
A few of us have been working towards a release of our tools. We're hoping to call it version 0.1. I have builds going on build.eclipse.org now and the output is available in an update site. It's built nightly (or more frequently if the need arises). If people could try it out and report bugs [1], we'd all greatly appreciate it. Don't go blogging it as it's just for testing until we have an actual release. You should be running Eclipse 3.4. The URL is:


Once we have actual releases, we can set up a proper release update site which we will advertise more heavily. It'll likely be the same URL but s/nightly/released/.

There may be some rough edges with the update site so please file bugs if you find any. That said, I've tested installing things with both a vanilla eclipse.org build of the SDK and with the Eclipse packages in Fedora 10 and the installation has worked in both cases. Before we advertise this too heavily we'll have to document best practices for users of distro packages vs. update site contents (ie. what takes precedence, etc.).

Feedback on wording in the update site is always welcome. Your participation in the project in any form -- be it conversations here, bug reports, testing, etc. -- is always greatly appreciated!

For those working on the tools, please create branches of your particular plugins and features and update the map file with these branches. The next build will then automatically pull from that branch. You can see an example of using a tag for valgrind. The map file is here in SVN:




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