Linux-Development-Sys Digest #362, Volume #8     Tue, 19 Dec 00 17:13:11 EST

  __this_module ("O.Petzold")
  removing module ("O.Petzold")
  Make drivers myself ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications 
  Re: Make drivers myself (Richard Kolb)
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications (Isaac)
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications ("Jeffrey B. 
  Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux! (mlw)
  Re: SMP & interrupts (Jonathan Lundell)
  Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal? ("Chun Ng")
  Re: Intel StrongArm SA1110 processor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal? (Rich Teer)
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications (Mike Stump)
  ip routing table lookups (Matthew Impett)
  Re: Problem with LVM and LILO (Paul Repacholi)
  Re: Problem with LVM and LILO (Frank Sweetser)


From: "O.Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: __this_module
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:45:45 +0100


I have multiple sources. How can I controll where the symbol
__this_module comes in the object file. I have to use
-D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE, but this should be defined
only once.

Thanks Olaf


From: "O.Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: removing module
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:43:53 +0100


I miss release_module   in the kernel 2.2.x. It's gone ?
How can I remove a module from kernel space ??
The best way would be to use __this_module symbol
to remove self from memory.



Subject: Make drivers myself
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:32:14 GMT

Hi, I woluld like to know where can I find HOWTO's or information in
order to make my drivers.

                          Thank you.

Sent via


Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: 19 Dec 2000 10:08:46 -0500

I'll set followups to gnu.misc.discuss to eliminate the groups where
this is most off-topic.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels) writes:

> part of
> the deal in a democracy is that the winner of the election
> is _everybody's_ President.

Agreed.  And I would assert that the U.S. *is* still a democracy, even
if some biased supreme court justices decided that deadlines are more
important than determining the will of the people.  We may not be as
strong a democracy as we were a month ago, but we're still a democracy.

Let me clarify what I mean by "biased".  If they were jurors, they would
have been impaneled and asked questions exposing their interest in the
outcome of the case -- retirement depending on Bush winning; child
expecting a position in the Bush administration.  They would have been
disqualified.  When I did jury duty earlier this month, the judge
explained that "biased" is not a pejorative term in this context, it's a
statement of fact about your relationship to the case.

> The simple fact is that
> something extremely unlikely happened (a couple of hundred
> votes difference on 6M cast), and that such an occurrence,
> by (Florida) law, requires a recount, which turned out to
> be a mess, due to voting machine and ballot design problems.
> It's normal that cases where people cannot find a common
> ground are dealt with by the courts --it's their basic
> function.

It is normal for courts to decide.  I do understand the constitutional
concerns 7 of the justices had about voting procedures, so I accept that
the US SC should decide.  However, the decision by 5 justices that it
was too late to address those issues was not normal.  I agree with the
four dissenting justices that democracy should take precedence over
deadlines, as inconvenient as that is for the media who want something
to report right away.

> IMHO, ballots which were not obviously correct should have
> been discounted. There's a definite onus on the voter to
> ensure that his/her selection is _clearly_ evident from
> the ballot paper.


    7. Many Palm Beach county voters who mis-voted but caught it
       immediately and asked for another ballot were told they could not
       have another ballot by poll workers, in violation of county
       (NPR, 11/10/00)

I would also add that putting more onus on some voters (e.g. "punch the
third hole on the ballot to vote for the second candidate listed") than
on other voters ("punch the first hole for the first candidate listed")
is undemocratic.

> The moment you start trying to guess what
> the intention might have been, you're in trouble, as the
> Florida farce clearly proved.

The Florida situation did not prove that standards for clear voter
intent cannot be established.

> Like him or not, George Bush is
> _your_ President. It does not matter whether he won by 570
> votes, or 570,000.

I don't know why you use such big numbers.  Only 9 votes counted this
year, and Bush won by a margin of 1.

> If you can only accept a President (or
> senator, or congresperson or mayor...) when you've voted for
> them, then _you_ are a danger for any form of democracy.

Yes, but it would be easier if we knew it was the president that Florida
voted for.

> Take a leaf out of Al Gore's book --disagree with the ruling,
> but accept it. 

I agree that we should accept Bush's appointment to the office of
President.  But four supreme court justices and I still feel that the
decision was wrong and did damage to our democracy.

What the SC should have done was send it back to Florida, deadlines
postponed.  The Florida SC would then give a deadline to the
legislature's appointed overseer of the election (Sec'y of State
Katherine Harris, Bush's former campaign co-chair) to establish
statewide guidelines for determining voter intent.  It's not the court's
job to compose such standards, only to evaluate standards that somebody
else comes up with to make sure they're legal.

