I have written a module that implements GCM algorithm for LKCF (by calling 
dedicated hardware).

I would like to understand how the priority mechanism works in order to be sure 
that my module will be selected when I need to. At the moment it seems it is 
always used, which is great but I'd like to understand why :)

Here is the crypto_alg structure I am using to register the algorithm: 

static struct crypto_alg aead_authenc_aes_gcm = {
        .cra_name               =       "rfc4106(gcm(aes))",
        .cra_driver_name        =       "icp_aead",
        .cra_priority           =       ICP_AES_ASYNC_PRIORITY, /* 3001*/
        .cra_flags              =       
        .cra_blocksize          =       AES_BLOCK_SIZE /*16*/,
        .cra_ctxsize            =       0,
        .cra_type               =       &crypto_aead_type,
        .cra_module             =       THIS_MODULE,
        .cra_list               =       
        .cra_exit               =       aead_auth_exit,
        .cra_u                  =       {
        .aead = {
                                    .ivsize       = AES_GCM_IV_SIZE, /*8*/
                                    .maxauthsize  = AES_GCM_AUTH_TAG_LEN, /*16*/
                                    .setkey       = setkey_aes_gcm,
                                    .setauthsize  = qat_setauthsize,
                                    .encrypt      = encrypt_aes_gcm,
                                    .decrypt      = decrypt_aes_gcm,
                                    .givencrypt   = geniv_encrypt_aes_gcm,
                                    .givdecrypt   = geniv_decrypt_aes_gcm,

The algorithm is registered by calling crypto_register_alg in the module_init 

It seems that my module is always used regardless of the value of the priority 
(I tried to set it to 0 or even to -1).
I have also tried to load the default gcm kernel module before (or after) mine 
but my module is selected in both cases.

I have checked in the kernel code and I did not see any location where 
cra_priority is used.

So my questions are: 
-What is this variable used for?
-If there are multiple implementations of the same algorithm, how is one 
version chosen as opposed to another one?

I guess that the reason is that an asynchronous version always has a higher 
priority than a synchronous one. Is that correct?


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