Linux-Development-Apps Digest #413, Volume #6     Wed, 8 Mar 00 11:13:17 EST

  gtk-- tree selection problem (Armin van der Togt)
  Re: GCC alternative to #pragma pack (Aki M Laukkanen)
  Re: Learning Curses (Donald Arseneau)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Warren Young)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Warren Young)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Warren Young)
  Re: [Q] TickCount equivalent? ("Joe N.")
  Re: Struct size and allocate problem! need help. ("P.G.Hamer")
  Re: removing a module as a user (kai-martin)
  Re: Fast network games (Rolf Magnus)
  Re: How to safely interrupt select() ? (Chris M. Moore)
  Re: Learning Curses (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: problems running ./configure (Rene van Paassen)
  Re: question about design and data storage (Russell Marks)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: Convert GB to Unicode (Robert Brady)
  Re: question about design and data storage - Thanks a lot (Dustin Aleksiuk)
  Re: having trouble w/ GCC native install (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: tcgetattr and pipes (Paul D. Boyle)
  Re: Unpacking a TGZ file in Windows? (Paul D. Boyle)


From: Armin van der Togt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gtk-- tree selection problem
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 09:18:33 +0100

Hi all,

I'm building an application using gtk-- and came up with te following
problem. I'm using a Gtk::Tree in multiple selection mode to contol
which windows are visible. If an item is selected the corresponding
widow is visible, otherwise it's not. Since a window can be destroyed by
other ways than deselecting it in the tree, I wanted to deselect the
item if the window was being destroyed. I use the
Gtk::TreeItem.deselect() function for this. But if I deselect an item
this way, it is not selected on screen anymore, but it is still in the
Gtk::Tree::SelectionList. Is this a bug in gtk-- or shoud I use a
different function to select or deselect treeitems? Or should I remove
this item from the selectionlist myself?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aki M Laukkanen)
Subject: Re: GCC alternative to #pragma pack
Date: 8 Mar 2000 09:33:15 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Grant Edwards wrote:
>Is this strictly a function of gcc, or are binutils involved in
>the alignment/packing decisions?

Atleast as much is certain that binutils comes to play only after the
assembly is produced. I don't know much about the gas/ld side of things.



From: Donald Arseneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Learning Curses
Date: 08 Mar 2000 02:06:40 -0800

Binyomin Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Deos anyone know of any resources for learning about
> curses or ncurses besides the man pages and the sample
> programs in /usr/doc?

The Linux Documentation Project's Linux Programmer's Guide,
but it is pretty old (1996).

Look for web pages "Writing Programs with NCURSES", but this
document is also very old.

Donald Arseneau                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:30:46 -0700
From: Warren Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 04:53:27 GMT, Christopher Wong wrote:
> >And if I set up my system correctly, I need never be "outside the
> >special webfonts".
> Well that's fine if you never do anything besides browse the web.
> Personally, I don't want to use those same fonts in every document
> I create. Especially since I usually care more how my documents look
> on paper than on screen.

In this case, the quality of the rasterizer doesn't usually make much of
a difference.  Fonts that look horrible on screen can look wonderful on
paper.  More below.

> >I said I would get excellent fonts most of the time. It's not like I
> >write my letters with a gazillion fonts at once.
> It's not like the web fonts are always the best for writing letters,
> either.

I have a collection of the 35 Adobe Postscript fonts -- real Adobe
foundry fonts, not cheap knockoffs.  I've got them installed on my home
Linux box, and they _suck_ on screen.  I'm sure they'd be beautiful in
printouts.  They just aren't hinted properly for screen resolutions. 
The same goes for all the Bitstream Type 1 fonts I got with the various
versions of Corel Draw.  These aren't junk fonts: they're just intended
for printing, not for day-to-day screen display.

