(sorry, copying the list this time)

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Jeff Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matt Hoosier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My company is interested in using Eclipse and CDT for embedded Linux
>> development. In the past, we've used some other IDE's that have built-in
>> knowledge of autoconf/automake, and by adding plugins to modify the shell
>> environment just prior to executing the 'configure' and 'make' steps, been
>> able to fairly easily divert the normal Autotools workflow to instead
>> consult a cross-compiled sysroot directory for libraries and headers.
>> I'm not clear on what the best way to do this is in CDT autotools. The
>> code which spawns 'autoconf', for example, doesn't really consult any
>> extension points to allow outside plug-ins the ability to customize the
>> environment variables (say, CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, ...) or the path at
>> which the autoconf binary will be found. Do you have any ideas on a good way
>> to do this?
>>  The autoconf/aclocal/automake binary paths can be set in the
> Autotools->Tools Settings found in the Project Properties.  They are per
> configuration.  The defaults are just aclocal, autoconf, automake.

Right. It's a little awkward to require users to routinely retarget those on
every checkout of every project. Having a nature of a project which
activates a plugin just to munge the path automatically would be a little
more streamlined.

> As for CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS, I'm not sure why you want to set these when
> running autoconf/automake/aclocal.  For running make, you can set these
> environment variables per configuration in the Project Properties.

The motivation for changing these is that embedded development typically
relies on a directory where the target's headers and libraries are
accumulated. You need to instruct configure to look at that directory rather
than the regular (build) system's ones.


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