Linux-Development-Apps Digest #298, Volume #7    Sat, 24 Mar 01 21:13:10 EST

  Visual Debugger? (Mazzachre)
  Re: Visual Debugger? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready   for prime 
time? (Simon Brooke)
  Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready for prime 
time? (Simon Brooke)
  Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready for prime 
time? (Simon Brooke)
  Re: look for a tool like VSS (Erik Max Francis)
  WARNING: COMMERCIAL: TestTrack Pro 3.1 defect tracking for Linux (Chris Cox)
  A non-blocking istream status test (Daniel Barron)
  Re: A non-blocking istream status test (David Harmon)
  Re: A non-blocking istream status test (Daniel Barron)
  Problem with ASM (Bernhard Weichart)
  compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ?? ("kellyboy")
  Re: compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ?? (Grant Edwards)
  Just TEST, please ignor it. ("John Liu")
  Re: look for a tool like VSS ("Leo Naboro")
  Re: Just TEST, please ignor it. (Colin Smith)
  Re: compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ?? ("kellyboy")


From: Mazzachre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visual Debugger?
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:55:52 +0100


I am looking for a visual debugger, Are there any good for Gnome?

- Mazzachre


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Visual Debugger?
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:00:23 GMT

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:55:52 +0100, Mazzachre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am looking for a visual debugger, Are there any good for Gnome?

DDD and Insight are worth a look.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I have many CHARTS
                                  at               and DIAGRAMS...


From: Simon Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready   for 
prime time?
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:00:49 GMT

on Friday 23 March 2001 23:23, Charles Lyttle wrote:

> Flacco wrote:
>> > More info is needed. How big is your data base? How many concurrent
>> > accesses do you need to support? What are the skills of the
>> > maintainer?
>> Small to medium DB - 50-100 tables, many with a few dozen records for
>> lookups, some with a couple tens of thousands for primary tables, and
>> several with hundreds of thousands or maybe a million or two records
>> for detail-type records.
>> Concurrent accesses - light to medium use.  I would suspect maybe a
>> hundred or so concurrent users - of those, maybe fifty would be
>> involved in operations that update the DB off and on.
>> Maintainer skills - well, that would be me - like I said, I'm fairly
>> to Linux/Apache/etc, but have some experience in NT/IIS/etc., both
>> administration and programming.
>> I'm trying to get an idea of what people are using to build web-based
>> applications, and how their tool choices work for them.
> Sounds like you are at the low end of wanting to contact the
> commercial vendors and see what they have to offer. Make sure you have
> a good business analysis in hand and don't let them talk you into
> changing your business to meet their software. To me it sounds a
> little large for mySQL, but i've seen postgres that big.

Depends what you mean by concurrent users.

If you have 100 users all hitting the same server in the same second, 
maybe you have a problem. If you have 100 users with different database 
login identities using the server at the same time, then my connection 
pooling system would require 100 real database connections. That raises 
two problems, neither insuperable. The first is that Postgress compiles 
out of the box for a max of 32 concurrent real database connections, 
and you have to tuns something in the compile-time config to get more; 
the second is that each real database connection consumes a certain 
amount of real memory. I *think* you'd easily get 100 on a 256Mb box, 
but I'm not certain.

Of course if your 100 users share a smaller number of login identities 
then my connection pooling system would be able to (safely) share 
connections, provided not everyone hit the database in the same second.

But as to whether postgres can handle databases this size, the answer 
is yes and much bigger. The point at which you might consider switching 
to Oracle at the back end is the point at which you need  (for example) 
to take backups without taking the database offline. Oracle is a very 
good database, but so is postgres and postgres is a lot easier to 

> Any postgres users have some input? How about scripts, etc. to work
> such a system?

