Linux-Development-Sys Digest #603, Volume #6      Fri, 9 Apr 99 06:14:22 EDT

  how to dynamically-tunable setup Max open file? ("jack huang")
  Re: CodeWarror for Linux (was: Re: Programming tools for ...) (Josh Stern)
  Re: Q: auto shutdown & power on with APM with ATX mb ? (Yucheng)
  How do I convert an int to a string? (Darren)
  GDB broken in Redhat 5.2? (Louis S Leclerc -- Personal Account)
  Re: internal modem ("Keith Frechette")
  Is use of WINE acceptable for a short-term implementation of ThinkPad Modem? ("Keith 
  Re: RS485 & Linux: Must toggle DTR quickly (Olav Woelfelschneider)
  Problems with ARP on 2.2.X (Sam Johnston)
  Re: RedHat's X-Windows Requirement (David Fox)
  Re: How do I convert an int to a string? ("G. Sumner Hayes")
  Re: how to dynamically-tunable setup Max open file? (Mathieu ARNOLD)
  Problems with ARP on 2.2.X (contd.) (Sam Johnston)
  Re: RedHat's X-Windows Requirement (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: Took one guy 3 days, another 1 day, me 1 hour... ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Stream Processing (provided by SVR4) for Linux? ("G. Sumner Hayes")
  Re: 4 Gb memory? ECC? (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: Linux Kernel documentationI (Horst von Brand)
  Re: Boot feature extension? (Phil Howard)
  Re: How to test if /dev/fd0 exists (Maciej Golebiewski)
  Re: SMP Linux,  Any Catches? ("Sascha Bohnenkamp")


From: "jack huang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to dynamically-tunable setup Max open file?
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 12:55:16 +0800



Subject: Re: CodeWarror for Linux (was: Re: Programming tools for ...)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Josh Stern)
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 05:25:58 GMT


>What I don't understand is why the low level syntax of, say, make hasn't 
>been used as a foundation to build upon in an IDE.  Most professional 
>developers would then use IDEs that are based upon an open standard so no 
>proprietary lock-in could occur (many IDEs would be available that 
>basically just produce a make file and interface gcc and RCS e.g.).  
>Personally, I think UNIX people like things complex for job security or 
>some bull like that.  Perhaps it just goes back to the failing of UNIX: 
>no simple GUI std??

I think you are barking up the wrong tree.  Let me explain.
Make is used as a foundation for more powerful tools such as 
autoconf, imake, automake, etc.  These are not GUI tools for an IDE, but 
rather character app based tools that get jobs done for people that 
need to do them.  So the premise that nobody builds on top of make
is for Unix is wrong.  The hypothesis that people prefer tools that
are not novice-friendly for job security is also wrong.  It shouldn't
be hard to see that there is going to be a big difference in the
typical style of free software applications that are created or enhanced
by individuals, to personally help them get their work done vs.
the style of a commercial application that is developed by a software
company to sell to the largest number of users.  The difference in
motivations and payoffs and intended user community should be 
pretty  clear. The phenomenon of masses of volunteers creating
novice-friendly applications for Linux due to altruistic motives or 
a desire to see a free software platform succeed is a relatively recent
phenomenon, and the efforts of these intentions haven't been fully
realized yet.  Another issue with Unix software is that graphical
apps make demands on the availability of X Windows running and
on bandwidth of a network connection that prohibit work in
many situations, so people typically refrain from doing something
that only pays off in eye candy rather than functionality if
it is going to be useful in fewer circumstances.

