_cluster_node
>>>>>>> can you show me your vm configuration under /vms_c?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Emmanuel
>>>>>>> 2013/11/22 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> And also to test I made use_virsh=1 , same problem. The vm does not
>>>>>>>> start up if the FD domains are offline.
>>>>>>>> -Paras.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Paras pradhan <
>>>>>>>> pradhanpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well thats seems to theoretically correct. But right now my cluser
>>>>>>>>> has use_virsh=0 and I don't have any issue untill my mebmers on the
>>>>>>>>> failover domains are offline. So wondering what is it that clusvcadm 
>>>>>>>>> -e is
>>>>>>>>> looking when I don't use virsh .
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:05 AM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> If you used virt-install, i think you need use virsh, the cluster
>>>>>>>>>> uses xm xen command if you got use_virsh=0 and virsh if you got 
>>>>>>>>>> use_virsh=1
>>>>>>>>>> in your cluster config
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/22 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> I use virt-install to create virtual machines. Is there a way to
>>>>>>>>>>> debug why clusvcadm -e vm:guest1 is failing? vm.sh  seems to use 
>>>>>>>>>>> virsh and
>>>>>>>>>>> my cluster.conf has use_virsh=0
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 21, 2013 5:53 PM, "emmanuel segura" <emi2f...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> but did you configure your vm with xen tools or using
>>>>>>>>>>>> virt-manager?
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/22 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well no i don't want to use virsh.   But as we are debugging
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with virsh now i found a strange issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I exported an xml file and imported to all nodes . Ran
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="guest1" path="/vms_c"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> export OCF_RESKEY_name="guest1" ; OCF_RESKEY_path="/vms_c"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> set -x
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/share/cluster/vm.sh start
>>>>>>>>>>>>> set +x
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vm starts now. BUT from a cluster service : cluvscam -e
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vm:guest1 , same error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if i populate all my domains' config files to all my cluser
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes and make use_virsh=1, then the issue is resolved. But this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a lot
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of work for those who have hundreds of vm.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vm.start uses virsh . Is there a way to tell him not use virsh?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 5:19 PM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you are using virsh for manage your vms, change this in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your cluster.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use_virsh="0"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use_virsh="1"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/22 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think i found the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> virsh list --all does not show my vm . This is because it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was created on another node. and another node has it. Now I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to start
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the service on a different node in which it was not created or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where virsh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list --all does not have an entry. Is it possible to create 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this entry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using a xen config file?Looks like this is now a Xen issue 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather than a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> linux-cluster issue . :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:58 PM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1:did you verify your xen livemigration configuration?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2: where you vm disk reside?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3: can you see your vm defined on every cluster node with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xm list?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/21 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is what I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hypervisor: xen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Management tool: virsh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hypervisor URI: xen:///
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Migration URI format: xenmigr://target_host/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Virtual machine guest1 is error: failed to get domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'guest1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <debug>  virsh -c xen:/// start guest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: failed to get domain 'guest1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: Domain not found: xenUnifiedDomainLookupByName
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root vtst3 '~'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [root@cvtst3 ~]# set +x
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + set +x
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I am wondering why it failed to get domain .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:43 PM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/21 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well it is guest1. Isn't it?.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <vm autostart="1" domain="myfd1" exclusive="0"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> max_restarts="0" name="guest1" path="/vms_c" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recovery="restart"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart_expire_time="0" use_virsh="0"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is a vm service if it matters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:22 PM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the servicename you defined in your cluster.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/21 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Running in test mode.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No resource guest1 of type service found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:07 PM, emmanuel segura <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emi2f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf start service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/21 Paras pradhan <pradhanpa...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My failover domain looks like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <failoverdomain name="myfd1" nofailback="1"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ordered="1" restricted="0">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                 <failoverdomainnode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="vtst1" priority="1"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                 <failoverdomainnode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="vtst3" priority="2"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                 <failoverdomainnode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="vtst2" priority="3"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                         </failoverdomain>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have vm service that uses this failover domain. If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my node vtst1 is offline, the service doesnot start on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vtst3 which is 2nd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the priority.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to start it with: clusvcadm -e vm:guest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and even with -F and -m option.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All i see is this error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start on vm "guest1" returned 1 (generic error)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <warning>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #68: Failed to start vm:guest1; return value: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:29 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stopping service vm:guest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Service vm:guest1 is recovering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <warning>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #71: Relocating failed service vm:guest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 21 15:40:35 vtst3 clurgmgrd[13911]: <notice>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Service vm:guest1 is stopped
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I debug?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paras.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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