technology.linux-distros Committers,
This automatically generated message marks the successful completion of
voting for Elliott Baron to receive full Committer status on the
technology.linux-distros project. The next step is for the PMC to approve
this vote, followed by the EMO processing the paperwork and provisioning
the account.

Vote summary: 6/0/0 with 4 not voting 
   ?  Daniel Bornkessel
   ?  Igor Foox
  +1  Jeff Johnston
   ?  Michael Koch
  +1  Alexander Kurtakov
  +1  Phil Muldoon
  +1  Benjamin Muskalla
  +1  Andrew Overholt
   ?  Keith Seitz
  +1  Alphonse Van Assche

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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