Linux-Development-Sys Digest #450, Volume #6      Wed, 3 Mar 99 22:14:08 EST

  Re: ATX Power Off problem (Gerhard Siegesmund)
  Re: bigphysarea patch on 2.2.2 (Tramm Hudson)
  Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
  Re: SMP Support (Michael Hirsch)
  Re: glibc dangling pointer? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Overclocking (was: Re: K6-2 and Linux, Are there any Bug?) ("Tuomo O. 
  Re: Driver Programming (Gerard van der Sel)
  Re: Problem 'sync'ing Linux filesystem on i386 (Marty Tysanner)
  Re: ide-scsi with 2.2.2 (Mike Dowling)
  Re: Problem loading modules with kernel 2.2.2 and modutils 2.1.121 (Mark Sutton)
  Re: Any Insure++ Users? (Jan Willamowius)
  Re: waiting for milliseconds? ("Zefram Cochrane")
  booting NT & linux (Andi Braun)
  Re: V2.2.0 & V2.2.2 kernel do not compile on a m68k Amiga A1200 (Martin Recktenwald)
  console and groups (Slyglif Cain)
  Re: bigphysarea patch on 2.2.2 (Conrad Sanderson)
  Any success with Acard SCSI && kernel 2.2.x? (Michel Mauny)
  Re: gdb problems (Peter Samuelson)


Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 09:55:55 +0100
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerhard Siegesmund)
Subject: Re: ATX Power Off problem


> My ATX dual-CPU motherboard doesn't have a BIOS option
> about what to do when the power resumes, but it does have a

My motherboard has a Jumper to set that behaviour. It is called "System
after AC back". Maybe you find something similar on your motherboard
(although the idea with the modem is not bad! :-)

  --== Jerri ==--
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get PGP Public Key


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tramm Hudson)
Subject: Re: bigphysarea patch on 2.2.2
Date: 3 Mar 1999 11:19:54 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Conrad Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am using bigphysarea patch in my driver source and right now
>>I am using kernel 2.0.36. How do I port my driver on kernel 2.2.2 ?
>the guys working on the Matrox Meteor driver have a preliminary
>version of the bigphyspatch for 2.2

I have an updated version that I wrote to work with 2.1.x.  It now
has a user level system call to retrieve physical buffers.  The /proc
interface needs some cleanup, too.

You can find it at:

>It's about time this patch or something with equivalent functionality went
>into the official kernel distribution.  We've been resorting to this patch
>since the 1.3.72 days.

I plan to get the patch up and running with 2.2 and work to have it
brought into the 2.3 tree when it comes out.  This is functionality that
should be exposed to applications that need physical memory.

  o   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   O___|   
 /|\          H 505.266.59.96   /\  \_  
 <<   KC5RNF @ N5YYF.NM.AMPR.ORG            W 505.284.24.32   \ \/\_\  
  0                                                            U \_  | 


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why I'm dumping Linux, going back to Windblows
Date: 3 Mar 1999 19:44:02 GMT

Moi aussi!  =)  I really am hoping that something pretty drastic happens
in the end and that Microsoft goes down and kisses the asses of all of the
"lowly" (In it's opinion) programmers.... and all of the programmers who
made Linux =)

        - Mike

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999 16:48:09 -0000, Csaba Raduly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> However, as time progesses an MS slowly falls apart
>> So when MS goes down hill so will the obsession for MS
>Hopeful, hopeful, eh ?

Michael B. Trausch                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
V: (419) 838-8104                                   F: (815) 846-9374
                          ICQ UIN:  32369835
   "Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that
   curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly."
                                                - Arnold Edinborough
If you do not have my public PGP key, you are encouraged to obtain it
from my website at You need
               to have PGP 5.0i or newer to use the key.


