Linux-Development-Sys Digest #680, Volume #6      Wed, 5 May 99 07:14:20 EDT

  kernel nfsd (Todd L. Cohen)
  Re: Linux disk defragmenter (Andrew Rothstein)
  Help Please!!! ("Jack R. Llewellyn")
  Re: glibc-2.1 and incompatible apps ("Stefan Monnier " 
  R/3 and Linux (Duncan Speidel)
  Re: R/3 and Linux (Christopher B. Browne)
  Trying to detect PnP Monitors  (Menelik)
  X86EMU: Project Leadership Change! (Kendall Bennett)
  Problem: Block on freelist at 008c8910 isn't free (norton_ng)
  Re: Q: What can I do when SVGALIB did not support my video card(chipset)??? (Marcus 
  Re: CVS (Re: Bill Gates, self made man, NOT!) (Nix)
  Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto (Timothy Murphy)
  Re: suggestion to scsi-drivers (Carl Kreider)
  Re: Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux (Eugene V. Morozov)
  Banshee Drivers ("Kyle Cowan")
  Re: Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux (Igor Zlatkovic)
  Mirroring Harddrives on Red Hat ("Jeremiah Daniels")
  Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux (Eildert Groeneveld)
  Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto ("Ron Ruble")
  Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto (Ian Wild)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Todd L. Cohen)
Subject: kernel nfsd
Date: 4 May 1999 19:37:51 GMT

        I've installed RedHat 6.0 and then updated to kernel 2.2.7 from
source. Since I want to NFS export space, I chose the experimental NFSD
built into the kernel since the old nfsd isn't shipped with redhat
anymore. Well, the old one worked fine, but with the new one I get a
"protocol not supported" error on my client, and a "svc: unknown version
(3) " on the linux box.. any ideas?
"You can use divine intervention to solve the problem if you need to."
- Coleman, 1998
"Sometimes crazy things happen in circuits." - Muku, 1999


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Rothstein)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux disk defragmenter
Date: 5 May 1999 01:22:17 GMT

Anthony Ord ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: On 3 May 1999 05:01:13 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Yes, but has anyone actually *tried* it?

The glory of the GPL ==>
Go for it ;->


Andrew Rothstein - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Words of Wisdom : 
"Whatever you do, just take care of your shoes." --phish
"He who laughs last, thinks slowest." --sign in jersey


From: "Jack R. Llewellyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help Please!!!
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 17:14:52 -0600


I am a student at the University of Phoenix-Utah Campus studying
Information Systems.  The current course we are studying is Operating
Systems Concepts.  Our group has a project on Linux to complete which
consists of several parts.  The current focus is "Operating System
Process Management Analysis".  The requirements are as follows.

Identify how the chosen operating system (Linux) manages processes and
concurrency including:

     Process scheduling
     Inter-process communication
     Process synchronization
     Handling of deadlocks

We are basically at the beginner's level as far as understanding
operating systems.  Could anyone please discuss this topic with me or
refer me to any location on the Internet that could help us out with
this subject in a lay person's terms?  I have searched the Internet
hours on end and have not been able to find what I need.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jack Llewellyn


From: "Stefan Monnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
Subject: Re: glibc-2.1 and incompatible apps
Date: 04 May 1999 18:23:40 -0400

>>>>> ""Stefan" == "Stefan Monnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How did they manage to screw up so badly ?

Further experimentation leads me to believe that the "they" above doesn't
refer to glibc-2.1 people:
- rpc.rstatd somehow started to work again (I can't seem to figure out what
  has changed that has brought it back to life, but the point is still that
  it does work with glibc-2.1)
- I have a strong suspicion that the problem with Amanda is due to RedHat
  using egcs rather than with glibc-2.1 proper.

Oh well,



From: Duncan Speidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: R/3 and Linux
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:30:11 -0400


I just downloaded the r/3 gui from sapserv4 and did the install.  I can
get the gui to connect to the server but I lose some chars (such as a s
and u).  I was wondering if any of you have had any experiance with the
gui and which fonts provide the best interface?

