The enthu of organising such an event is like baing a part of linux in 
making in India . Enthu is infectious . Hope it takes on epidemic 
proportions ;-)

>Absolutely brilliant!
>Thanks raj - I think we can soon be going places.  ;)
>>Here're what I'm volunteering for:
>>    Nikhil> TCO, blah blah blah.)
>>1. Manning the stall.  I'll handle technical questions, kernel-related 
>>stuff, networking questions, etc.
>>    Nikhil> know a guy who has tons of those scrumptious SGI
>>    Nikhil> workstations too....... ;) Lots of laptops would be nice -
>>2. I volunteer to talk to various RISC companies and get boxes out of
>>them.  I know that chap with tons of SGI boxen too, will rope him in
>>:-) At the very least I'll be covering SGI, Sun, Compaq/DEC, HP and
>>IBM for their RISC products.  Suggestions welcome.
>>    Nikhil> tools, security tools, remote admin tools. it's time to
>>    Nikhil> show people WHY Linux is actually EASIER to use - without
>>4. Will setup the following apps:
>> - Web serving
>> - SAMBA (as long as someone sets up the winduhs boxen clients) 
>> - Proxy serving and caching
>> - IP Masq/IP Chains
>> - Dial-up Internet access (just for reference)
>> - Winduhs killer (cron job which teardrops all other nodes on
>> the LAN ;-)
>> - GUI Admin (Webmin)
>> - Any other network0related service you can think of
>>    Nikhil> any screwy GUI's.  6) Free T-Shirts, Free CD's.  7) Most
>>5. Will someone talk to GT Enterprises please?  I volunteer to make a
>>quiz, prizes for answering correctly will be T-Shirts, CD's, etc.
>>    Nikhil> importantly - enthusiasm. Nothing is as infectious as
>>    Nikhil> enthusiasm.
>>6. Can donate some in limited quantities (as long as it doesn't
>>deplete my laziness and inertia reserves too heavily).
>>    Nikhil> realistic possibilty of anything like this ever taking
>>    Nikhil> place - please air your views.
>>    Nikhil> nikk
>>8. Oh BTW, did I mention that this is absolutely brilliant?  Three
>>point one four one five nine cheers for Nikhil!
>>-- Raju

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