Arun Sharma wrote:
> Hello Linux India,
> After we had that discussion about CDAC and Indian languages and
> popularizing Linux, today I made some tangible progress in that
> direction.
> Lets get cracking folks!

Apart from all thes einitiatives, I think we could try to get the Govt.
agencies [responsible for it, I suppose] to do the needful to create the
necessary standards [B.I.S. etc.] to have Indian langiages as standards
for the browsers.
I am supposing that there is some kind of process of standardization
required to have the fonts enabled for the browsers as standard fonts.
We need to work in a direction whereby all browsers should support
Indian languages, atleast Hindi to begin with.

If this is interesting, Please help me prepare the necessary petition to
the Govt. and I will get the necessary ways to get it reach the right
people. I will also need to know the right ministries / departments who
are responsible for this.
I cannot promise anything great, but an honest and strong attempt will
be made, if we can have the petition ready.
The petition should mention :
The background;
The requirement;
What needs to be done;  etc.

Peace, Force & Joy!
Sudhir Gandotra "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ICQ-16733832
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