Red hat 5.2 using default xWin Full install.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Subject: Re: R/3 and Linux
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 04:01:44 GMT

On Tue, 4 May 1999 22:30:11 -0400, Duncan Speidel
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted: 
>I just downloaded the r/3 gui from sapserv4 and did the install.  I can
>get the gui to connect to the server but I lose some chars (such as a s
>and u).  I was wondering if any of you have had any experiance with the
>gui and which fonts provide the best interface?


I've not noticed any problems thus far with that, and I've taken whatever
defaults I've been given.

a) Make sure that you have the fonts from Ghostscript installed.  The URW
fonts that come with it are quite nice alternatives to the traditional
"Adobe 35" Type 1 fonts.

b) I run xfs, and supply a whole whack of font choices to applications.  You
might consider doing similar.

Send me some indication of some transactions that "lose the chars," and I'll
see if I can replicate it.  SAPGUI can use different fonts for different
parts of the display, so everything may be fine for some displayed material,
and not for others...
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.  
-- Henry Spencer          <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - "What have you contributed to free software today?..."


From: Menelik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Trying to detect PnP Monitors 
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 00:56:31 GMT


I would like to write some code under Linux that will detect Plug-n-Play
Monitors. My goal is to have it be similar to the Windows 98 monitor

I need some info (urls) on how to detect the Monitor ID, and also where
I can find a database of Monitor specs so that the monitor
resolution/Frequency is known already from the Monitor.

Any ideas ? Any help is appreciate.

Please remove -nospam- from e-mail adress to send me a message.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kendall Bennett)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: X86EMU: Project Leadership Change!
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 17:45:11 -0500

Hi All,

Some of you may be familiar with the x86emu project, which is GPL'ed x86 
real mode emulator that can be compiled and used with the Linux MILO 
loader for DEC Alpha systems. The emulator that is included in the 
current MILO sources, and what I have found on the internet (x86emu-
0.0.tar.gz) appears to be lacking in functionality in some areas, 
specifically in the support for 32-bit instructions from real mode code 
(which many modern VGA BIOS'es use). MILO itself does not use this 
emulator by default, but rather uses the DEC provided binary only 

Since the emulator has a lot of uses on both x86 systems as well as non-
x86 systems, we have started work on updating the emulator to support the 
latest Intel instruction sets. I have contacted the original author of 
the x86emu project (David Mosberger-Tang), and although David is still 
interested in the project, he has not had the time to continue to 
maintain it for quite a while. Hence I have now become the new official 
maintainer for this project.

This new emulator has a number of uses on both x86 systems and non-x86 
systems. For x86 systems, it can be used to bring up multi-head graphics 
controller configurations via the BIOS as well as provide the Linux 
kernel with the ability to call the VESA BIOS safely at runtime from 
within the fbcon device drivers. For non-x86 systems this can be used to 
initialise any PCI/AGP graphics controller via the real mode BIOS, and it 
could also be used to bring up any other controller that has a BIOS on it 
(such as SCSI adapters and the like).

If anyone is interested, perhaps we should set up a new mailing lists 
specifically dedicated to the x86emu project?



|      SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!         |
| Kendall Bennett          | To reply via email, remove nospam from    |
| Director of Engineering  | the reply to email address. Do NOT send   |
| SciTech Software, Inc.   | unsolicited commercial email!             |
| 505 Wall Street          | ftp  :                |
| Chico, CA 95928, USA     | www  :         |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (norton_ng)
Subject: Problem: Block on freelist at 008c8910 isn't free
Date: 5 May 1999 04:23:48 GMT

    hi all,
        I am running with Slackware linux 3.x , My linux box was
    malfunctioned yesterday. I run BBS,Web server on my linux box,
    it is always has an heavy load, about 20-30.
    All the port was disabled except port 139 and port 80 yesterday,
    i can telnet to it, the screen display

        Problem: Block on freelist at 008c8910 isn't free

    What is it mean?


From: Marcus Sundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: What can I do when SVGALIB did not support my video card(chipset)???
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 15:04:49 +0200

ei wrote:
> hi~~~
> could anyone please tell me what i can do when SVGALIB not support my
> Millennium II & G200 ?
> Is there any solution to use graphics for console mode on liunx or
> unix?

Get a 2.2.x kernel and compile it with support for framebuffer console
and matroxfb.