Face it: screen hinting is hard -- no one puts much time into it unless
they specifically intend for the font to be used on a computer screen. 
Microsoft (or rather, Monotype) has done that with their fonts, but I've
yet to see any others.  (I'm sure they're out there -- the point is,
they're rare.)
= Warren -- See the *ix pages at
= ICBM Address: 36.8274040 N, 108.0204086 W, alt. 1714m


Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:37:26 -0700
From: Warren Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 23:48:05 GMT, Christopher Wong wrote:
> >On 7 Mar 2000 05:55:38 GMT, Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If I throw out a bundle of extra cash to get a Postscript-capable
> >printer,
> Myth: Postscript printers are expensive
> Fact: Postscript Lasers start at $400-, postscript inkjets start at $100-

Do you have specific examples?  This $100 Postscript-enabled inkjet
printer I just gotta see.  We are talking "new" prices here, aren't we?

In my experience, any given printer, if it comes in Postscript and
non-Postscript versions, will cost $100 to $300 more for the Postscript
version.  This applies to everything from NECs with non-Adobe knockoff
engines in them to HPs with genuine Adobe Postscript engines in them.

I just bought a used HP 5MP (postscript version of the personal-laser
class 5P printer) for a bit over $500, and thought I got a pretty good
= Warren -- See the *ix pages at
= ICBM Address: 36.8274040 N, 108.0204086 W, alt. 1714m


Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:40:20 -0700
From: Warren Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On 7 Mar 2000 18:47:15 GMT, David T. Blake wrote:
> >xfstt is available for all non-RedHat X systems as a drop in
> >replacement for the X font server. There is lots on it on
> >the web, including several web sites.
> Are you sure you don't mean xfsft ? xfstt is only truetype AFAIK.

xfstt and xfsft are both TrueType X font servers.  xfsft uses FreeType,
xfstt uses something else....
= Warren -- See the *ix pages at
= ICBM Address: 36.8274040 N, 108.0204086 W, alt. 1714m


From: "Joe N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Q] TickCount equivalent?
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 17:49:39 -0700

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8a3v7m$c78$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm looking for a equivalent to GetTickCount() in XLib. The closest I
> was able to find was getrusage() but I don't think that is what I want.
> -Ian
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I'm not sure what GetTickCount does, but if you're looking for the number of
system clock ticks, try the "times" function.



From: "P.G.Hamer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Struct size and allocate problem! need help.
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:11:38 +0000

Charles Bryant wrote:

> but it doesn't explain that 'byte' originally meant 'storage unit'.

To whom and when?

I'm resigned to C defining a byte however it wants to. [Where does
a gorilla with a machine gun sit?] This is simply a query on historic
usage. Mainly historic US non-IBM usage, as much of this was not
readily visible from the UK at the time.

I've only been in the industry since 1966, but to everybody I met at
the time, and for years later,  bytes had 8 bits `by definition'.  My
impression was that IBM coined the term with the introduction of
the 360 series.

IMHO major characteristics of the term byte were that:
* it was individually addressable
* it was smaller than a word
* it was 8 bits

In retrospect being /exactly/ 8 bits was the least important of these.
OTOH 8 bits was big compared to the 6 bit character representations
common at the time; and this increase in size (and character set)
was important. Being able to get several into a word was also pretty
important when a mainframe might only have 8K words.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kai-martin)
Subject: Re: removing a module as a user
Date: 8 Mar 2000 12:11:48 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Olaf Klischat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> try:
>    execlp("/sbin/rmmod","/sbin/rmmod","modname",NULL);

That's it. :-) 
  (Next time, I'll take a closer look at the manpage..) 

       Danke !!


From: Rolf Magnus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fast network games
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 13:14:19 +0100
Reply-To: "Rolf Magnus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Amedeo Storni wrote...

>The problem is not the speed, but the lag: for each game cycle, joystick
>informations (less than one byte for each player) should be transferred in
>e.g. 0.2 seconds: is there any chance to get such a low lag ?