There is one part of the quoted text above that does hit near the
truth, I think -  the libraries for creating GUI apps on
Unix were traditionally too hard to use.  For example, I recently
worked at a software company where the main development environment
was HP-UX, and I found myself far and away preferring the character
based version of their debugger to the graphical one, even when
I was sitting at an X station, because the character based one
offered more functionality.  It was obvious that so much effort
had gone into the initial production of the Motif GUI for the
visual one that access to functionality and bug fixes had
gotten left on, even though the underlying internals of the
debuggers were identical.  This library situation is changing

All of this is just by way of explanation.  There are good
reasons to create user friendly GUIs and, ultimately for 
IDEs (though many of the reasons are different).  But I
think there is also a lot of conditioned bias in people 
coming from Windows to think that the more graphical and
integrated apps are more powerful.  This is partly
historical accident (generalizing from the transition
of MS-Dos to MS-Windows), partly socialization (Windows
users are trained to be application oriented rather
than tool and data format oriented and trained to learn
by trial and error rather than by reading documentation), and 
partly the effect of marketing and being used to a world
were mass producers of software that took hundreds of
thousands of person-hours to produce pay for shelf space
at CompUSA to sell their stuff to technoogical illiterates.
I think that both cultures need to work harder to see
the limitations of their own historical experiences and

- Josh


From: Yucheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: auto shutdown & power on with APM with ATX mb ?
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 04:41:58 GMT


> Hello All,
> I have a new motherboard ASUSP5A (with AMD K6/400) in an ATX box (and
> powersupply) kernel is 2.2.5 with APM (and distribution is Redhat5.2
> with updates)
> I would like to power off my machine with Linux (this is possible and
> works with apm -s) and also to power it on at a given date. (This
> seems possible thru the Award BIOS setup screen).
> Does anyone have any clues or ideas?
> --
> Basile STARYNKEVITCH - 8 rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 BOURG LA REINE (France)
> tel email = basile point starynkevitch at wanadoo point fr

  Try to look at the manpage of hdparm, set up time for it.  Hope this helps!


From: Darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do I convert an int to a string?
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 14:11:01 +1000

I need to compare a users uid to one stored in a file along with other
data in the format uid:username:timestamp and delete this info if the uids
are a match

I think this would be done by using strncmp() but this needs two strings
to compare, is there anyway that I can convert the integer uid into a
string so that I can use strncmp or is there another way to compare them?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Louis S Leclerc -- Personal Account)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: GDB broken in Redhat 5.2?
Date: 9 Apr 1999 05:49:11 GMT


I have a problem with gdb, which I recently installed on Linux.

This is for a high visability project in a bank in which we
wish to prove Linux as a better alternative over NT4.0 (which
we currently use) for future installations, so your 
assistance is appreciated if we are to succeed.

When stepping a program (any program, even "hello,world"),
when I 'step' to a c function call, the gdb gets stuck and
says in the bottom white window (ie. when I hit printf)

strcmp (p1=0x40018dc1 "fopen", p2=0x80482ff "printf") at ../sysdeps/generic/strcmp.c:30
../sysdeps/generic/strcmp.c:30: No such file or directory.

Looking in dejanews and the redhat sites, this appears to
be a *very* *very* common problem with gdb in redhat 5.2
on Intel boxes. However,
aside from general type answers from folks (ie. install
sources for libc, compile with different
options..etc..etc), there has been no clear resolution of
this over the past 12 months' articles that I searched.
(people have put in sources..still broken..etc..etc..etc).,
no set solution found so far...

Any idea what is happening, or how to fix this problem?
Has anyone gotten gdb to work right in redhat 5.2? How did
you do it?

Research shows that something 
happened after redhat 4.2 breaking gdb so that it doesn't
work anymore in 5.1 / 5.2 when hitting libc function calls.
SO it doesn't look like it is the basic stuff like compiling
with '-g',..etc..etc, something else happened it looks like
in redhat 5.1/5.2

I am running:
Redhat 5.2

I have installed the regular, development and profile versions
of libc, but the path of usr/src/redhat is still empty. If
these need to be filled, which package exactly should I install? this even related to the problem (dont make assumptions
unless you are sure it applied to redhat 5.2, as I also know
the obvious answer here, people have installed the sources
to no avail... in solving this problem).

I am looking for *very specific* instructions on how to
get this to work in redhat 5.2 (ie. if to install a
libc package, what is it called (exactly)..etc), or whatever,
or if it is just broken so badly that it can't work in linux
5.2 (if so, how does anyone write C programs in linux?)