From: Michael Hirsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Support
Date: 03 Mar 1999 14:48:20 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Komar) writes:

> Michael Hirsch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : 
> : Okay, here's what I got.  My box is a dual PII 350 with 128M of RAM,
> : an ultra II SCSI can and a Viking II HD.  So these are fairly fast
> : CPUs with a fairly fast disk.
> : 
> : I ran the first make twice to get the source into the cache.  I ran
> : 'make clean' between before each compile (though as you can see, that
> : make only 7 seconds difference).  As you can see, -j2 was
> : slower than -j4 but only by 10 seconds.  -j6 was 3 seconds slower than
> : -j4 which hardly seems significant.  As you can see, CPU usage varied
> : from 178% to 190% (I'm ignoring the 170% when the cache wasn't full).
> Most people probably don't run a kernel compile more than once in a row, 
> so the sources wouldn't normally be cached in memory.  If they weren't,
> then I would expect a bigger difference going from -j2 to say -j4 
> (although that may only be true if compile times are comparable to
> disk access times for each file).  Would you be interested in repeating
> your measurements without cached source files?  Enquiring minds want
> to know.

Good point.  But since there was only a few seconds difference even
between the uncached -j2 and the cached -j4 it really seems

Is there a command to clear the cache, or do I need to reboot each

Michael D. Hirsch                       Work: (404) 727-7940
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322     FAX: (404) 727-5611

Public key for encrypted mail available upon request (or finger


Subject: Re: glibc dangling pointer?
Date: 03 Mar 1999 14:39:05 -0500

Greg Herlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does this make sense at all?  Why die in kill()???  I might add that if I
> don't link ccmalloc to it, it runs fine.  I just want to chase down any
> memory leaks!

is ccmalloc linked to glibc or libc5?

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.1        i586 | at public servers
Linux!  Guerrilla UNIX Development     Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus.


From: "Tuomo O. Vuolteenaho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Overclocking (was: Re: K6-2 and Linux, Are there any Bug?)
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 20:41:44 GMT

I don't get this.  Doesn't PIII have a fixed multiplier?  Doesn't PIII450
run at 4.5 times the bus speed, and 500 at 5.0 times?  How can you get
them to work? (An honest question.)

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, David wrote:

> i've had a dual pIII 500 machine that was actualy a pIII 500 and a PIII 450
> clocked up that ran fine. exactly the same results as a real dual 500.
> didn't notice the 450 getting any hotter either.
> David 


From: Gerard van der Sel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Driver Programming
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 08:55:53 +0100

Olof Wolgast wrote:
> Gerard van der Sel wrote:
> >
> > The examples from the book are on the internet.
> Where?

But don's relay on the examples only. The "why" is explained in full
detail in the book.
Met vriendelijke groet,

Gerard van der Sel
"De dinosaurussen hadden hun komeet, wij hebben de Windows computer" -


From: Marty Tysanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem 'sync'ing Linux filesystem on i386
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 00:39:48 -0800

John Labenski wrote:

>> The problem is that when I 'shutdown -h now' the machine, it halts on
>> THIS HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE! That's whats most disturbing, shutdown
>> was fine for about 2 weeks, then this problem. When I startup, it then
>> reports that the Linux partition was not correctly shutdown and checks it.

Chris Wagner wrote:

> I suspect hardware problems.  Check the HD cables.  The HD may be dying.

Could be, but it is puzzling that he can compile and otherwise use the
system without undue problems.  Hardware problems would also show up
when working in other operating systems on the disk, I would think.

Another possibility is that the file system has become corrupted somehow
at some point during those two weeks, and the problems are a symptom of

A suggestion for John:  Run fsck on the Linux partition (assuming it is
an ext2 partition, use e2fsck).  You don't want to run fsck on a mounted
partition, and the root partition will be mounted.  This suggestion may
sound strange because fsck was run for you when booting up (because you
did not shutdown cleanly), but the root partition was mounted at that
time -- it had to be, since fsck is on your Linux partition.  Since you
mentioned you have RedHat, boot a kernel image on a floppy, typing
'rescue' at the LILO prompt, then feed it the RedHat Rescue disk when
it asks you for it (if you haven't made a rescue disk yet, make one
first).  The rescue disk creates a RAM disk image that contains fsck, among
other programs.  Your HD root partition won't be mounted when you boot
from a floppy, so run 'fsck -f /dev/hda4' (if your Linux partition is
hda4).  If you get a clean report, then your filesystem is probably
not corrupted.  If you get errors, fsck will hopefully fix them, and
that will hopefully get rid of your problems.  After running fsck, you
can reboot normally.