Yes. On a lan, you should ever be much faster, but also on the Internet,
200ms is possible. Use the ping command to see what time one cycle to a
special server needs. I played quake (via ISDN) on servers that had a ping
of 60 ms and sometimes even lower. Well, I only choose servers that have a
ping lower than 200ms if possible.

>If not, what
>is a reasonable lag to be expected on an Internet line ?

>From my experience, between 30ms and 500ms or more depending on the day time
(traffic) and the location of the sever relative to your provider.

>And what on a
>non-congested LAN ?

Lower than 1ms normally.

BTW: As s.o. else wrote, you should not use tcp, but udp. TCP does do some
stuff that lets packets wait in your computer without any benefit in this
case. For upd, you must do some flow control yourself, but it's worth it.
Look inthe info pages about sockets for more.

Rolf Magnus


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris M. Moore)
Subject: Re: How to safely interrupt select() ?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:54:06 GMT

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000 20:27:08 +0300, "Maxim Udushlivy"

>    I have a thread waiting on several descriptors in select(). This may
>take a long time, so I want to let user to cancel operation. My idea is to
>append to fd_set additional dummy descriptor (e.g. returned from dup()) and
>close it when it is needed to cancel. Is this method safe in multithread

Yes.  I think its quite elegant too.

>Are there any other more nicely ways (except signals), such as
>not closing but direct changing dummy descriptor state?
>    Thank you.

An alternative:  the last parameter to select is a timeout.  Use it to
do a short timeout in the following code.

int timeout = 0;
  if (select(...) > 0)
  { /* process FD */
    timeout = 0;
  { timeout++;
    if (timeout > Max || cancel_has_occurred) exit;
Sorry if my C sucks; I'm more used to Ada.  :-)

Chris M. Moore
Software engineer
speaking for myself


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: Learning Curses
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 13:08:23 GMT

On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 21:07:05 -0600, Binyomin Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Deos anyone know of any resources for learning about
>curses or ncurses besides the man pages and the sample
>programs in /usr/doc?
Try "Programming with curses"
    By John Strang
    1st Edition 1986
    Published by O'Reilly and Associates
    ISBN 0-937175-02-1, Order Number: 021
    76 pages, $12.95

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant
Toronto Dominion Financial Group


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


From: Rene van Paassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problems running ./configure
Date: 08 Mar 2000 14:09:50 +0100


> On 04 Mar 2000 11:26:26 -0800 Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | At some point, I seem to have buggered my gcc system information.
> | This may have happened after I upgraded gcc to 2.95.2.  But, it may
> | have happened after a failed attempt to upgrade the kernel to 2.3.48.
> | I had to give up the kernel because I could not get sound to work.
> | I'm currently running kernel 2.2.12.
> Did you restore the kernel source for 2.2.12 and reconfigure the kernel?
> Many of the C headers are linked into the kernel headers to get system
> info, and the linux headers need to be configured to get the platform
> information linked in as well.

check your host information with "uname -a" . Maybe your processor is
defined as i686. Many older configure scripts only cope with
[3,4,5]86es. IIRC this can happen as a result of a new kernel compile. The 
simplest solution would be to specify your host configuration to the 
configure script.

Take care and some risks,

René van Paassen            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering                
                                         Delft University of Technology 
The Netherlands


From: russell.marks@spam^H^H^H^ (Russell Marks)
Subject: Re: question about design and data storage
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 14:58:14 GMT

> I've decided to write a little address book program using the GTK+
> libraries just to get myself started before trying larger, more
> interesting projects.  I'm sure one already exists, but it seemed like a
> reasonable project to start that wouldn't take too long.
> Here's my question:  how should I store the addresses?  I was thinking
> about maybe storing them in hidden directory in the user's home
> directory in some format.  What format?  Should I store them in text?
> XML maybe?  Then would I load them into memory each time the program is
> started, or do I load up only parts (such as all the A's) at a time?

Frivolous answers:

With a computer. Punched card. Yes. Yes. Yes.