Then go to and get LibGGI which lets
applications run on fbcon as well as SVGAlib, X, XFreeDGA, Glide and
text terminals with a single binary. If you use a recent snapshot of
LibGGI you will also get support for acceleration on matroxfb.

There is also a SVGAlib replacement which lets you run well behaved
SVGAlib apps on LibGGI.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: CVS (Re: Bill Gates, self made man, NOT!)
Date: 04 May 1999 13:05:19 +0100

Peter Dalgaard BSA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The thing that worries me with this kind of reasoning is that there's
> so much software which - for better or worse - is controlled by CVS,
> that it will be damn near impossible to get people to switch. Sort of

No. Why?

Just do as RCS and CVS did, and provide scripts that change from CVS to
BitKeeper (or whatever the new system is) and back, preserving as much
information as possible.

As long as that is possible, people will try it out.

>                                                        maintaining the
> current CVS command set.

No, that has to die. IMHO it's irregular, inconsistent, non-Unixlike,
poorly designed, and in general the single hardest-to-learn command set
of any application or system I've ever had to use. (And I include here
ex(1) and vi(1).)

Keep it as a compatibility layer if you like, but for godsake no more
than that.


/* I hate C so much... */ --- jwz, in driver/xscreensaver.c


From: Timothy Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto
Date: 5 May 1999 07:57:56 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system David M. Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:35:44 -0400, Jethro Wright III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:>    Don't know if anyone's interested, but I just did a bit of
:>compelling reading at:

: I find these kind of essays where the author rants on and on about the CLI
: unix culture being a hindrance to Progress to be really, really, tiresome.
: No one is stopping these people from turning their ideas into Linux code,
: yet they prefer to torture us with their verbiage instead.

I am interested by all this because I started computing on an Atari ST
with it's GEM GUI which was a lot better than Windows at that stage and
mot too far off the Mac GUI.   Nevertheless when I came across Bash I
was hooked and now I cannot do without a CLI.  I have had KDE and I
now use Gnome but I don't spend any time at all in the file managers of
either of these things because they feel restrictive.

It is also interesting that a few of my pals who are Windows buffs also
have my habit when fixing a Windows box of dropping into the command
interpreter, crap though it is, for a lot of what they do.

There are two points that occurred to me:
                a) Perhaps GUIs don't yet manage to surpass languages
                for flexibility.  When we have speech recognition
                on every desktop I bet that CLIs will effectively have
                a great revival - you simply won't type to use

                b) GUIs have been developed to make life simple, to have
                instant appeal, to look like the Mac :-)  but what if we
                thought about making them expressive and powerful?  What
                would the visual equivalent of regular expression matching
                of filenames be like?




From: Carl Kreider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: suggestion to scsi-drivers
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 02:26:51 GMT

Sascha Bohnenkamp wrote:

> >In article <7g45rp$hbf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Sascha Bohnenkamp wrote:
> >
> >No, /dev/sdb is the second disk and /dev/sr0 is the first SCSI CDROM, see
> >the devices.txt in the Documentation directory.
> ok, than i have a hd with scsi-id 0, and one with scsi-id 2 they
> get /dev/sda and /dev/sdb now I put a new drive with scsi-id 1 into the
> system
> and it get dosish mixed ...

I was not a big fan of the way the SCSI software does the auto
numbering thing for you - I'd rather know that ID0 is a and ID2
is c, but you get used to it ...

Carl Kreider
"NT disaster recovery isn't all that difficult.  Just follow the
simple instructions that come with the Linux CD."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ru (Eugene V. Morozov)
Subject: Re: Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux
Date: 05 May 1999 13:16:09 +0400

Igor Zlatkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello there.
> Eildert Groeneveld wrote:
> > Someone started a thread with this very appropriate subject. But I
> > did not see any relevant answers to the topic. So let me raise
> > it again. We are about the by a really big Alpha server with some 3GB
> > of RAM  and 40 or so GB of disk space. What are our chances of
> > being able to handle files larger than 2GB?
> Linux cannot handle files larger than that at the present time, as of my
> knowledge.
I've heard that Linux can handle files larger than 2Gb on 64 bit
machines, such as Alpha.