Good luck!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Dowling)
Subject: Re: ide-scsi with 2.2.2
Date: 3 Mar 1999 08:47:21 GMT

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:40:58 -0600, David Bukowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>well with cdrecord that I use frequently seems nto to work as of 2.0.33
>and since I upgraded to 2.2.2 its been having problems crashing during the
>fixation of the cd.

Well, I have used cdrecord to burn two CDs with 2.2.2.  Nevertheless, I am
having strange problems with 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.  I occasionally get paging
exceptions when the system shuts down after the disks have been unmounted.

More seriously, and possibly related to your problem, I could not simply
copy /usr to an MO device when making a backup without the paging exception. 
That was with 2.2.1.  With 2.2.2, I cannot even make access to the MO
device.  Both mount and fsck think that the superblock is corrupted.

  Mike Dowling

My email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] above is a valid email address.
It is, in fact, a sendmail alias; the digit 'N' is incremented regularly.
Spammed aliases will be deleted.  Currently, mike[5,7,8] have been deleted.
If email to mikeN bounces, try mikeN+1.


From: Mark Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem loading modules with kernel 2.2.2 and modutils 2.1.121
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 22:02:54 +0000

Walter Hunt wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Mark Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Howdy,
> >
> >     [snip]
> > Here is the problem:
> >
> > When I try to load any modular driver, either with kerneld, or
> > manually using insmod, the following error is produced:
> >
> >   insmod: error in loading shared libraries
> >  : undefined symbol: __bzero.
> >
>         [snip]
> > Anyone see this before?
>         Yup. Annoying as crap, isn't it. Happened the same way to me.
>         The problem seems to be that the modutils that you (and I :) grabbed to
> update to the latest version were built with some strange compiler version
> which doesn't get along with your system. I'm guessing that you grabbed
> the latest one you found on the rpmfind web site, built by BlueSky Dist.,
> or something like that.

Actually, I got the RPM from  (or maybe it was
but anyway it was a redhat server.  I snarfed it two or three weeks ago though,
only now found the time to try it, maybe I should look for a newer version from

>         You should find those messages going away if you grab a different version,
> say from RedHat Manhatten or something.
>         The *only* ones I've had problems with were the .rpms from BlueSky.
>         If you didn't upgrade using .rpms, I'd assume something was hosed with
> your compiler setup that you used to compile the packages.

I'm going to see what a fresh download of the rpm from RedHat does, then,
if that fails, I'll try compiling from the tar.gz source myself.

Thanks for the response!

|  Mark Sutton                 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
|  The Laitram Corporation     |               |
|  New Orleans, Louisiana      |         |
|  Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Laitram Corp.| 


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Willamowius)
Subject: Re: Any Insure++ Users?
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 19:09:52 GMT

Mark Riehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>We're looking at purchasing a copy of Insure++ for Linux.  It's pretty
>expensive ($2900 per user), we can't get an evaluation copy, and the
>only source of info is the Parasoft web page.  

They used to have an evaluation copy for Linux. When I tried it it did
work ok. I didn't like it as much as Purify (not available for Linux)
and since I didn't really need such a tools on Linux I didn't actually
buy it.

Jan Willamowius,
Microsoft does have a year 2000 problem. I'm part of it. I'm running Linux.


From: "Zefram Cochrane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: waiting for milliseconds?
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 13:02:32 -0000

Andreas Schwab wrote in message ...
>"Zefram Cochrane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>|> I thought about this sort of thing a few weeks ago: why would anyone
>|> to "wait" for something of the order of "milliseconds". *micro*seconds
>|> I could understand, and *seconds* I could understand.
>??? 1 milisecond = 1000 microseconds = 0.001 seconds

Err, yes. I know that. I was referring to "order of magnitude". You
should have read my whole post.