This is a new installation and there is nothing unusual/
strange about the setup. most of us are rather new to linux here
(solaris & NT backgrounds), so please don't make any assumptions
of what we might know in your replies. We have the CD's and 
access to the web, so if you can please tell us how to fix 
this, with specifics, it would be great in advancing this
project as so far we like what we see with Redhat linux
except for this problem.

Thank you;

Lou Leclerc


From: "Keith Frechette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: internal modem
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 00:36:45 -0400


IBM has not yet released Linux-based modem drivers for its ThinkPad internal
modems. However, IBM has made a general annoucement (last month) that, among
other platforms, it does plan to support Linux on ThinkPads. IBM hasn't yet
indicated whether that applies to existing ThinkPad models or to models that
will be introduced in the future.

For what it's worth, if IBM does decide to create Linux modem drivers for
the ThinkPad 600 series, I most likely will be one of the developers to do
the work. (I'm currently working on the Windows 2000 drivers.)

So keep your eye on this newsgroup for updates!

-- Keith

Keith Frechette
Software Development Engineer
IBM DSP Integrated Solutions

Herger Peter wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Has anyone any idea how I can use my internal modem of my IBM thinkpad
>600E with Linux Redhat 5.2???
>Peter Herger ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Keith Frechette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is use of WINE acceptable for a short-term implementation of ThinkPad Modem?
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 01:18:04 -0400

First, please allow me a quick introduction. I am IBM's development team
lead responsible for the Windows 2000 modem support for the ThinkPad 770/600
series laptops. I've been with IBM's DSP Integrated Solutions group
(formerly the Mwave group) for the last seven years. Life is good.

I've only recently begun my journey as a Linux advocate and developer. As a
matter of fact, it was IBM and RedHat's joint annoucement in February that
inspired me to go buy a copy of RedHat Linux 5.2 to see what the hubbub was
all about. I installed it on a ThinkPad 600E, and I was impressed at how
easy it was for me to install. (Granted, I am a long-time Windows developer;
so that did give me an edge over, say, Grandma Jean.) However, I was very
disappointed (and reasonably so) to see the lack of support for the 600E's
internal modem. I said to myself, "What a bunch of slackers those RedHat
folks are, not providing me with modem support." But then I figured, what
the hey -- it's not their fault that I haven't given them any code!

Although IBM has not committed to providing Linux modem drivers for its
ThinkPad 770/600 series, I have begun my own after-hours research into the
best approach for porting our existing Windows 95/98/NT/2000 drivers to
Linux. Although a small kernel driver is required to do I/O to the modem,
the bulk of the Windows drivers is user-mode code. As a quick and purely
experimental path for getting the modem running on Linux and to help
identify any architectural hurdles, I am thinking of creating a Linux kernel
driver and then using WINE to run the existing user-mode Windows NT 4.0
drivers, with possibly small modifications. If the modem works in that
environment, porting the user-mode code to pure Linux should be relatively
straight forward.

Any thoughts on this approach and whether an alpha release implemented this
way would be useful to the Linux community?

Again, it's important for me to stress that IBM has not committed to
supporting the ThinkPad ACP modem on Linux, whether or not I create a
working modem after hours or, perhaps eventually, as part of my regular
assignments. However, I'd like to think that IBM wouldn't let a high-demand
project go to waste. :-)

-- Keith

Keith Frechette
Software Development Engineer
IBM DSP Integrated Solutions


From: Olav Woelfelschneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.arch.embedded
Subject: Re: RS485 & Linux: Must toggle DTR quickly
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:06:11 +0200

Tommy Thorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in comp.arch.embedded:
TT>  1) Do you turn it off after *each* char sent, or only the last char
TT>     in a packet?

Of course, after the last char of the packet came back as an echo.
A timeout ensures that this does not hang if there is no echo (eg. because
someone pulled the plug).

If you want to code this yourself, be careful with the FIFO. The receiver
FIFO threshold must be set to 1, or you will still turn off too late.
With a high FIFO threshold, it can take some 4 character times before
the actual receive interrupt happens, if the FIFO is not full.

