Linux-Development-Sys Digest #366, Volume #6      Tue, 2 Feb 99 15:14:23 EST

  Newbe tar question (Bucky4me)
  Re: Driven by Bios-INT? (Andreas Mohr)
  Re: SENDMAIL SOURCE CODE ? (Raymond Lillard)
  Re: Diskless systems? (Matt Kressel)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows (Nix)
  Re: Newbe tar question (David T. Blake)
  Re: Advice:  NT Service vs. Linux Daemon??? Which is easier? (Carlos Vidal)
  Re: Ignorant Socalists (was disheartened gnome developer) (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Kernel compiled for Pentium+, requires TSC? (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: New free widget library: Notif-0.1 (Joseph H Allen)
  Re: Starcraft on Linux (Anthony D. Tribelli)
  Re: glibc-crypt-2.0.112 somewhere ? (Mike Dowling)
  Diskless systems? ("duke")
  Re: 2.2.1 - kernel: Negative d_count (-1) ("ÀÓÁ¾È¯")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bucky4me)
Subject: Newbe tar question
Date: 2 Feb 1999 16:21:54 GMT

I am new to UNIX and Linux.  I uncompressed a .gz file (JDK) and now have a
.tar file.  How do I use it.  It is my understanding that this is a archive
file.  Is this correct?  I am trying to install Java on my Linux system.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Mohr)
Subject: Re: Driven by Bios-INT?
Date: 2 Feb 1999 16:24:56 GMT

Eric Wick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hello,

> can someone tell me, why Noone has ever build a Kerneldriver that use the 
> Bios-INT to use a System-internal Harddiskcontroller?

> With this way, probably ALL i86-Boards can be used (mabye slow, but works 
> although with specialparts). I think this can enhance Linux for future.

> ByeBye
> Eric Wick
Go to and search for "VM86 int 13" (recent thread in c.o.l.d.s.)
That should give you what you want.
And yes, such a driver would be really cool.
It would be a little bit more difficult than a normal driver, but it should
still be doable.
If I had no other project/much time I would definitely try to write it !
(I have no special int13 hardware anyway)

Andreas Mohr


From: Raymond Lillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 09:59:51 -0800

Anthony Parker wrote:
> Is the source code for SENDMAIL ( or any other mail server ) in public
> domain ? If so, where can I get it. Using it is one thing, understanding
> what is really going on is what I want to know.

Check out


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.redhat
From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diskless systems?
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 16:52:13 GMT

duke wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out if it is possible to run linux on a system with 16
> Meg of  RAM and 16 Meg of Flash without any hard disks?  Can anybody give me
> some info on this issue as to how I could go about doing it.  Also does
> anybody have info on memory foot prints of Netscape navigator, Java VM, X
> server,  and other linux components?  I am trying to size the memory
> requirements.

The Diskless system HOWTO:

No data bout RAM reqs. though, sorry.


+---------  Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY ---------+
+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


From: Nix <$}xin{$>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: 02 Feb 1999 07:16:46 +0000

Michael Doherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Agreed. And I was thinking that I'd like to put man pages and
> HOW-TO's in html format. Anybody done that or thinking of 
> doing that kind of project?

No, because it's already done. The HOWTOs are written with the
LinuxDoc/DocBook SGML tools and hence can be set in HTML just as easily
as in text format; and PolyglotMan (once known as `RosettaMan') can emit
HTMLised manpages (as well as LaTeXed, RTFed and about five million
other formats of manpage).

`I didn't want the bug *fixed*, I wanted to bitch pointlessly.' - Matthew
                                        R. Williams on alt.religion.emacs


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David T. Blake)
Subject: Re: Newbe tar question
Date: 02 Feb 1999 09:12:01 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bucky4me) writes:

>I am new to UNIX and Linux.  I uncompressed a .gz file (JDK) and now
>have a .tar file.  How do I use it.  It is my understanding that this
>is a archive file.  Is this correct?  I am trying to install Java on
>my Linux system.