(Actually, that sounds a bit pervy if you read it a certain way %-))

Less frivolous ones:

One thing I've noticed is that gnomecard uses the vCard format, which
seems to be text-based. I think Netscape uses it too, FWIW. I don't
really know anything much about vCard, but it looks pretty sane and
straightforward. The gnomecard help (for the copy I currently have
installed, at least) seems to have a link to
regarding vCard but I've not checked that.

My recommendation for where to store the DB is in a single hidden file
in the home directory. gnomecard seems to have a more complicated
scheme (there's a default file but it allows you to load others), but
I doubt you'd want to bother with that for a quick hack.

> I've used DBM files before to store name value pairs, but I think there
> are  limitations to the amount of data you can store (at least there
> were on Solaris).

It looks a *bit* like vCard could be treated as DBM, but you'd be well
advised to check. :-)

> I'm pretty familiar with Linux and C, but I only have about a year of
> practical experience programming, and that's in Java.  If anyone could
> give me a few pointers, that would be great.

unsigned char *foo=xmalloc(42),*bar,*baz=NULL;

Well, you asked for it :-)

> Thanks a lot,
> Dustin Aleksiuk



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: 8 Mar 2000 13:20:34 GMT

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:37:26 -0700, Warren Young wrote:
>Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
>> On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 23:48:05 GMT, Christopher Wong wrote:
>> >On 7 Mar 2000 05:55:38 GMT, Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >If I throw out a bundle of extra cash to get a Postscript-capable
>> >printer,
>> Myth: Postscript printers are expensive
>> Fact: Postscript Lasers start at $400-, postscript inkjets start at $100-
>Do you have specific examples?  This $100 Postscript-enabled inkjet
>printer I just gotta see.  We are talking "new" prices here, aren't we?

Yep. See the Lexmark Optra 40. There's a link to a few of them on the 
printing HOWTO page.

>In my experience, any given printer, if it comes in Postscript and
>non-Postscript versions, will cost $100 to $300 more for the Postscript

Well the Lexmark Optra E310 which I have is a PS laser that goes for $400.

>I just bought a used HP 5MP (postscript version of the personal-laser
>class 5P printer) for a bit over $500, and thought I got a pretty good

Not bad. It's a very solid printer. I wouldn't call the '5' "personal"
though. It's more like an office printer, and is designed to pull fairly
high volumes.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: 8 Mar 2000 13:55:21 GMT

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:40:20 -0700, Warren Young wrote:

>xfstt and xfsft are both TrueType X font servers.  xfsft uses FreeType,
>xfstt uses something else....

xfsft is basically a patch that you add to xfs to make it support TrueType.
So it's not really a "TrueType font server", it's a TrueType add-on for xfs.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: 8 Mar 2000 14:01:44 GMT

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 03:30:46 -0700, Warren Young wrote:

>I have a collection of the 35 Adobe Postscript fonts -- real Adobe
>foundry fonts, not cheap knockoffs.  I've got them installed on my home
>Linux box, and they _suck_ on screen. 

The same seems to be true of the URW fonts. URW, like Adobe, are one of the 
major foundries. Suffice it to say that they're not amateurs.

>Face it: screen hinting is hard -- no one puts much time into it unless
>they specifically intend for the font to be used on a computer screen. 
>Microsoft (or rather, Monotype) has done that with their fonts, but I've
>yet to see any others.  (I'm sure they're out there -- the point is,
>they're rare.)

Pretty true. It's worth mentioning that there are other screen fonts 
though. For example, Adobe also
have a special "web font" pack which contains properly hinted fonts. But
the thing is that the foundries are targetting people who want to print
their documents, so print quality takes precedence over screen quality.



From: Robert Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Convert GB to Unicode
Date: 8 Mar 2000 15:24:47 GMT

Takeyasu Wakabayashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Takeyasu Wakabayashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Even without LC_TYPE locale files for multibyte character locales? 
>> The localedef program for glibc 2.1 can't create locale files for
>> zh_CN.GB, ja_JP.eucJP or such. I don't know for UNICODE locales.
>> To be honest, I've never used iconv and don't know whether it uses 
>> LC_TYPE file, but I doubt it can...