However, the uart permits to change the threshold on the fly, so I usually
leave it on 14 when idly waiting for incoming data. I set it to 4 at the
start of transmission and then set it down to 1 when I got at least 4 bytes.
Given a packet is at least 4 bytes long, this minimizes the number of
interrupt triggers. Beware, this idea is not yet thoroughly tested and it
might just shoot into your foot...

Oh, and I still recommend Rubini´s book on kernel device drivers. It´s great.

Olav "Mac" Wölfelschneider                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP fingerprint = 06 5F 66 B3  2A AD 7D 2D  B7 19 67 3C  95 A7 9D AF
Mer muß doch nur emol e bissje nochdenke. -- Mundstuhl


From: Sam Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with ARP on 2.2.X
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 15:28:45 +1000

Hello all,

I figure this is probably the best place for such a question - I'm using
Debian 2.1 (slink) and have compiled the 2.2.5 kernel. When I try to
delete an address from the arp table I get:


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: RedHat's X-Windows Requirement
Date: 08 Apr 1999 22:51:45 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Horst von Brand) writes:

> In article <7eh0cj$k1k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [...]
> >Well, I think the whole thing could easily be solved in the same way
> >Debian solves the same issue for svgalib.  They provide a package,
> >"svgalib-dummy", which installs a small that just has empty
> >symbols in it.  That way if your package has a svgalib mode that you
> >never use, the dynamic linker will resolve all the symbols and not
> >complain, and you don't have to install svgalib.
> Why not just install the emacs without X binaries? Or compile emacs without
> X yourself?

I'm more interested in general solutions to the problem of running a
program that understands multiple graphical environments without
having to have support for all of those environments installed.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: "G. Sumner Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I convert an int to a string?
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 02:58:32 -0400

Darren wrote:
> I need to compare a users uid to one stored in a file along with other
> data in the format uid:username:timestamp and delete this info if the 
> uids are a match
> I think this would be done by using strncmp() but this needs two 
> strings to compare, is there anyway that I can convert the integer uid 
> into a string so that I can use strncmp

man ssprintf(3).  IT'll do what you want.  I think you want:

int myint;
char mybuf[255];  /* replace 255 with the longest that you could get */
ssprintf(mybuf, "%d", myint);

but I'm away from my machine and don't have access to the man page so
that syntax might be slightly off.  atoi and strtol are other functions
that might be interesting.

This sort of general programming question is probably best directed to
comp.unix.programmer (for general questions like this) or
comp.os.linux.development.apps (for linux-specific questions).  Also,
a good book on the C library (Plauger's got one) is worth reading as
is the comp.lang.c FAQ and the comp.unix.programmer FAQ -- those last
two contain neat code samples and such.

Hope this helps,



Subject: Re: how to dynamically-tunable setup Max open file?
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 09:20:08 +0200

jack huang wrote:
> redhat 5.2 limited max open files (1024) and inode (3076)
> but if  change it to more large must relink kernel.
> PS. /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h
> How to dynamically-tunable change it ?

cd /proc/sys/kernel
echo 13244 > file-max
echo 45345 > inode-max

Mathieu ARNOLD                   PGP key id : 0x2D92519F
IRC : Dalnet #mygale _mat        ICQ uin:1827742


From: Sam Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with ARP on 2.2.X (contd.)
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 15:36:07 +1000

Sorry about that - lets try again:

Hello all,

I figure this is probably the best place for such a question - I'm using

Debian 2.1 (slink) and have compiled the 2.2.5 kernel. When I try to
delete an address from the arp table I get:

SIOCDARP(pub): No such file or directory

and similarly with ppp (and proxyarp):

Apr  9 14:50:02 svr-new pppd[328]: ioctl(SIOCDARP): No such file or

Reading the man(8) page for arp, I find that it wants to see
/proc/net/arp, which exists and contains entries like:

IP address       HW type     Flags       HW address            Mask
A.B.C.D   0x1         0x2         AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
*                 eth0

>From I see that
slink is certified for 2.0.X but not for 2.2.X and that there are some
known issues. However there is no mention of arp.


Thanks in advance.