I generally use

tar -xf filename.tar 

This unpacks the archive

tar -cf filename.tar directoryname
takes the directory hierarchy starting at directoryname
and makes a tarball

Add a z to either of those to compress with gzip at the same

Dave Blake


From: Carlos Vidal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advice:  NT Service vs. Linux Daemon??? Which is easier?
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 09:30:39 +0000

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

David Sisk wrote:

> Hi:
> Advice, opinions, etc., please!  I'm looking for feedback on which would be
> easier to program.
> I'm very interested in learning to develop server-side applications in C
> and/or C++ (such as
> a web-server, for instance.  I realize that the source for Apache is freely
> available, but I think that's probably a little difficult for me to start
> mucking around with

I think a better starting point is using Tcl

because it hides socket's complexities and you

still have to explore the server complexities.

I enclose you a little script I use to synchronize

applications running on the same display, it's

just an example of a mini-server.

Carlos Vidal

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="uimd"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="uimd"

# UIM daemon. This is a tiny server controlling the communication between
# UIM application running on the localhost.

catch {wm withdraw .}

proc bgerror {msg} {
        global var
        if $var(debug) {
                puts $var(log) "Error: $msg"

# Parse the flags
proc getargs {listvar} {
        upvar 1 $listvar argv
        global var

        set var(debug) 0
        set var(port)  12121
        set var(log)   stdout
        foreach flg {debug port} {
                if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $argv "-$flg"]] >= 0 } {
                        set var($flg) [lindex $argv [incr idx]]

        # Open log file
        if { $var(log) != "stdout" && $var(log) != "stderr" \
                        && [catch {open $var(log) a} var(log)]} {
                set var(log) stdout

        # Verify the port number
        if ![regexp {[0-9]+} $var(port)] {
                puts "Bad port '$var(port)'"

proc Uimd_Client_vars {} {
        return {

proc Uimd_detach {port} {
        global var

        if { $var(debug) && [info exists var(appname,$port)] } {
                puts $var(log) "Detach $var(appname,$port) from port $port"

        catch {close $var(socket,$port)}

        while {[set idx [lsearch -exact $var(ports) $port]] >= 0} {
                set var(ports) [lreplace $var(ports) $idx $idx]

        foreach v [Uimd_Client_vars] {
                catch {unset var($v,$port)}

proc Uimd_receive {fd port} {
        global var
        global done

        if { [catch {gets $fd msg} ret] || $ret == -1 } {
                Uimd_detach $port

        if { $msg == "" } return

        if { $var(debug) >= 5 } {
                puts $var(log) "Message from $fd $port: $msg"

        # Parse the command
        switch -exact [lindex $msg 0] {
                stop {
                        if $var(debug) {
                                puts $var(log) "Server manually stopped"
                        set done 1
                attach {
                        lappend var(ports) $port
                        set var(appname,$port) [lindex $msg 1]
                        set var(display,$port) [lindex $msg 2]
                        set var(socket,$port)  $fd
                detach {
                        Uimd_detach $port
                send {
                        # Get the sender display
                        set dsp $var(display,$port)

                        # Look for the target in the same display
                        set to [lindex $msg 1]
                        foreach p $var(ports) {
                                if { $var(display,$p) != $dsp } continue
                                if { $var(appname,$p) == $to } {
                                        if { $var(debug) >= 8 } {
                                                puts $var(log) "Found target on port 
                                        puts $var(socket,$p) [lrange $msg 2 end]

proc Uimd_connect {fd host port} {
        global var

        if $var(debug) {
                puts $var(log) "Connect client from fd $fd host $host port $port"

        # Attach an event handler
        fconfigure $fd -buffering line -blocking 0
        fileevent $fd readable "Uimd_receive $fd $port"

proc Uimd_start {} {
        global var 
        global argv

        set var(ports) ""
        getargs argv

        # Check if it has to kill the server
        if { [lsearch -exact $argv stop] >= 0 } {
                if ![catch {socket -async localhost $var(port)} fd] {
                        fconfigure $fd -buffering line -blocking 0
                        catch {
                                puts $fd "stop"
                        close $fd

        # Open the socket (if it cannot be done then there is a server running)
        if [catch {socket -server Uimd_connect $var(port)} fd] {
                if { $var(debug) >= 9 } {
                        puts $var(log) $fd
        set var(socket) $fd

vwait done
catch {close $var(log)}



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Ignorant Socalists (was disheartened gnome developer)
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 01 Feb 1999 23:44:52 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Anglesio) writes:

> [Microsoft] don't dominate the PC market because the state made it
> easy for them or assigned a concession. They dominate the PC market
> because they're very good at playing the game of capitalism, without
> (or even despite) the presence of the state. MS would be just fine
> without the state, even without a state. They'd probably be pretty
> happy to be free of the restrictions.