The joy of JDBC is that you don't need anything special to make the 
system work. Here, however, is a quick'n'dirty backup script

#       Purpose: Dump all databases to backup media.                    
#       Author: Simon Brooke                                            
#       Created: 1st February 1999                                      
#       Copyright: (c) 1999 Simon Brooke. All rights reserved.          
#       $Revision: 1.4 $                                                
#       $Date: 1999/04/09 13:58:12 $                                    
if [ $USER != "postgres" ]
    logger -s "ERROR: $0 must be run as user postgres!"
    exit 1

if [ -d /usr/local/pgsql/data ]
    DATADIR=/usr/local/pgsql/data       # Standard postgres install
    DATADIR=/var/lib/pgsql              # RedHat install
pid=`/sbin/pidof postmaster`
echo "attempting to kill postmaster:"
kill -TERM $pid                         # kill the supposed postmaster
                                        # process....
killall -TERM postmaster                # Just to make sure....
sleep 10
echo "restarting postmaster in local-only mode:"
postmaster -S -D$DATADIR                # restart it not listening on
                                        # the socket
sleep 1                                 # wait for it to get started
pid=`/sbin/pidof postmaster`
echo "now dumping databases:"
cd $DATADIR/base
for db in *
    if [ -d $db ]
        echo "Now dumping $db"
        pg_dump $db > $DUMPDIR/$db.dump
        echo "Now vacuuming $db" 
        echo "vacuum;" | psql $db 2>&1 | grep -v 'DEBUG' 
        echo "ERROR: $db: not a directory?"
echo "now killing the local-only postmaster..."
kill -TERM $pid
killall -TERM postmaster
sleep 10
echo " up shared memory ..."
echo "...and restarting socket listening postmaster"
# This next block is copied from /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
# Any changes should be kept in sync with that
# but remember this one runs as postgres!
postmaster -i -p 5432 -D$DATADIR > /var/log/pgsql &
echo "Return value was $?"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

        'graveyards are full of indispensable people'


From: Simon Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready for 
prime time?
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:06:41 GMT

on Thursday 22 March 2001 11:10, Paul Colquhoun wrote:

> Unless you need any of the advanced features of PostgreSQL,
> then mSQL or MySQL would be faster.

This is a myth. In real world systems, except where both

(i) the majority of queries hit single tables only *and* 
(ii) the proportion or read to writes is high to very high, 

Postgres outperforms MySQL. See e.g.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

        'graveyards are full of indispensable people'


From: Simon Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + PostgreSQL + Apache + JDBC + Tomcat JSP / Servlets:  Ready for 
prime time?
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:12:46 GMT

on Thursday 22 March 2001 09:08, Flacco wrote:

> In the past, I've used NT/VB/IIS/ASP/MTS/SQLServer for web apps.  I'm
> a recent Linux convert, and would like to look into using
> Linux/Apache/Tomcat/JDBC/PostrgreSQL for some future projects.
>  From what I see so far, I like it conceptually, but I wonder how this
> combination performs in the real world, in terms of speed and
> reliability, on modest hardware (say, dual P700's with 256MB).

Don't know about that sort of hardware. Performs fine on our single 
processor Pentium II/300 with 128Mb... ;-)

Actually we also have a dual PII/300 with 256 megs on which we run all 
the above plus Oracle, and that performs fine too.

> I don't want to invest a lot of time in this kind of environment if
> there are performance problems under load, if services stop running
> unexpectedly, if ports mysteriously shut down, etc. etc.

Mysterious shutdowns are a Micro$loth habit. You will have to push a 
Linux box *very* hard before anything falls over.

> Would you recommend replacement implementations for any of the
> components I've listed to make the environment more reliable?

No, tomcat/postgres makes a very solid engine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

        'graveyards are full of indispensable people'


From: Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: look for a tool like VSS
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:04:35 -0800

Leo Naboro wrote:

> i wanna look for a linux software which like the Visual
> Source Safe(VSS)under windows98(NT).it both manage the source codes
> and
> libs,i know that the CVS is very useful source contol.But our boss
> need the libs contol also...

You can try Perforce:

I'm not aware of any source control software that can't handle binaries
with the appropriate switches; it's just a glob of data that it doesn't
have to manage versioning information on.

 Erik Max Francis / [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
 __ San Jose, CA, US / 37 20 N 121 53 W / ICQ16063900 / &tSftDotIotE
/  \ I'll be your strength / I'll be here when you wake up (all right)
\__/ Sweetbox
    Alcyone Systems' Daily Planet /
 A new, virtual planet, every day.