>Ooops, typo! Read LC_CTYPE instead of LC_TYPE.

Yes. iconv is totally independent of LC_CTYPE and locales. You can
get a list of supported character sets using iconv(1) : 'iconv --list'.

I believe that multibyte locales are coming in glibc2.2.



Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 08:52:08 -0700
From: Dustin Aleksiuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: question about design and data storage - Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for your reply, that was really helpful.  It gives me a really
good direction to go in.

> > I'm pretty familiar with Linux and C, but I only have about a year of
> > practical experience programming, and that's in Java.  If anyone could
> > give me a few pointers, that would be great.
> unsigned char *foo=xmalloc(42),*bar,*baz=NULL;
> Well, you asked for it :-)

I was actually going to add 'no pun intended' to the end of that comment.

Dustin Aleksiuk


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: having trouble w/ GCC native install
Date: 8 Mar 2000 10:50:05 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Neil J. wrote:
>  I downloaded, unzipped, and untarred GCC 
> 2.95.2.

Does your distributor not provide a gcc-2.95.* package for your use?

>         GCC recommended that I configure it from a different directory 
> than where it was installed (the new one is /root/gcc).

("Installed" usually means "the permanent places where the executables and
support files will go".)

>                                                         From there, when I 
> run configure from the command line, it correctly identifies my machine as 
> an i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld, but then outputs that command "cc" is 
> unrecognized (evidently it tests "cc" functionality in the config scripts).

To build the compiler, you need a working compiler.  Did you install (an
old) gcc, possibly under its temporary renaming "egcs"?

> The GCC help site said that for installation as a native compiler, I would 
> have to set cc in my environment variables.  I thought this was done with 
> "env [filename]" at the command line.  Am I wrong?  I have tried 
> practically every file (except *.c and *.h) as the target for this.

I don't understand what you are doing here.

Once you install a working (old) compiler, it should have the name "gcc",
and probably a symbolic link "cc" will also be installed.  On a standard
Linux system, these files will live in /usr/bin, which should be in your
PATH; in this case, you do not have to set the CC (not "cc") environment
variable.  If you want to bootstrap with a different compiler, it should
suffice to run the "configure" script with the CC variable set to the other
compiler name:

$ env CC=other_cc /root/gcc/configure --prefix=/some/path --with-gnu-as \
                   --with-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c++ --enable-shared

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Boyle)
Subject: Re: tcgetattr and pipes
Date: 7 Mar 2000 14:43:33 GMT

Robert Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: The problem I have is that mail keeps complaing saying that
: "tcgetattr: Invalid argument".  I would like to know how I
: can get around this, without hacking the code for "mail",
: if possible.

: The idea of the application is to e-mail the text inside
: a file to someone, basically what I'm trying to achieve is

: host:~$ cat filename | mail -s "this is a test" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

: What I've done is setup a pipe between mail and the stdout of
: the part of the program that will effectivly do the "cat" part
: of the above statment.

: Any ideas how to stop the tcgetattr problem anyone?

You can avoid the whole tcgetattr() issue by using popen().
#include <stdio.h>

 FILE *mail_it;

#define SENDMAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"  /* or where your sendmail lives */

 mail_it = popen( SENDMAIL, "w" );
 /* check for errors */

 fprintf( mail_it,  <format for the mail header>, from, to /* and so on */);
 fprintf( mail_it, "%s", the_message_data );
 pclose( mail_it );  /* this sends the mail */

Good Luck,


Paul D. Boyle
North Carolina State University


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Boyle)
Subject: Re: Unpacking a TGZ file in Windows?
Date: 7 Mar 2000 17:46:31 GMT

Todd Cary ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Is it possible to unpack a TGZ file in the Windows environment?

Winzip handles .tar.gz (.tgz) files.


Paul D. Boyle
North Carolina State University



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