That is a great idea. Worth working for it.
I will be there for all the days with my PC [with Linux].

Nikhil Datta wrote:
> Hi,
>         I just decided to put down some ideas that have been floating around in
> brain for a while - Mainly on how to push Linux a little more into the
> limelight, in the Indian Context. I suppost this would be most suitable
> for linux-india-general.
>         IT-Asia, or IT-India as it was called last year, is probably the
> biggest IT fair in India. IMHO, it's also the best possible place for
> Linux to break out of its somewhat undercover existence, and into the
> limelight. Sure the corporate bigwigs have seen the regular Linux
> articles on CNN, and the rest. Maybe even flipped through a few
> pages on Linux in a magazine - but how many would have actually stopped
> to consider Linux as a viable business proposition - either for use in
> their company, or perhaps even as a target platform for development ? I
> don't believe that anyone would seriously consider Linux as a viable
> business proposition unless and until they saw it performing in front of
> them. That's also generally a good time to slap them in the face with
> all the obvious advantages (Speed, reliability, bug fixing, flexibility,
> TCO, blah blah blah.)
> Coming back to IT-Asia.
>         IT-Asia would be the ideal event to showcase Linux's strength's - built
> upon an entirely volunteer-based effort, with (hopefully) corporate
> sponsors. Everyone wants to be seen supporting Linux these days, so I
> don't imagine that will be too hard. If you're wondering why I'm
> bringing up an event still 8 months away, it's because a volunteer based
> Linux stall would be an enormous logistical task - especially if the aim
> is to put on a display capable of drawing attention.
> A brief of what I'd like to see there -
>         1) Linux boxen of every configuration under the sun (Including Sun
> machines ;)).
>         I'd love to see the look of amazement when a person sees a PC, Mac,
> Alpha, UltraSparc, and maybe even a palmpilot all sitting in a row,
> running Linux. Hmm.. I know a guy who has tons of those scrumptious SGI
> workstations too....... ;)
> Lots of laptops would be nice - just to demonstrate the good stuff.
>         2) Linux Boxen running things like major databases - I won't name any,
> we all know what they are. Heavyweight apps like SAP R/3 etc. It wuld be
> great to setup an intranet showcasing linux's capabilities.  I dunno how
> to go about that...
>         3) Lots of desktop apps - flashy window managers, KDE, GNOME the works.
> (I know that is not what sells linux, and probably won't for a while,
> but I think Enlightenment is capable of drawing a crowd by itself.)
>         4) If there's enough excitement about the whole concept, maybe some
> engg. students can band together a little beowulf cluster.
>         5) Lots of people, lots of excitement. Lots of application demos,
> installation demos, games, demos of networking tools, security tools,
> remote admin tools. it's time to show people WHY Linux is actually
> EASIER to use - without any screwy GUI's.
>         6) Free T-Shirts, Free CD's.
>         7) Most importantly - enthusiasm. Nothing is as infectious as
> enthusiasm.
> I realise that this is probably a tall order. We would need a lot of
> hardware - luckily s/w is not too much of a problem in the linux camp
> ;). We'd also need sponsors, individual contributions etc. Most
> importantly, we would need vounteers to give their time. Not just to set
> things up, but to to speak to the right people, arrange for sponsors and
> hardware etc.
> This post is just a feeler. If you guys think there is a realistic
> possibilty of anything like this ever taking place - please air your
> views.
> nikk
> --
> Cure the disease and kill the patient.
>                 -- Francis Bacon

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