That is a very positive attitude, I must say. Rakesh has put his points
in a very nice way. I wish we all can learn from this - we could respond
to things in such a way that many M$ users would change over to Linux.

> Dear Raj,
> I am extremely sorry, to hurt the sentiments of the list members, to
> post a message for asp. Since I am user of Operating Systems to run an
> applications on my Computer, whichever OS serve my purpose, is good for
> me. Since I had faced problems like Windows  95 crashing number of
> times on my Computer, along with I am forced to buy a new hardware
> whenever new applications are in the market.
> To put it in a manner  it's like buying a New Car every time you have to
> travel on New Roads. I started taking interest in Linux.
> Let me explain the following facts, that may explain why I posted a
> message on your list.
> I had developed my site in HTML earlier.  I was able to develop my site
> over a month, with a total input of about 50-60 hours. I was knowing
> nothing of HTML programming till then, but now I want to upgrade it to
> Data base driven.
> I asked one of my friend how to go about it, he said that it can be done
> with the help of CGI, pearl scripting and asp is the latest. I posted my
> request to iinn mailing list, only one professional  from pune replied.
> Than I searched for asp on the net, learnt some more. Than   I asked
> couple of Web Site designers in Delhi, honestly
> speaking I was demoralized after listing to them, the less I say the
> better it will be.
> I thought of Linux than, and to know more about Linux, the best place is
> to start subscribing to Linux Mailing List, that's a reason I subscribed
> to your list. I had seen what pains you people take to help a fellow
> member subscriber. Spend lot of time, energy and resources to help a
> person. Pool up efforts together, organizing seminars etc., very caring
> and a helpful attitude of every one of you.  I even got hold of pcquest
> CD in which their are lots of Linux stuff is available. I went to
> the site of cyber media , publisher of pcquest, dataquest, i.e.
> which is a data base driven site. They are also using asp type pages.
> After learning all above I posted my message to your list. The Best
> response that came is from Rajkumar Andrews, he had taken lot of pains
> to visit my site and explained to me , Why it is improper to post a
> message for asp to this list. He understood why I have posted a message
> and what my requirement is?
> I am grateful to him. Thanks Rajkumar again.
> Sudhir Gandotra is having an open and positive attitude.
> And dear Raj, if I find platinum( PHP3 or mod_pearl)  while searching
> for a silver (asp), do you think I will throw it off, if I come to know
> the Value of it.
> As Nishikant said Linux is USER FRIENDLY, let all of us have a friendly
> attitude towards each other in educating fellow members.
> I still need inputs to get my data based driven application on the net.
> Thanks
> Rakesh Ralli
> Raj Mathur wrote:
> >
> > >>>>> "ralli" == ralli  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >     ralli> Dear Friends, I need an assitance in Upgrading my site from
> >     ralli> HTML to ASP , since I want to put up lots of databases and
> >     ralli> interactive in searching.
> >
> >     ralli> If you , or some whome you know can take up this
> >     ralli> assignment, please get in touch with me at the earliest.
> >
> > If you'd said PHP3 or mod_perl, I'd have jumped up like a shot. But
> > ASP? Sounds like some sick Windows-type thing... I wouldn't touch it
> > with a bargepole.
> >
> >     ralli> Thanks
> >
> > Sorry :)
> >
> > -- Raju

Peace, Force & Joy!
Sudhir Gandotra "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ICQ-16733832
Phone : 91-11-5535770 / 5613992 / 98-101-20918
" India can be Different, if we are not Indifferent "
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