 - samj


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Subject: Re: RedHat's X-Windows Requirement
Date: 9 Apr 1999 04:32:32 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Horst von Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Why not just install the emacs without X binaries? Or compile emacs
> without X yourself?

A fair question.  In my case, for various reasons, it was far simpler
to just use the Debian binary and cobble up a dummy  And a
parallel holds for distributions themselves -- the costs of supporting
multiple binaries for one program include ftp mirror space, cdrom
space, maintainer resources for recompiles, and complexity in bug

I think using a dummy library like Debian already does for svgalib
makes sense in this case -- you only have to distribute one binary of
each app, plus you don't force people to install a megabyte of xlib6.

Peter Samuelson


Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 17:17:47 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Took one guy 3 days, another 1 day, me 1 hour...

Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [Phil Howard]
> > Someone I was talking to was mentioning that the next coming user
> > interface is voice
> [...]
> > you could just tell the computer what you wanted done, and didn't
> > have to go find the right menu or dialog.
> Cute.  Does the general public really not grasp the concept that voice
> recognition and natural language parsing are orthogonal technologies?
> Or is using a keyboard just not an acceptible option for these people?

Alas, not only would the user need to know the commands, they'd have to learn to speak
determined by the computer. Ouch! They don't know what evil deed they are asking.

> (Rhetorical question.  I know the general public does not grasp this.
> But it seems so obvious that I wonder why not.)
> --
> Peter Samuelson
> <!psamuels>


From: "G. Sumner Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stream Processing (provided by SVR4) for Linux?
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 03:15:52 -0400

David Grothe wrote:
> "G. Sumner Hayes" wrote:
> > Solaris (in recent versions, certainly 2.6 and later) uses
> > kernel sockets-based TCP/IP in the fast path and has STREAMS 
> > relegated to secondary status. There is also a TCP/IP-over-streams 
> > implementation, but the kernel sockets are preferred unless you need 
> > STREAMS (and the corresponding performance hit).  This is fairly 
> > transparent to the application programmer.
> If this is so, then perhaps you can account for the following 
> phenomenon:
> On a Solaris 2.6 SPARC, I go to /kernel/drv and do an "nm" on "tcp" 
> and "ip".  I examine the resulting list of external symbols.  I  find 
> plenty of references to the STREAMS routines (putnext, allocb, etc).  
> But I find _no_ references to any symbol containing the characters 
> "sock".
> I am supposed to believe that there are two parallel implementations 
> of TCP/IP in Solaris?  If so, what is the driver name of the "socket 
> based TCP/IP"?

[SNIP stuff]

No, they're not stupid.  The socket interface nominally uses the same
code, but the fast path through that code isn't STREAMS in the SysV
sense of the word -- it was in the pre-2.6 kernels.  The Solaris 2.6
technical press releases all made a big deal about sockets bypassing
the STREAMS code.  Unfortunately, I'm no longer at CMU and don't have
easy access to (or much use for) Solaris machines any more -- post-2.6 
is out of my league, and the details are starting to suffer bit rot in 
my mind (I knew I should have made nightly backups...)

Can we agree that:

1.  The STREAMS API is useful both for use with existing code and
writing new code that isn't performance critical, where performance
critical means that scaling beyond Ethernet speeds is desired.  
2. The STREAMS API may allow for faster (therefore cheaper) 
implementation of some systems than a naive sockets implementation.
3.  The sockets API is useful where greater portability (basically all
widespread real OSes and, with some care, various PC OSes) and
performance are desired.
4.  For really demanding applications it may be necessary to avoid both
of the above and use something more specialized/different.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Subject: Re: 4 Gb memory? ECC?
Date: 9 Apr 1999 04:39:03 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Phil Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> I wonder if it might be possible to make memory above 4GB turn into
> swap space.  That would certainly be faster to swap in and out of
> than virtually any bus device.  It would still limit processes and
> buffers to the low 4GB.