Any disputes about Harris' guidelines would be resolved by the Florida
SC and problems remanded to Harris' office.  Once the guidelines are
deemed legal, a statewide recount begins.

It would take a lot more time and be inconvenient for everybody, but the
advantage of this method over, say, a coin toss to resolve the
statistical tie, would be that voters would really feel that their vote
counts.  Instead, we have the situation that voters will feel that even
in a close election, their vote might not count due to machine error,
ballots being misplaced, etc.

The only thing I like about the SC decision is that the words of the
dissenting justices are included.  Worth a read.

Bruce R. Lewis                


From: Richard Kolb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Make drivers myself
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 17:27:42 +0200


Please Clarify,

What kind of drivers?
ie Block , charter,

For hardware, software only?

and what would the driver do +- ?



> Hi, I woluld like to know where can I find HOWTO's or information in
> order to make my drivers.
>                           Thank you.
> Sent via


Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:11:58 GMT

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:00:37 +0100, Stefaan A Eeckels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>IMHO, ballots which were not obviously correct should have
>been discounted. There's a definite onus on the voter to

Sure should have been.  Of course that would require someone to
actually look at them.  This isn't something that should have been
left without some human discretion IMO.  If the machine is 
spitting out some ballots uncounted, wouldn't it make some
sense to look at the uncounted ones if only to determine if the
machine were working properly?

I'll admit that the human discretion also creates problems, but
the whole dispute was over the criteria to be used for counting
and discounting.  It's silly to just say that "ballots which
were not obviously correct should have been discounted".  

Why not just say, that once the correct winner was picked, all
of the legal wrangling was just a divisive, embittering waste
of time.  



From: "Jeffrey B. Siegal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 07:56:57 -0800

Isaac wrote:
> If the machine is
> spitting out some ballots uncounted, wouldn't it make some
> sense to look at the uncounted ones if only to determine if the
> machine were working properly?

Was there any evidence that the machines were not working within their
design paramters?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux!
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 11:06:54 -0500

jtnews wrote:
> The Intel Easy PC camera is not supported in Linux!
> You can't even write a driver for it!
> I got it as a "free" add-on with my new Dell Dimension
> L600cx, but now it seems I made the wrong choice!
> Why does a $40 cheapo camera have to be proprietary for
> Intel?  I thought Intel made all their money because they make
> huge volumes of flash memory chips over their competitors.
> I better choose the Lexmark color printer as a free add on next
> time!

While I do not agree with Intel's position, I do understand it. You said
it yourself, it is a cheapo $40 camera.

The price indicates that the actual camera is trivial and all the
important product development was in the software. If Intel makes the
hardware API public, then it is clear how the camera works. Competitors
would be able to clone the hardware and just instruct users to download
the camera software from Intel.

I worked at Polaroid as a contractor and did some work on their
electronic still camera. There is a lot of image processing involved in
this sort of product. Obviously, the el-cheapo cameras must do this in
host software, not on the camera to keep the costs down. The competitor
only has to invest in hardware, while Intel has to recoup cost the
larger cost of software development.

It is a tough problem, and one of those gray areas in which a pure GPL
approach is a very tough sell. To differentiate yourself and be
competitive with a hardware product, you must make it good and make it
competitively priced. The answer to this is proprietary software to
control mass-produced trivial hardware.



From: Jonathan Lundell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP & interrupts
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 09:00:14 -0800

In article <8utsug$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Slawek Grajewski" 

> Forgive me my (probably) stupid question. Can someone explain to me, how
> interrupts are delivered to the CPUs in the SMP architecture? Which CPU 
> in a
> dual CPU Pentium system handles an interrupt delivered by e.g. network 
> card?
> Is it a fixed configuration, random shuting or round-robin? What about 
> timer
> interrupts? Are they delivered to all CPUs or just to a single one (if so 
> to
> which one)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Slawek

In the Intel SMP scheme, interrupts are delivered over a small dedicated 
bus that connects the interrupt controller(s) (typically in a south 
bridge, but only for convenience) to all the CPUs in the system Each 
Pentium has an APIC (advanced something-or-other interrupt controller), 
and the others are IO-APICs. Most of the relevant Linux code is in 

The delivery scheme is programmable. For each interrupt source, the 
destination is programmable, as is the priority. There can be multiple 
destinations, or the interrupt can be routed to the CPU running at the 
lowest priority. CPUs can send interrupts to each other, as well.