Richard [in PE12]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andi Braun)
Subject: booting NT & linux
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 10:59:55 GMT

How do I configure NT's bootmanager to start either NT on disk C: (or
IDE 0, master) or Linux on D: (scsi, id 0)?

Is there any chance or do I need to use Lilo?



PS Please reply via mail


From: Martin Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: V2.2.0 & V2.2.2 kernel do not compile on a m68k Amiga A1200
Date: 03 Mar 1999 11:40:16 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr Guest) writes:

>  Has anyone tried to compile this before and if so how did you
> overcome this error.

There have been some changes in the semaphore code in 2.2.2 with the
effect that compilation breaks on most architectures. Try 2.2.1.

(I don't know of any problems with 2.2.0, but I'm not using Linux/68k



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Slyglif Cain)
Subject: console and groups
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 06:54:57 -0700

OK, this has probably been asked before, I can't can't seem to find anything 
on the subject when searching through DejaNews.  Is there a way to setup Linux 
so that when a user is logged in via ttyX that they are a member of a 
particular group Y?  I would this this would be useful for allowing access to 
certain devices depending on what terminal you are logged into (for example, 
if you are logged into the console, you should have access to /dev/dsp*, if 
you are logged into a particular serial line you might have access to some of 
the /dev/hd* devices).

// Chris Giard (a.k.a. Slyglif Cain) | Life is like a box of dynamite,
// EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | you never know when it will go.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conrad Sanderson)
Subject: Re: bigphysarea patch on 2.2.2
Date: 3 Mar 1999 13:36:02 GMT


>I am using bigphysarea patch in my driver source and right now
>I am using kernel 2.0.36. How do I port my driver on kernel 2.2.2 ?

the guys working on the Matrox Meteor driver have a preliminary
version of the bigphyspatch for 2.2

It's about time this patch or something with equivalent functionality went
into the official kernel distribution.  We've been resorting to this patch
since the 1.3.72 days.


From: Michel Mauny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any success with Acard SCSI && kernel 2.2.x?
Date: 03 Mar 1999 15:43:39 +0100

Hi all,

I'm in trouble with my Acard SCSI-3 (6710S) and linux kernels
2.2.x. The card is correctly detected, but the boot process (or
atp870u.o module insertion) stops after the following message:

   ACARD AEC-671X PCI Ultra/W SCSI-3 Host Adapter: 0    IO:d000, IRQ:9. 
         ID:  1  MATSHITACD-R   CW-7502  4.10 
         ID:  7  Host Adapter 
scsi0 : ACARD AEC-6710/6712 PCI Ultra/W SCSI-3 Adapter Driver V1.0  
scsi : 1 host. 
scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 1, scsi0, channel 0, id
       1, lun 0 Request Sense 00 00 00 10 00  

I know that this cards works perfectly with kernel 2.0.37.

Anyone having success with this card/driver and kernels 2.2.x? If yes,
any hint to make it work?

Please cc: to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well, since the traffic of this
group is rather high, and I don't want to miss your replies.

Thanks in advance,

--Michel Mauny


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: gdb problems
Date: 3 Mar 1999 20:53:55 -0600
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This may sound kind of goofy, but when debugging a C program with
> gdb, the debugger tries to find the source code to strol.c, which I
> don't have and really don't want.

Doesn't sound goofy at all, assuming you mean `strtol.c' not `strol.c'.

> I am running gdb 4.17 with gcc 2.8.1 under kernel 2.2.1 (RedHat 5.2).
> Am I missing something that I need to do to disable this behavior, or
> is that normal?

I don't use either RH or gcc 2.8 (Debian & egcs here), so I can only
guess, but your problem might be that RH ships libc with debugging
symbols (gcc -g).  If so, gdb will try to find the source; otherwise it
shouldn't.  So try stripping the library.  (How and whether to strip, and how to test the stripped version without hosing your
system in case of failure, and how to replace the real one with the
stripped one safely once you have tested it, are left as an exercise
for the reader.)

Peter Samuelson



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