Apparently this has been discussed by the kernel cognoscenti -- at one
point Linus was objecting to the complexity of supporting PPro 36-bit
addressing, saying that the only way to do it cleanly would be as a
ramdisk.  Presumably you would then mkswap/swapon the ramdisk device.
Since then he has backed down a little, having discussed with someone
(sct? I don't remember) a method to use 36 bits of addressing directly
without too much ugliness, and patches might be forthcoming at some
point from whoever it was.  At any rate, this is most likely a 2.3

Peter Samuelson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Horst von Brand)
Subject: Re: Linux Kernel documentationI
Date: 9 Apr 1999 08:27:17 GMT

>I wrote to this group to ask you about a book (downloadable or not) which
>can teach me more about the inner workings of the kernel away from the
>university books (a lot of theory and a few of practice)

Take a look at the online bookstores, seach for "linux". You should find
plenty. At least Amazon usually has reader comments next to the books.

"Linux Device Drivers" by Rubini (O'Reilly) i excellent, but somewhat dated
(it concentrates on 2.0.xx kernels). That'll be probably the case with most.

Look at the LDP at, there are several books there.
Particularly "The Linux Kernel" (tlk) by David A Rusling is useful for its
overview of the kernel, even though unfinished.

Hope this helps some.
Horst von Brand                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Casilla 9G, Viña del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Howard)
Subject: Re: Boot feature extension?
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 09:54:48 GMT

On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 17:34:15 -0700 D. Stimits ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

| SVGATextMode would at first seem to be the answer, but as it turns out, unless my 
|text mode columns
| are as wide as the SVGATextMode to start with, it scrambles the first 2 letters of 
|the column across
| the screen. If I've booted to the 132x50 mode I want, via ask and entering 133, I 
|can use
| SVGATextMode to get a comparable mode. But I have to manually sit and enter 133 
|first to get to a
| mode SVGATextMode can handle and not scramble (it should produce the same results to 
| SVGATextMode, regardless of starting console geometry, but it doesn't). This is 
|likely a bug in
| SVGATextMode, but even if it was not bugged, requiring this to boot to a valid mode 
|seems like a
| workaround to a real fix.

Try changing the dot clock to lower values, even though that might flicker.
Also try other numbers of columns.  Multiples of higher powers of two tend
to work better.  Video cards are not that sophisticated with the ability to
handle text mode, since it's graphics mode that the high end uses demand.

I have a couple of Matrox Millennium cards and I use SVGATextMode.  One of
then works up to 63.7 MHz and up to 112 columns this way.  The other will
go all the way up to 67.5 MHz and 120 columns.  When I exceed the limits,
it apparently loses clocking pulses and some letters are splattered into
different positions, and change between raster scans randomly.  Obviously
I've pushed the limits.  These cards do have different revisions.

Phil Howard           KA9WGN


From: Maciej Golebiewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to test if /dev/fd0 exists
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 10:48:20 +0200

Michael Knigge wrote:
> =

> Phil Howard schrieb in Nachricht ...
> >I need to test to see if /dev/fd0 exists or not.  Not the node file,
> >not the driver, I mean the actual physical device.  What happens when
> =

> Maybe it helps to check the file /proc/devices. There is one line
> indicating the presence of Floppy Devices (I checked against 2.0.35,
> I don=B4t know about 2.1.x and 2.2.x)

examples/tests> uname -a
Linux bzzz 2.2.5 #4 SMP Wed Apr 7 17:08:50 CEST 1999 i686 unknown
examples/tests> cat /proc/devices =

Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 cua
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 60 vipk
128 ptm
136 pts

Block devices:
  1 ramdisk
  2 fd
  3 ide0
  7 loop


From: "Sascha Bohnenkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Linux,  Any Catches?
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 12:11:32 +0200

>We have a system which we are porting to Linux from NT/HP-UX/AIX. All of
>aforementioned handle Multiprocessing extremely well(ok, two of the
>aforementioned). Will Linux handle 200-300 user telnet/serial getty
>connections well with 2 or 4 processors(Xeon 450's) and a Hardware RAID? I
>would like to make sure so we can throw NT out the door. Currently we have
>to go with HP or IBM for anything higher than 100 users.
>Also, we are tied to RedHat for our database.

linux should do its should nice IF 1(or 2 with path) GB RAM is enough for
your applications, because linux'86 does not proper handle mor, yet.



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