MS wants to *be* the state.

Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: 1 Feb 1999 23:44:26 -0800

In article <z%st2.374$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Paul says...
>You can get all the Unix utilities and even run a Korn shell in NT by using
>software such as MKS Toolkit
>Why put up with the pain of Unix or Linux when you can have all the
>so-called advantages and a hell of a lot friendlier user environment and a
>hell of a lot more versatile environment.  Pearl, sed, awk, grep, vi -
>piping, redirection - they are all there without the Nerdy Unix environment.
>Sorry folks - Unix and Linux are about 20 years behind times and will NEVER
>catch up.

I first thought the same way as you.
However I found MKS on NT is no match  to a full blown fast realiable complete
OS link Linux.

Sure, you can get limited emulation of Linux tools on Windows. But why would
one go for a slow weak emulation of something, while the real thing, with
much more to offer is only few key strokes away?

GNU/Linux is so much more flexible, faster, better quality, that I now
have moved all my data to it, and spend about 99% of my time on it.

Some typical tasks I do on GNU/Linux are 3-4 times faster than on NT.

I agree with you, that MKS with NT makes life little easier, but the real
thing, makes life so much more better still. 

I'll never again go back to windows. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Subject: Re: Kernel compiled for Pentium+, requires TSC?
Date: 2 Feb 1999 02:20:13 -0600
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I compiled the 2.2.1 [...] processor type set to 486

>    Kernel compiled for Pentium+, requires TSC

> Well, obviously I didn't, so what's happening?

Dunno.  That shouldn't happen.  Clearly you're running it on either a
486 or an early 586-class that doesn't have a proper TSC.  Here's a
theory: current kernels have both a CONFIG_M586 and a CONFIG_M586TSC,
for finer-grain config.  Perhaps you or `make *config' have managed to
accidentally set CONFIG_M586TSC *and* CONFIG_M486, and some #ifdefs
don't check for this case.  Just a theory.  Check your .config file.

> Also, what's a TSC?

The time stamp counter.  It's a 64-bit register that keeps a count of
how many clock cycles have gone by since it has been reset.  An
accurate method of keeping very small amounts of time.  Some chips that
have a TSC don't do it right, i.e. I think some K6's clobber the upper
32 bits of the TSC across a halt/interrupt or something; I don't
remember what Linux does to get around this.

Peter Samuelson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph H Allen)
Subject: Re: New free widget library: Notif-0.1
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:24:06 GMT

I think we really want to be able have both models at once.  The reason is
that GUIs intrinsically do have a lot of states.  It would be very tedious
to explicitly check for each allowable event on every single input wait. 
When the program's primary task of the moment is to wait for the user to
finish a dialog box, it would be silly for it to have to concern itself
with expose events for unrelated windows, or scroll requests from the user,
etc.  If this is what you did, lots of bugs would arise from ignoring
important events.

On the other hand, not every application can be made to be completely
"modeless".  Lots of GUI programmers try to strive for this "ideal", but it
is frequently useful to have guided sequential actions.  In complicated
systems it is nice to have several of these threads going on at once.