/Jonathan Lundell.


From: "Chun Ng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.programmer,comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal?
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 09:27:14 -0800

I recommend this book:
   Unix Internals, By Vahalia.

It is an excellent book for understanding Unix kernels (various flavors) in
theory. But don't expect  code walk through style  like Richard Stevens'
Network Programming series.

"Carfield Yim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> From many classic review, the book "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th
> edition : with source code " is the most excellent point of learn unix
> system. So I borrow it from my library, and then I find out that it is
> the source code with comment, as it state, but nothing more. Seen to me
> that it is a bit harder to read because I am a java programmer. Only
> learn C, ASM and Unix programming at college, with really less
> experience of these stuff. Do this book still suitable for me? or is
> there are better choice to learn more about Unix kernal?


Subject: Re: Intel StrongArm SA1110 processor
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 17:57:30 GMT

try, embedded linux site, we support StrongArm.

In article <91d7al$1uf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Geoff Winkless" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Nils T. carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> : Can anyone tell me if there is a embedded Linux implementation for
> : StrongArm SA1110 processor.
> : I also need the ip networking package.
> :
> : Of course, application development will be done using Linux on a
> : workstation and a cross-compiler.
> Take a look at and
> Geoff

Sent via


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.programmer,comp.os.linux.development
From: Rich Teer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal?
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:15:42 GMT

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Carfield Yim wrote:

> From many classic review, the book "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th
> edition : with source code " is the most excellent point of learn unix
> system. So I borrow it from my library, and then I find out that it is
> the source code with comment, as it state, but nothing more. Seen to me
> that it is a bit harder to read because I am a java programmer. Only
> learn C, ASM and Unix programming at college, with really less
> experience of these stuff. Do this book still suitable for me? or is
> there are better choice to learn more about Unix kernal?

First, the UNIX kernel is written in C, so you've got no choice there!
Second, the kernel presented in the Lions book is ancient.  It's of
historical interest (that's why I have a copy), but you'll need to look
at more modern texts to geta feel for newer kernels.

Rich Teer                                                      .  *   * . * .* .
                                                               .   *   .   .*
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                                                               . .  / .\   . * .
                                                               *.  / *  \  . .
                                                                . /*   o \     .
Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638                                          '''||'''   .
URL:                               ******************


Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Stump)
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:19:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Stefaan A Eeckels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm now seriously worried about being hit by a stray meteorite.

And you're more likely to be hit today by that meteorite, because you
weren't hit yesterday.  :-)


From: Matthew Impett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ip routing table lookups
Date: 19 Dec 2000 20:53:42 GMT

Hello, I have a quick question about ip routing table lookups. There are two 
functions in the kernel for handling this: ip_route_input and ip_route_output.
What is the reason for having two??? It seems to me one (route_input) is for
packets that are coming into IP and route_output is for packets leaving IP. But,
this is a rather hairy distinction, cause all packets have to enter IP at some
time, so they all seem like they would have to use route_input, then once you
have the route, why out route_output.. I am thoroughly confused, and any help
would be great..




Subject: Re: Problem with LVM and LILO
From: Paul Repacholi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Dec 2000 01:24:17 +0800

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That would be no problem, as LILO stores a map of what blocks the kernel
> image resides at. Provided still, you do not mess around with the kernel
> _after_ LILO has been installed (= run).

A question if I may. Is there anywhere in the i-node that the
bootable kernels are marked as such?

Paul Repacholi                               1 Crescent Rd.,
+61 (08) 9257-1001                           Kalamunda.
                                             West Australia 6076
Raw, Cooked or Well-done, it's all half baked.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Sweetser)
Subject: Re: Problem with LVM and LILO
Date: 19 Dec 2000 21:09:07 GMT

Paul Repacholi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>=?iso-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> That would be no problem, as LILO stores a map of what blocks the kernel
>> image resides at. Provided still, you do not mess around with the kernel
>> _after_ LILO has been installed (= run).
>A question if I may. Is there anywhere in the i-node that the
>bootable kernels are marked as such?

Nope - the filesystem has no knowledge that the file that happens to 
hold the kernel is anything but just another file.  Lilo instead stores
the raw, physical location of where on the hard drive the kernel image
sits, completely bypassing the filesystem layer altogether.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at, fs at  | $ x 14
Full-time WPI Network Tech, Part time Linux/Perl guy |
If I knew what brand [of whiskey] he drinks, I would send a barrel or
so to my other generals.
                -- Abraham Lincoln, on General Grant



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