From: Chris Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WARNING: COMMERCIAL: TestTrack Pro 3.1 defect tracking for Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:13:03 GMT

For those interested in Seapine's latest "Linux" offering,
you need to know that in order to use the product you
HAVE to use a Windows-only administration tool to create
the database.  Their announcement implies that the product
server piece runs under Linux and that you can use
the Web to access... while this is probably true, the
database has to be created with a program which runs
ONLY under Windows.

Just FYI,


From: Daniel Barron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++
Subject: A non-blocking istream status test
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:22:49 +0000

Target platform is RedHat Linux 6.2 GNU C++.

I'm writing code to do:

someStream >> header;

In the 

istream& operator >>(istream& s, header& h) {}

I read from the s using, length);  The length is known, but in
some conditions an extra 2 bytes are in the stream after the length number
of bytes is read.

How can I test the status of s in a non-blocking fasion.  I simply want to
test if there are any more bytes to be read and to return imediately saying
if there are or not.  All my attempts so far with peek (I think it was) etc

Any ideas, pointers, example code, urls?

Daniel Barron - use [at] for personal replys.


From: David Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A non-blocking istream status test
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 21:23:28 GMT

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:22:49 +0000 in comp.lang.c++,
Daniel Barron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>How can I test the status of s in a non-blocking fasion.  I simply want to
>test if there are any more bytes to be read and to return imediately saying
>if there are or not.  All my attempts so far with peek (I think it was) etc

There is no non-blocking I/O in standard C++.  You will have to look for
some platform-specific extension or API.


From: Daniel Barron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A non-blocking istream status test
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:25:23 +0000

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          David Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:22:49 +0000 in comp.lang.c++,
> Daniel Barron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >How can I test the status of s in a non-blocking fasion.  I simply want to
> >test if there are any more bytes to be read and to return imediately saying
> >if there are or not.  All my attempts so far with peek (I think it was) etc
> >block.
> There is no non-blocking I/O in standard C++.  You will have to look for
> some platform-specific extension or API.

Ok, is there a linux gnu c++ specific extension to do this?

Daniel Barron - use [at] for personal replys.


From: Bernhard Weichart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with ASM
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:22:00 +0100

Hi all

I have a little problem. Iwill learn assembler on linux, but at my code
are an error at the cmp function.
Please look at: 
for the source-code.

mfg Bernhard


From: "kellyboy" <kellyboy@nospanner>
Subject: compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ??
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 17:44:15 -0600

There this source file that is "straight, no frills ANSI-C " and their
website where source came from said "it should run pretty much anything with
a C or C++." That file will produce command prompt excutable (not dependent
on GUI or anything).

Does that mean it will compile under Linux using gcc..??? Or does it require
some sort of 'porting'?

It only need the include files as follow:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>

when I compile it with gcc...

gcc -o lsysexe LPARSER.c

I get errors output. Here's an example of error output to give you idea :(im
only giving a few lines out of many error line I got)

LPARSER.C:150: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `c' with no type
LPARSER.C:150: stray '\' in program
LPARSER.C:151: parse error before `}'
LPARSER.C:154: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `A' with no type
LPARSER.C:154: conflicting types for `int A[0]'
LPARSER.C:144: previous declaration as `int A[2]'
LPARSER.C:154: `B' was not declared in this scope
LPARSER.C:154: stray '\' in program
LPARSER.C:155: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `A' with no type
LPARSER.C:155: conflicting types for `int A[1]'

I remember able to compile it (not perfectly but it able to excute some
function) under Visual C++...but I since I no longer focus on Win32 and
focus on Linux...

and bear im mind..Im not exactly guru...Im still learning the art of
programming under Linux (the only compiling skill I have is using
./configure;make;make install)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ??
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:05:12 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, kellyboy wrote:

>There this source file that is "straight, no frills ANSI-C " and their
>website where source came from said "it should run pretty much anything with
>a C or C++." That file will produce command prompt excutable (not dependent
>on GUI or anything).
>Does that mean it will compile under Linux using gcc..??? Or does it require
>some sort of 'porting'?
>It only need the include files as follow:
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <float.h>
>#include <stdlib.h>
>#include <string.h>
>#include <stdarg.h>
>#include <math.h>
>#include <malloc.h>
>when I compile it with gcc...
>gcc -o lsysexe LPARSER.c
>I get errors output. Here's an example of error output to give you idea :(im
>only giving a few lines out of many error line I got)

Somehow I doubt that's how you compiled it.  According to the error messages
below, the file name is not LPARSER.c but is LPARSER.C:

>LPARSER.C:150: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration `c' with no type
>LPARSER.C:150: stray '\' in program
>LPARSER.C:151: parse error before `}'

Gcc treats foo.C as C++ and foo.c as C.  Thy this:

1) Change the name of the file from whaterver.C to whatever.c

2) Delete all of the carriage returns in the source files.  Something
   like this should do it:

   $ for f in *.[ch]; do tr -d '\r' <$f >/tmp/$$.tmp; mv $$.tmp $f; done

   Warning: I that's off the top of my head, and untested.  Make a copy of
            everything before trying it.  :)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I just had my entire
                                  at               INTESTINAL TRACT coated
                                 with TEFLON!


From: "John Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Just TEST, please ignor it.
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:41:24 GMT


From: "Leo Naboro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: look for a tool like VSS
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 09:18:37 +0800

I know that the CVS only do version control,but i wanna a tool  which can
do both version control and libs control..wheh i build program on my host,i
can checkout mine data and the necessary libs.thanks
                                               Leo Naboro
"Joseph A. Knapka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Leo Naboro wrote:
> >
> > goodevening every,i wanna look for a linux software which like the
> > Source Safe(VSS)under windows98(NT).it both manage the source codes and
> > libs,i know that the CVS is very useful source contol.But our boss
> > need the libs contol also...So does anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks!
> CVS is a -version control- system. You can maintain any kind of
> file with CVS. If a file is binary, you need the "-kb" option
> to the "cvs add" command to inform CVS that it should not attempt
> to e.g. insert version information into the file. Also there
> are rumored to be wonderful GUI interfaces to CVS available,
> but I have never used them. Check out the CVS web site
> HTH,
> -- Joe
> -- Joe Knapka
> "It was just a maddened crocodile hidden in a flower bed. It could
>  have happened to anyone." -- Pratchett
> // Linux MM Documentation in progress:
> //
> * Evolution is an "unproven theory" in the same sense that gravity is. *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Smith)
Subject: Re: Just TEST, please ignor it.
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 02:09:50 +0100

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:41:24 GMT, John Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Then why not post in a test newsgroup? Hmm?

|Colin Smith:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Windows 2000    |
|Linux: Delivers on the promises Microsoft make. |        AKA        |
|                 |    The W2K Bug    |


From: "kellyboy" <kellyboy@nospanner>
Subject: Re: compiling straight, no frills ANSI-C ??
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 19:42:57 -0600 that 'delete carriage return' and changing *.C to *.c solved the

the filename was all caps thats why its *.C instead of *.c....(i got it from
windows share into linux filesystem)

I'm using finish.c (a copy of LPARSER.C with carriage return deleted)

now how do I get them to work... I run the gcc again (using finish.c.. this
time I get this error:

finish.c: In function `main':
finish.c:3052: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `Do_angle':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x59): undefined reference to `atan'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `Set_move_transform':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x1d8): undefined reference to `cos'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x1ec): undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `Set_ECS':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x3e4f): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x3fa1): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x4071): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `Define_form':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x464e): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x46e5): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x48fb): more undefined references to `sqrt' follow
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `Set_rot':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x6514): undefined reference to `cos'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x6528): undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o: In function `L_draw':
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x970f): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x9b9e): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x9bfc): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x9e10): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0x9e6e): undefined reference to `sqrt'
/tmp/ccI3FZOk.o(.text+0xa0a5): more undefined references to `sqrt' follow
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I believe that it couldnt find some of the include file that it needed for
defined referenced .

I checked and my linux box and I do have all the header (using 'find
/usr -name *.h')

any idea??





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