E-mail:   <john_morozov @ LinuxStart com> "Linux poses a real challenge
          <john @ lucifer dorms spbu ru>   for those with a taste for 
          <john_morozov @ yahoo com>       late-night hacking (and/or 
Homepage:     conversations with God)." 
                                           (By Matt Welsh)


From: "Kyle Cowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Banshee Drivers
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 23:10:08 -0400

Does anyone know the wherabouts of a Creative Labs Banshee driver or
anything compatible for Linux?

I need one to run Linux and it is driving me insane that I can't play

Please send me an e-mail at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]



From: Igor Zlatkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 08:14:20 +0000

Hello there.

Eildert Groeneveld wrote:

> Someone started a thread with this very appropriate subject. But I
> did not see any relevant answers to the topic. So let me raise
> it again. We are about the by a really big Alpha server with some 3GB
> of RAM  and 40 or so GB of disk space. What are our chances of
> being able to handle files larger than 2GB?

Linux cannot handle files larger than that at the present time, as of my

> This will certainly be a requirement if Linux is to make inroads in
> high end computing.

Linux made it a long time ago.

> greetings
> Eildert Groeneveld
> =========================================
> Institute for
> Animal Science and Animal Behaviour
> Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany
> Tel   : (49)(0)5034 871155
> Fax   : (49)(0)5034 92579
> www   :
> =========================================

     O       Cheers,
  \________/   Igor Zlatkovic
   \   o  /    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    \ O  /
     \  /
      ||       University of Applied Sciences
   ___||___    Frankfurt, Germany, EU.


From: "Jeremiah Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mirroring Harddrives on Red Hat
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 03:31:14 -0700

Does anyone know if you can mirror harddrives on linux.  If so how is it
Send me an email if you have any suggestions or help



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eildert Groeneveld)
Subject: Files larger than 2 GB on Intel/Linux
Date: 5 May 99 06:20:09 GMT

Someone started a thread with this very appropriate subject. But I 
did not see any relevant answers to the topic. So let me raise
it again. We are about the by a really big Alpha server with some 3GB
of RAM  and 40 or so GB of disk space. What are our chances of 
being able to handle files larger than 2GB?

This will certainly be a requirement if Linux is to make inroads in
high end computing.


Eildert Groeneveld
Institute for
Animal Science and Animal Behaviour
Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany
Tel   : (49)(0)5034 871155
Fax   : (49)(0)5034 92579
www   : 


From: "Ron Ruble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 06:40:20 -0400

Timothy Murphy wrote in message <7gotm4$mt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>It is also interesting that a few of my pals who are Windows buffs also
>have my habit when fixing a Windows box of dropping into the command
>interpreter, crap though it is, for a lot of what they do.
>There are two points that occurred to me:
> a) Perhaps GUIs don't yet manage to surpass languages
> for flexibility.

That's certain, at this time.

>When we have speech recognition
> on every desktop I bet that CLIs will effectively have
> a great revival - you simply won't type to use
> them.

*If* we have effective speech recognition.

Communication is becoming more and more prone to
'transmission errors', even without machines in the mix
(like, ya know?) ;)

> b) GUIs have been developed to make life simple, to have
> instant appeal, to look like the Mac :-)  but what if we
> thought about making them expressive and powerful?

It's a fascinating concept. I've been convinced for some
time that GUIs could be *much* more powerul and expressive
than they are today.

>What would the visual equivalent of regular expression matching
> of filenames be like?

I think you have a good idea there. Trying to come up with a
visual metaphor for regular expression matching might be
an excellent place to start in trying to describe a more
powerful GUI interface.



From: Ian Wild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: The UNIX GUI Manifesto
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 12:58:35 +0200

Ron Ruble wrote:
> Timothy Murphy wrote in message <7gotm4$mt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >What would the visual equivalent of regular expression matching
> > of filenames be like?
> I think you have a good idea there. Trying to come up with a
> visual metaphor for regular expression matching might be
> an excellent place to start in trying to describe a more
> powerful GUI interface.

The textbooks tend to convert the incoming RE into
a collection of bubbles and arrows representing the
FSM, then compile that to a bunch of tables.

Just let the user draw the bubble-and-arrow representation
directly.  You could even allow epsilon transitions
on the "Advanced" menu.



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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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