A good example is an automated factory with a GUI.  It is perfectly natural
to break up an industrial task into a sequence of steps.  I wrote an
application to do this once (for manufacturing diamond coated grinding
wheels), and found it to be extremely instructive.  There were buttons to
start tasks, indicators which monitored various resources, and dialog
windows would pop up for user input during the tasks.  I did it entirely
with the callback model and found it to very tedious to have to break every
task into a set of separate functions, but if I had used the trick of
calling the event hander as a subroutine it would not have been possible to
handle concurrent tasks (like "home axis 7" and "deliver wheel to

This system would have been considerably simpler had I used the version of
Notif with multiple stacks that I'm working on (as it was, I used a
conventional custom C++/callback GUI written by someone else).  The
application became really interesting when I had to deal with real
concurrancy issues such as shared resources (and in this, the resources were
both physical (I.E., a robot axis motor) and electronic (a stepper-motor
timer)).  All of the usual resource locking and event queue stuff that you
see in operating systems came into play, but at the application level.  It
all worked very nicely: you could start several tasks (by pressing buttons)
and they would pause from time to time when a resource had to be shared. 
Deadlock could happen, but the user could abort pending tasks.  It was
obvious that a better tool would have helped a lot.  I was tempted to write
an interpreter.  Anyway, lets just say that I have no problem seeing how the
Denver Airport baggage transport system debacle happened :)
/*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli)
Subject: Re: Starcraft on Linux
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:35:41 GMT

Roy Stogner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 16:06:59 +1000, Steven Shaw wrote:

: >Does Starcraft really run under Linux? Are you using wine?
: Like the previous poster said, Starcraft < 1.04 worked; v1.04 and
: Brood War don't yet.  (and Wine 990131 doesn't seem to fix it yet).
: There were memory leaks somewhere, though, and it paid off to have
: another virtual terminal keeping an eye on this while you saved every
: half hour or hour.

Memory leaks in Starcraft or Wine?

Tony Tribelli


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Dowling)
Subject: Re: glibc-crypt-2.0.112 somewhere ?
Date: 2 Feb 1999 08:55:39 GMT

On 31 Jan 1999 17:29:01 +0100, Andreas Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Juergen Heinzl writes:
> > well, glibc-2.0.112 is out 8) ... but no glibc-crypt-2.0.112 on the
> > any mirror I know of 8-( so installing the test library is a bit
> > complicated. 2.0.8 seems to be the latest anyway (at least on the
> > alpha ftp site) and since I am outside of the US ...
>You should really read Ulrich's announcements about the test releases:
>The crypt add-on can be found at
>The 2.0.111 version is fine.

I would like to hear about these test releases.  Specifically, I need to
update from glibc-2.0.6 as, for some reason, the compiler pgcc-1.1.1 wants
to link some function from libm that is not present in libm-2.0.6.  My
temporary fix is to copy libm-2.0.7 from a red hat distribution.

I've down loaded

I could not find a 2.0.111 version for localedata; hopefully it will live
happily together with the other libs.

Is there anything I have to watch out for with this release?

I'm a little uneasy about this as my Linux distribution is a DIY, and if I
screw up with libc, it will cost me time that I don't have at the moment.

  Mike Dowling

My email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] above is a valid email address.
It is, in fact, a sendmail alias; the digit 'N' is incremented regularly.
Spammed aliases will be deleted.  Currently, mike[5,7,8] have been deleted.
If email to mikeN bounces, try mikeN+1.


From: "duke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Diskless systems?
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 10:09:24 GMT


I am trying to figure out if it is possible to run linux on a system with 16
Meg of  RAM and 16 Meg of Flash without any hard disks?  Can anybody give me
some info on this issue as to how I could go about doing it.  Also does
anybody have info on memory foot prints of Netscape navigator, Java VM, X
server,  and other linux components?  I am trying to size the memory

Thanks a bunch

Madhukar Tallam


Subject: Re: 2.2.1 - kernel: Negative d_count (-1)
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 19:06:15 +0900

Greg ÀÌ(°¡) <78vbsu$5q4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ¸Þ½ÃÁö¿¡¼­ ÀÛ¼ºÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù...
>messages:Jan 30 10:03:19 tori kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, pr3 =

me too,
I am using
kernel 2.2.1 + kr patch for joliet cd(kr=korean)
Classic Dual Petium CPU 120
Edo  64 mb
Classic Keyboard
Serial  Mouse
Fujitsu 3 GB + IBM DTTA 8GB
Oksori MEF II with 4 mb      (WSS/OSS sound card)

First, I have the below error message when shutdown,
after then I am having this when linux box mount localfile system (booting
unable to handle NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000

current -t tts.cr3=03e2900 %cr=03e29000



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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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